Version 8.1.4
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADASAV Error Messages

Overview of Messages

ERROR-95 | ERROR-121 | ERROR-122 | ERROR-123 | ERROR-124 | ERROR-125 | ERROR-126 | ERROR-127 | ERROR-128 | ERROR-129 | ERROR-130 | ERROR-131 | ERROR-132 | ERROR-133 | ERROR-134 | ERROR-135 | ERROR-136 | ERROR-137 | ERROR-138 | ERROR-139 | ERROR-140 | ERROR-141 | ERROR-142 | ERROR-143 | ERROR-144 | ERROR-145 | ERROR-146 | ERROR-148 | ERROR-150 | ERROR-151 | ERROR-152 | ERROR-153 | ERROR-155 | ERROR-156 | ERROR-157 | ERROR-158 | ERROR-159 | ERROR-160 | ERROR-161 | ERROR-162 | ERROR-163 | ERROR-164 | ERROR-165 | ERROR-166 | ERROR-167 | ERROR-168 | ERROR-169 | ERROR-170 | ERROR-171 | ERROR-172 | ERROR-173 | ERROR-174 | ERROR-175 | ERROR-179 | ERROR-180 | ERROR-181 | ERROR-901 | ERROR-902 | ERROR-903 | ERROR-904 | ERROR-905 | ERROR-906 | ERROR-908 | ERROR-909 | ERROR-910 | ERROR-911 | ERROR-912

ERROR-95 DIB disappeared

The DIB entry in the Utility Communications Block (UCB) that the utility created at the begin of its processing is no longer present at its end. Another utility may have modified files that were supposed to be locked. The result of this utility execution may be inconsistent.

User Action:

Determine what happened to the DIB entry. Then rerun the utility to ensure utility execution is consistent for all files. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ERROR-121 Wrong protection log tape

The wrong protection log tape has been mounted. The requested protection log has DBID (dbid-a), session number (session-id).

The supplied protection log is from DBID (dbid-b), session number (sess-num-b).

User Action:

Supply the correct tape and start an ADASAV job using the RESTPLOG function.

ERROR-122 chkpt-checkpoint not found

One of the following has occurred:

  1. The SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint is not contained in the protection log block (block-number); or

  2. The SYN2/SYN5 checkpoint is not contained anywhere on the protection log; or

  3. Another SYN1/SYN4 checkpoint was encountered before the expected SYN2-SYN5 checkpoint.

The wrong protection log has been mounted, or the wrong SYN1-SYN4 checkpoint has been specified.

User Action:

Supply the correct protection log and parameters. For case 1 or 2, continue with the RESTPLOG function. For case 3, repeat the RESTONL function.

ERROR-123 The input tapes of a multivolume save set are mounted in the wrong order. ADASAV is not able to continue

The RESTORE function expects the RESTn/DDRESTn data sets to be presented in the order in which they were created.

User Action:

Ensure that input tapes are mounted in correct order; then rerun the job.

ERROR-124 Invalid file list parameter

One of the following occurred:

  • No file numbers, invalid file numbers, or duplicate file numbers were specified in the FILES, FMOVE, NEWFILES, or EXCLUDE parameter.

  • More file numbers were specified in the NEWFILES parameter than in the FILES or FMOVE parameter.

  • A file specified in the EXCLUDE parameter was not specified in the FILES, FMOVE, or NEWFILES parameter.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-125 Missing function code

Either SAVE or RESTORE is required.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-126 Only one function at a time allowed

Either SAVE or RESTORE is required: not both.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-127 Invalid value for the parameter DRIVES

The value for this parameter must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 8. The default value is 1.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-128 All parts of an expanded file must be restored together. At least the parameter FILE= file-number is missing
User Action:

Include all files of this expanded file in the file list, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-129 Invalid value for the parameter NEWDBID

A correct value is in the range 1 to 65,535.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-130 Invalid value for the parameter PERDRIVE

The number of values in the parameter list for PERDRIVE must be equal to the value of the DRIVES parameter.

User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-131 Input save tape created {ONLINE | OFFLINE}

The incorrect type of ADASAV restore function was used for the type of output save tape from the previous ADASAV SAVE operation.

User Action:

Use the RESTONL function for restoring a tape saved with the nucleus online, and also provide the associated protection log. Use the RESTORE function for restoring a tape saved with the nucleus offline.

ERROR-132 First block on restore tape is not a GCB

An invalid input for RESTORE is supplied.

The RESTORE input must have been produced by a previous ADASAV SAVE execution.

User Action:

Supply a correct input and rerun the job.

ERROR-133 Restore tape does not have the correct version

For the RESTORE FILES function, the restore tape must have been produced by a version 5.1 or above ADASAV SAVE execution.

For the RESTORE (database) or RESTORE GCB function, the restore tape must have been produced by an ADASAV SAVE execution with the same version as is used for the restore.

User Action:

Supply a correct input and rerun the job.

ERROR-134 Different types for restore

The ADASAV restore source and destination device types are different. ADASAV restore functions cannot accept different source and output device types or extents.

User Action:

Respecify the output to the same device type or extent as the restore function source, and resubmit the job. For more information, see the Adabas Utilities documentation.

ERROR-135 Save tape does not contain a whole database

The save data set cannot be restored because:

  • The save data set is a file save data set that can be restored only with RESTORE/RESTONL FILE/FMOVE;

  • The save data set is a delta save data set that can be restored only in combination with a full database save data set (using RESTORE DELTA).

System Action:

The RESTORE database or RESTORE GCB function is abnormally terminated.

User Action:

Provide the right save data set or specify the correct restore function.

ERROR-136 Restore database online not permitted

The ADASAV RESTORE Open command received a nucleus response code of (resp-code - explanation). The nucleus is active, which is not allowed during a RESTORE database operation.

User Action:

Ensure that the correct nucleus has been accessed; if so, shut down the nucleus and then rerun the ADASAV RESTORE job.

ERROR-137 An attempt was made to restore file no. file-number into a database with a MAXFILE-value of count
User Action:

Correct either the file number or change the MAXFILE value in the database.

ERROR-138 File file-number not found on save tape
User Action:

Supply a correct input data set containing the specified file, or remove the file number from the parameter list.

ERROR-139 Coupled files must all be restored together. File file-number-a is coupled to file file-number-b
User Action:

Include all files coupled together in the file list and rerun the job.

ERROR-140 No files selected for SAVE/RESTORE
User Action:

Supply a correct file list using the FILE or FMOVE parameter and rerun the job.

ERROR-141 Supplied value is smaller than currently used
User Action:

Supply a larger value for the parameter specified in place of "value" in the message, and rerun the job. Refer to the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

ERROR-142 Invalid value for parameter parameter

One of the followed is the case:

  • An attempt was made to increase MAXISN but the file was defined with NOACEXTENSION; or

  • The specified size (in cylinders) is too large.

ERROR-143 Restore database not permitted. Another utility has exclusive control of the database

ADASAV RESTORE expects to get a Response Code returned that indicates that the database is down. However, ADASAV RESTORE was returned a sub code indicating that another utility currently has exclusive control of the database.

User Action:

Ensure the correct nucleus has been accessed; if so, wait for the other utility to run before running the ADASAV RESTORE.

ERROR-144 File number file-number is already present and cannot be overwritten
System Action:

This file is removed from the file list. ADASAV will continue.

ERROR-145 An existing database cannot be overwritten

The Associator used for output already contains a database.

User Action:

The OVERWRITE parameter may be used to overwrite an existing database.

ERROR-146 ADASAV not permitted to run

One of the following is the case:

  • The Adabas nucleus is active but running without a protection log; or

  • A save operation is already active.

User Action:

Correct the cause of the problem and rerun the job.

ERROR-148 Invalid value for the 'PERDRIVE' parameter

The total of all values supplied for this parameter must equal the number of entries in the VOLSER table displayed with this message.

User Action:

Respecify the PERDRIVE parameter, and rerun the job.

ERROR-150 Nucleus response resp-code at the end of the online save operation

See chapter 2 for the explanation of nucleus response codes.

The proper synchronization of the nucleus protection log (PLOG) and the output of the SAVE run is not possible.

User Action:

Rerun the ADASAV SAVE job. If the error occurs again, consult your Software AG technical support representative.

ERROR-151 Invalid value for the 'BUFNO' parameter

The highest value permitted for BUFNO is 255.

User Action:

Respecify the BUFNO value, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-152 Partial overwrite of coupled files

The file " file-number-a" is coupled to file "file-number-b", which is not selected for the RESTORE operation (actual file values are displayed in the message text). This RESTORE cannot be serviced because it would result in a logical data inconsistency.

User Action:

Check the RESTORE function parameter input; correct the error and then rerun the RESTORE job.

ERROR-153 Partial overwrite of expanded file

The file "file-number-a" is part of an expanded file. It is linked to the file "file-number-b", which is not selected for the RESTORE operation (actual file values are displayed in the message text). This RESTORE cannot be serviced because it would result in a logical data inconsistency.

User Action:

Check the RESTORE function parameter input; correct the error and then rerun the RESTORE job.

ERROR-155 Invalid restore operation

An attempt was made to:

  • overwrite an Adabas system file with a disparate system file or a non-system file;

  • introduce a second system file into a database where the corresponding system file already exists;

  • restore a user-defined system file into a database where the GCBs' system file list is full; or

  • restore a checkpoint or security file from Adabas version 5.

User Action:

Correct the file specification and, if appropriate, rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-156 Active nucleus required

The Adabas nucleus must be active to

  • check the replication log information for the files being saved; or

  • clear the replication log for files being restored.

User Action:

Start the Adabas nucleus, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-157 Part of the database not physically allocated

Some of the blocks to be saved/restored lie within physically unallocated database storage. Probably an ADADBS or Adabas Online System "increase" was run without first providing the associated physical storage.

User Action:

Allocate the physical storage, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-158 Incomplete restore tape

The "associator|data" RABN "rabn-number" was not found on the restore tape. Either end-of-file (EOF) occurred, or ADASAV found "count" RABN "rabn-number" instead. Either a required tape volume is missing, or the tapes are mounted in the wrong order.

User Action:

Supply a correct restore tape, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-159 Inconsistent restore tape

The restore tape does not contain the expected data. All records on the tape must contain references to DBID "dbid", session number "session-id", and time stamp "ttt". A record was found that incorrectly referred to DBID "dbid-x", session number "session-id-x", and time stamp "ttt".

User Action:

Correct the cause of the incorrect reference, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-160 Inconsisten protection log

The Adabas protection log does not contain the expected data. The last record that was read should have contained DBID "dbid", serial number "number", and time stamp >= "ttt". However, it contained instead DBID "dbid-x", serial number "number-x", and time stamp "ttt-x".

User Action:

Correct the cause of the incorrect reference, then rerun the ADASAV job.

ERROR-161 Error during DSF processing

This generic error message is issued after a Delta Save error message. An error occurred while the Delta Save Facility was processing the requested function. The internal response code by Delta Save is shown.

System Action:

The function is abnormally terminated.

User Action:

For more information, see the Delta Save error message preceding this message.

ERROR-162 Parameter/function function not allowed without DSF

The designated parameter or function is only available when the Delta Save Facility is installed.

System Action:

ADASAV terminates abnormally.

User Action:

If Delta Save is installed, specify ADARUN parameter DSF=YES and rerun the job.

ERROR-163 DSF logging area is installed

The database has a Delta Save logging (DLOG) area installed, but ADASAV was not started with the Delta Save Facility.

System Action:

ADASAV terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Specify ADARUN parameter DSF=YES and rerun the job.

ERROR-164 DRIVES > 1 not allowed for delta merge

There is no full save input to the MERGE function, so the output save data set will be a delta save or an unloaded DSIM data set. The DRIVES parameter is allowed only when a full save data set is merged.

System Action:

The merge function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Remove the DRIVES parameter and rerun the job.

ERROR-165 Incomplete input for merging ASSO/DATA RABN num was not found on the input tapes; end-of-file occurred instead

The save data set input for the merge function is incomplete. End-of-file was encountered when Associator or Data Storage RABN "num" was expected. Possibly a required tape volume is missing or input tape volumes have been concatenated so that an end-of-file mark was encountered before the last tape.

System Action:

The merge function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Supply complete input data sets and rerun the job.

ERROR-165 Incomplete input for merging ASSO/DATA RABN num1 was not found on the input tapes; ADASAV found ASSO/DATA RABN num2 instead.

The save data set input for the merge function is incomplete. Associator or Data Storage RABN "num2" was found when RABN "num1" was expected. Possibly a required tape volume is missing or input tapes are mounted in the wrong order.

System Action:

The merge function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Supply complete input data sets and rerun the job.

ERROR-166 Conflicting parameters for restore delta

The combination of parameters and input save data sets is invalid:


  • Concatenation of delta save input data sets is not allowed for RESTORE GCB, RESTORE FILE, or RESTORE FMOVE with DELTA.

System Action:

The RESTORE DELTA function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Correct the arrangement of input save data sets and rerun the job.

ERROR-167 Restore delta without full save not possible

The full save tape was omitted the restore operation but the current status of the database does not allow this. One of the following was detected:

  • The function is not RESTORE database.

  • The Associator failed to open. The full save data set probably had not been successfully restored in a previous run. An ADAIOR error text is given.

  • No Delta Save logging (DLOG) area is installed in the database.

  • Delta Save logging is not enabled; that makes this operation invalid.

  • The database has been modified since the last restore operation: the Adabas nucleus has been active, the DLOG area is not empty.

  • The database has been modified since the last restore operation: a utility has changed the file indicated in the message.

  • The database has been modified since the last restore operation: the DLOG header block was altered.

  • A file excluded from the previous restore must now also be excluded but has not been.

  • A file specified as excluded was not excluded from the previous restore.

System Action:

The delta restore function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

Provide the full save data set for the delta restore operation and rerun the job.

ERROR-168 GCB extents changed between delta saves

The database layout was changed by an ADADBS ADD, INCREASE, or DECREASE function (or by the equivalent Adabas Online System function). Later on, a delta save data set was produced that is now input to the restore function. ADASAV is not able to handle the changed GCBs in the second phase of the delta restore process.

System Action:

The changed GCBs are written to the database. Then the delta restore function terminates abnormally.

User Action:

There are two possible ways to correct this problem:

  • Merge all input save data sets and restore the resulting merged full save data set; or

  • Rerun the delta restore function without the full save data set, starting with the first delta save data set not yet restored; doing this causes ADASAV to bypass the earlier, old image of the GCBs.

ERROR-169 Incompatible RABN sizes

An attempt was made to restore one or more files from a database with "x"-byte RABNs into a database with "y"-byte RABNs.

System Action:

The requested function cannot be performed.

ERROR-170 Maximum record length too big for this database

The maximum compressed record length defined for file "file-number" is too big to be compatible with the Work block size.

Maximum record length = length
Work block size required block-size
Work block size present = block-size

The file can be restored only into a database with a larger Work block size.

User Action:

Use the ADADEF NEWWORK function to define a new Work data set with a larger block size so that you can restore the file.

ERROR-171 Conflicting address converter device types for file file-number

The secondary address converter extent allocated by the nucleus during an online save could not be restored to the current address converter due to conflicting device types.

User Action:

Remove the MAXISN parameter for this file and rerun the RESTONL FMOVE function.

ERROR-172 NEWFILES parameter not allowed for file file-number

The NEWFILES parameter must not be specified for expanded files or physically coupled files.

User Action:

Remove the corresponding file number assignment from the NEWFILES list and rerun ADASAV.

ERROR-173 Incomplete file list for online save files

For an online SAVE FILE operation or a SAVE FILE with UTYPE=EXU, all component files of an expanded file chain and all files that are coupled must be specified explicitly in the FILES parameter (see the ADAU15 message(s) above this error message).

User Action:

Correct the FILES parameter and rerun the job.

ERROR-174 File not eligible for RESTPLOG function file file-number is not in restore status

The specified file was not being restored in a RESTONL operation that was interrupted and thus may not be selected for the RESTPLOG function.

User Action:

Correct the RESTPLOG parameter input and rerun the job.

ERROR-175 Invalid value for parameter 'ALLOCATION'


User Action:

Supply the correct parameter value and rerun the job.

ERROR-179 ADASAV DIB entry lost

The DIB entry that ADASAV wrote at the beginning of the SAVE operation was no longer present at the end. It may have been removed by a nucleus that was incorrectly started with parameter IGNDIB=YES. A parallel nucleus or utility may have updated the database while ADASAV was running. The save data set may be inconsistent.

User Action:

Investigate the cause of the error. Correct it and rerun the job. Do not use the save data set.

ERROR-180 A Reptor database may only contain the files CHECKPOINT, SECURITY, REPLICATOR, and SLOG

A database defined as an Event Replicator Server database (created with REPTOR=YES) must not contain user files or system files not related to replication.


Do not attempt to restore files other than CHECKPOINT, SECURITY, REPLICATOR, or SLOG on Event Replicator Server databases.

ERROR-181 The database is active but the utility communications block (DIB) is missing the nucleus entry

The ADASAV utility determined the nucleus was active without a DIB entry.


Check the job to ensure the correct ASSO, DATA, and WORK data sets are specified for the given DBID.

ERROR-901 Unexpected Event Replicator Server response rc, subcode sc, location loc

An ADASAV communication to the Event Replicator Server has failed with the response (rc) and subcodes (sc) listed in the message. The location (loc) is also listed in the message.


Verify and correct (if necessary) the ADASAV parameters and JCL. Refer to the response code descriptions for information about the response code and subcode. If necessary, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ERROR-902 Duplicate Replication jobs for the same file are not allowed

You cannot concurrently run multiple replication jobs replicating the same file number.


Verify and correct (if necessary) the replication job parameters to ensure the correct information is provided for replication. If problems persist, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ERROR-903 RPLCLEANUP was issued for this ADASAV token

An RPLCLEANUP was issued for the Event Replicator Server. This removed the ADASAV token and communication to the Event Replicator Server is no longer possible for this job.


Determine why the operator RPLCLEANUP command was issued. Prepare for file recovery as necessary before rerunning ADASAV.

ERROR-904 Event Replicator Server id replication pool overflow

The replication pool for the Event Replicator Server listed in the message (id) has an overflow condition, which is a critical error.


Refer to the Event Replicator Server job's system log for error messages which may provide possible actions to take to resolve this problem.

ERROR-905 Database dbid not defined to Event Replicator Server id

The Adabas database with the database ID (dbid) listed in the message is not defined to the Event Replicator Server (id) listed in the message.


Verify and correct the JCL or input parameters for the ADASAV run. If they are correct, modify the Replicator system file definitions. Then try the ADASAV run again.

ERROR-906 Event Replicator Server id, no active subscription or destination for file number

No active destination or subscription could be found for the file listed in the message (number) on the Event Replicator Server (id) named in the message.


First verify and correct (as necessary) the file number or Event Replicator Server target ID for the ADASAV run. If they are correct, modify the Replicator system file subscription and destination definitions to ensure a definition exists for the file. Then try the ADASAV run again.

ERROR-908 The versions of ADASAV and ADARPV are incompatible

The versions of ADASAV and ADARPV are internally incorrect.


Verify and correct (if necessary) the JCL allocation of libraries and input parameter to ADASAV. If problems persist, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ERROR-909 Internal error in ADARPV+offset
Register contents at time of error:
R0-R3 ##### ##### ##### #####
R4-R7 ##### ##### ##### #####
R8-R11 ##### ##### ##### #####
R12-R15 ##### ##### ##### #####

ADARPV has failed with an internal error at the offset given in the message.


Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance, and provide details of the failure.

ERROR-910 ADARPV cannot load program ADAMGT

Program ADARPV cannot load program ADAMGT.


Verify and correct (if necessary) the JCL allocation of libraries and input parameters to ADASAV. If problems persist, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ERROR-911 ADAMSG is incompatible with ADARPV

Program ADARPV has detected an invalid version of program ADAMSG.


Verify and correct (if necessary) the JCL allocation of libraries and input parameters to ADASAV. If problems persist, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ERROR-912 The source database Adabas version is not compatible with the Reptor Adabas version

The version of Adabas or the Event Replicator used by the Adabas database is not the same as the version of the Adabas or Event Replicator used by the Event Replicator Server database.


Resolve the discrepancy in the Adabas and Event Replicator Server Adabas versions before you try again.

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