Version 8.1.4
 —  Messages and Codes  —

ADASEL Error Messages

Overview of Messages

SEL001 | SEL002 | SEL003 | SEL004 | SEL005 | SEL006 | SEL007 | SEL008 | SEL009 | SEL010 | SEL011 | SEL012 | SEL013 | SEL014 | SEL015 | SEL016 | SEL018 | SEL019 | SEL020 | SEL021 | SEL022 | SEL023 | SEL024 | SEL025 | SEL026 | SEL029 | SEL030 | SEL031 | SEL032 | SEL033 | SEL034 | SEL035 | SEL036 | SEL037 | SEL038 | SEL039 | SEL040 | SEL041 | SEL043 | SEL044 | SEL045 | SEL046 | SEL047 | SEL048 | SEL049 | SEL051 | SEL052 | SEL053 | SEL054 | SEL057 | SEL058 | SEL059 | SEL060 | SEL061 | SEL062 | SEL079 | SEL133

SEL001 Unexpected end-of-file on DDKARTE

An end-of-file was reached on the DD/KARTE data set before ADASEL expected to reach an end-of-file. Most likely, the supplied input statements are incomplete.


See the ADASEL syntax description in the Adabas Utilities documentation. Correct the input statements, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL002 Syntax - undefined, illegal or incorrect syntax positioning of a parameter or symbol

The input string marked by " <---- " does not match the ADASEL syntax.


See the ADASEL syntax description in the Adabas Utilities documentation. Correct the input statement syntax, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL003 Statement table overflow - increase LST

The value specified by the SET GLOBALS parameter, LST, does not define an ADASEL translation table large enough for all the statements that match the SELECT argument.


Specify a SET GLOBALS statement with an LST value larger than the current specified or default value. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL004 Syntax - value length exceeds the maximum field definition limit

The input string marked by " <---- " is longer than 253 bytes.


Correct the string length, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL005 Syntax - unexpected or missing quote

ADASEL detected an uneven number of apostrophes ('). All alphanumeric and hexadecimal values must be specified in pairs of apostrophes; apostrophes in an alphanumeric string must be doubled (as in `...don' 't forget...')


Ensure that all specified apostrophes are paired, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL006 Syntax - a numeric value specified for a binary field must be -2 147 483 648 < VAL < 2 147 483 647

A binary value in an ADASEL search criterion must be in the range of a two's complement value that fits within a fullword. The value specified was not recognized to be within this range.


Correct the value specification and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL007 Syntax - unexpected or missing trailing blank

The ADASEL syntax elements must be embedded in blanks.


See the ADASEL syntax description in the Adabas Utilities documentation. Correct the input statement syntax, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL008 Syntax - illegal hex digit or an odd number of hex digits were specified

Hexadecimal values must be paired, and be valid characters.


See the ADASEL syntax description in the Adabas Utilities documentation. Correct the input statement syntax, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL009 Syntax - numeric value contained more than 29 digits

Adabas generally does not allow unpacked decimal values longer than 29 bytes.


Supply a correct numeric value of 29 or fewer packed characters, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL010 Syntax - illegal numeric value

The specified numeric value for the ADASEL criterion is invalid.


Check the criterion specification, and then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL011 Value table overflow - increase NV

The ADASEL table allocated for evaluating field values is not large enough.


Specify a larger table value by using the SET GLOBALS statement parameter, NV. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL012 Internal logic failure - contact your local Adabas support representative

An internal error occurred while ADASEL was checking the input statement syntax.


Record and/or save all output from the job, your input statements and any dump, then contact Software AG technical support for additional instructions.

SEL013 Invalid file number. File number must be 0<FNR<=MAXFILES (as specified for the database)

The specified file number(s) for FILE must be greater than zero and equal to or less than the value last specified by the MAXFILES parameter in the ADADEF DEFINE utility.


Ensure that the defined file(s) are correct according to MAXFILE, that the specified files actually exist and that no files have been deleted.

SEL014 File table overflow - increase NF

The allowed number of files for ADASEL processing was exceeded.


Specify a larger file table value by using the SET GLOBALS statement parameter NF. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL015 No FDT read due to unavailability via an Adabas nucleus or because the file is not loaded

One or more of the specified files is not available for ADASEL processing. The unavailable file(s) are either locked by the Adabas nucleus, or have not been loaded into the database.


Either correct the ADASEL FILE specification to remove the files in question, or resubmit the job later when the files are available.

SEL016 Syntax - invalid DATE/TIME value specified

The "starting from" and "ending at" date/time specification was incorrect. The format may be any one of the following:

 J(yyyyddd hhmmss)
 X'xxxx xxxx'

Correct the date/time specification and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL018 Syntax - undefined or illegal field name

The specified ADASEL fieldname is incorrect, or does not exist.


Specify a correct fieldname, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL019 Syntax - field name specified is not an elementary (name) a group or PE (periodic) - group name is not permitted

A field was specified for ADASEL that is not an elementary field, or the index value for a periodic group field was forgotten. Multiple-value and periodic group names, super-, sub-, hyper- or phonetic descriptor fields are not allowed.


Respecify the field correctly, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL020 Syntax - invalid periodic index specified (must be 0 < PE <= 191)

A periodic group field was specified for ADASEL with an incorrect or invalid index value.


Specify the correct index value and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL021 Syntax - illegal hypen specified in an index

A periodic group's field or multiple-value field's occurrence contained an illegal hyphen in the index portion of the specification.


Correct the specification and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL022 Syntax - an index is specified for a non1-indexable field name; i.e., not an MU- or PE-field

An index value or range was specified for a field that is neither in a periodic group nor an occurrence in an multiple-value field.


Remove the index value from the field specification, or correct the field name to show a periodic group or multiple-value field.

SEL023 Syntax - missing or illegal MU-index

A multiple-value field was specified for ADASEL with an incorrect or missing index value.


Specify the correct index value and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL024 Syntax - 'FROM' index value is > 'TO' index value

The "FROM" index specification for a multiple-value (MU) or periodic group (PE) field for the ADASEL job is greater than the "TO" index specification.


Specify correct index value(s) and rerun the job.

SEL025 Syntax - fields defined with a format of float are not permitted to be specified

A field was defined for ADASEL that is in floating-point format. Floating point fields cannot be specified in an ADASEL search argument.


Respecify the ADASEL search argument using non-floating-point field name(s).

SEL026 Syntax - missing quote(s) for an alphameric value

An alphanumeric value was specified without being enclosed in apostrophes ([X]'...').


Correct the value specification and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL029 Syntax - illegal FROM/THRU/BUT NOT value specified; i.e., EQUAL > THRU or BUT NOT > THRU, etc

An incorrect ADASEL criterion value range was specified.


Correct the EQUAL ..., THRU ...(through ...), and/or BUT NOT... values and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL030 Syntax - value length exceeds the fixed length defined for this field

The field selected by the ADASEL criterion is defined with the fixed-length (FI) option, but the value specified for the field is longer than allowed by the field's FDT definition.


Correct the value size and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL031 Syntax - maximum number of IF - levels exceeded. Increase NIF

The number of "nested" IF levels in the ADASEL IF/THEN [ELSE] statement is more than allowed. The number of IF... levels is controlled by the ADASEL SET GLOBALS/NIF parameter.


Specify a larger IF... count by using the SET GLOBALS statement parameter NIF. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL032 Syntax - Unmatched IF/ELSE statements

ADASEL detected an IF... without an ELSE..., or vice versa. IF... and ELSE... conditional parameters must occur in pairs.


Correct the ADASEL IF/ELSE syntax to create paired conditional parameters, and rerun the job.

SEL033 Syntax - Unmatched DO/DOEND statements

ADASEL detected a DO... statement without a matching DOEND..., or vice versa.


Correct the ADASEL DO...DOEND syntax to create DO...DOEND pairs, and rerun the job.

SEL034 Syntax - DDEXPA dataset number specified - must be 1 - 20 inclusive

The ADASEL output data set(s) DD/EXPAn was either not numbered or incorrectly numbered. There must be at least one output data set (DD/EXPA1), up to a maximum of twenty, numbered in adjoining ascending order (DD/EXPA1, DDEXPA2, ... DD/EXPA20).


Correct the DD/EXPAn job control statement(s), and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL035 Syntax - The year specified in the date must be 1980 or later

The "yyyy" portion of the date specified by the ADASEL input statement must be "1980" or later.


Correct the date and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL036 Field description table overflow - increase NV

The table for field evaluations in ADASEL is too small. Each "evaluation" of a field requires one table entry-regardless of whether only one field is evaluated many times or many fields, one time each.


Specify a larger field evaluation table value by using the SET GLOBALS statement parameter, NV. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL037 An undefined ASSO device type was specified. Check the ADARUN DEVICE parameter

A DD/ASSORn job control statement for the ADASEL job specified an incorrect or undefined Associator device type. The default device type is the type specified by the ADARUN DEVICE parameter, but other device types may have been specified for the Associator. The ADAREP utility report or Adabas Online System "Database Report" function shows the devices in use for the Associator.


Correct the DD/ASSORn job control statement, and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL038 Invalid TYPE value specified, must be AI/BI/ALL

The ADASEL "SELECT..." specification is incorrect. The choices are before image (BI), after image (AI), or ALL.


Correct the SELECT specification, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL039 Invalid file number specified

The ADASEL FILE... specification specified an invalid file number. There is no FDT for a file with the specified number.


Correct the SELECT specification, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL040 Invalid or illegal FROM/THRU ISN values specified

An ADASEL criterion specified invalid EQUAL... and/or THRU (through)... ISN values.


Correct the SELECT specification, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL041 I/O error on DDKARTE

An input/output error occurred while ADASEL was reading the DD/KARTE input statements.


Record and/or save all output from the job, your input statements and any dump, then contact Software AG technical support for additional instructions.

SEL043 Table overflow - too many values specified

ADASEL encountered a record that could not be decompressed.


Record and/or save all output from the job, your input statements and any dump, then contact Software AG technical support for additional instructions.

SEL044 Syntax - invalid or illegal GLOBAL parameter

ADASEL detected an invalid SET GLOBALS statement value. The SET GLOBALS statement, which should come before the ADASEL parameters themselves, overrides default values for the ADASEL parameters.


Correct the SET GLOBALS statement in the ADASEL DD/KARTE job control segment, and rerun the ADASEL job. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL045 Unable to obtain sufficient memory for processing - rerun in a larger partition or address space

The ADASEL job could not be run in the existing space.


Allocate more space for this nucleus, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL046 Unable to process Data Storage record due to an invalid MU/PE - count or field value length

ADASEL detected an incorrect multiple-value field count or periodic group occurrence, or a field value was specified that is incompatible with the defined field's actual length. ADASEL could not continue processing.


Correct the incompatibility, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL047 PE-value table overflow - increase LPV

The table for evaluating periodic-group (PE) fields in ADASEL is too small. ADASEL normally computes this size automatically; however, there may have been more occurrences matching the search criterion than normal.


Specify a larger PE field evaluation table value by using the SET GLOBALS statement parameter, LPV. The SET GLOBALS statement must come before the other ADASEL input statements. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL048 DDKARTE open failed

ADASEL was unable to open the DD/KARTE input statement data set.


Ensure that the DD/KARTE statement is valid and specifies an available ADASEL job setup. Then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL049 I/O error on DDDRUCK

The DD/DRUCK job control statement, which specifies the print output data set for ADASEL, is either incorrect or specifies an unavailable data set or device.


Correct the problem and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL051 Syntax - IF statement not permitted within a DO-group

An ADASEL IF... statement cannot be within a DO...DOEND stream.


Move the IF... statement outside the DO...DOEND stream, or delete one of them. Then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL052 Syntax - GLOBAL parameter exceeds the MINIMUM/MAXIMUM values

ADASEL detected an invalid SET GLOBALS parameter value. The value is most likely outside the range allowed for the parameter. The following are some SET GLOBAL parameters and their allowed ranges:

LS: 1-132
PS: 2-999

Correct the SET GLOBALS statement in the ADASEL DD/KARTE job control segment, and rerun the ADASEL job. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL053 I/O error encountered on DDSIIN

The DD/SIIN job control statement, which specifies the sequential input (SIBA) log data set for ADASEL, is either incorrect or specifies an unavailable data set or device. Another possible cause is that the DD/SIIN data set is not the sequential output file from an ADARES COPY/PLCOPY operation, as required by ADASEL.


Correct the problem and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL054 I/O error encountered on DDEXPA

The DD/EXPA job control statement, which specifies the print output data set for ADASEL, is either incorrect or specifies an unavailable data set or device.


Correct the problem and rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL057 DECOMPRESS error - processing aborted

While decompressing a file, ADASEL detected a record that it could not decompress.


Record and/or save all output from the job, your input statements and any dump, then contact Software AG technical support for additional instructions.

SEL058 File is ciphered and cannot be audited

ADASEL cannot be run on ciphered files.


Change the file specification to exclude all ciphered files, then rerun the ADASEL job.

SEL059 Syntax - CHANGES option not permitted with selection of new or deleted records

The CHANGES option requires both a before (BI) and after (AI) image for comparison following an update (A1/4) command. Either the BI or AI image was not available.


Remove the CHANGES parameter from the ADASEL syntax.

SEL060 Change pool is too small - increase NCFLD or NCUPD and rerun

The default values of 10 (the count of "field-name" CHANGES... statements) for the NCFLD and NCUPD SET GLOBALS parameters of the ADASEL job are not large enough. These two counts are multiplied to determine the correct value.


Increase one or both of the NCFLD and NCUPD parameters in the SET GLOBALS statement of the ADASEL DD/KARTE job, and rerun the ADASEL job. See the Adabas Utilities documentation for more information.

SEL061 Syntax - PE/MU index incorrectly specified for CHANGES option

The IF "field-name" CHANGES... conditional statement of an ADASEL job specified a multiple-value (MU) field value or periodic group (PE) occurrence index value that does not exist, or that has no before (BI) and after (AI) image. The field value or group occurrence may have been added or deleted, eliminating one of the required images.


The IF...CHANGES... conditional statement cannot be specified in this case. Redefine the ADASEL statement.

SEL062 Error during decompression, internal response= reason-code

While decompressing a file, ADASEL detected a record that it could not decompress. The "reason-code" tells you why:

4 A decompressed numeric field value is longer than allowed by the field's definition in the FDT. The value cannot be truncated during decompression.
8 A decompressed record is too long for the sequential block size of the output data set.

Record and/or save all output from the job, your input statements and any dump, then contact Software AG technical support for additional instructions.

SEL079 Warning. Skipping spanned records

An attempt was made to use the ADASEL utility against a file containing spanned records. While the ADASEL utility can identify spanned records, it cannot process them. Consequently, it skips them during processing.


Restrict ADASEL usage to files without spanned records.

SEL133 Warning. PLOG has not been merged

The PLOG was created by an Adabas cluster nucleus and has not yet been merged using the ADARES PLCOPY procedure.


Merge the PLOGs using the ADARES PLCOPY function before you extract data using ADACDC.

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