バージョン 8.1.3
 —  ユーティリティ  —


このドキュメントでは、ADAWRK ユーティリティによって生成される可能性があるレポートについて説明します。

すべてのレポートは、フィルタパラメータである CMID、ETID、FILES、および USERID の設定の影響を受けます。 これらのパラメータを ADAWRK の実行で指定すると、WORK パート 1 の自動再スタートエリアレコードの中でフィルタパラメータに指定された基準を満たすレコードのみが ADAWRK によって処理され、レポートが生成されます。

レポートの 1 ページ目

レポートの 1 ページ目のサンプルを以下に示します。 このページは、ADAWRK パラメータの指定にかかわらず、常に出力されます。 この 1 ページ目では、レポートを生成するために使用された ADAWRK パラメータだけでなく、レポートに使用された WORK データセットも示されます。

 A D A W R K   V8.1  SM8   DBID = 15002  Started           2007-05-24  18:57:14










 ADAWRK FILES=1-4,5,10







 Work datasets provided in JCL.

 Database ID on Work is 15,002.


 The following Work datasets were used:

     -    ADABAS.ADAWRK.TC1.WORK               NUCID:     0                

Top of page


サマリレポートは、ADAWRK SUMMARY パラメータによってトリガされます。 SUMMARY=YES(デフォルト)を指定すると、WORK パート 1 の自動再スタートエリア内のデータの概要を示すサマリレポートが生成されます。 このレポートは、次のような多数のセクションで構成されています。

ADAWRK によって生成されるサマリレポートのサンプルを以下に示します。


 *                          A D A W R K  Summary Report                        *




 Work Dataset: ADABAS.ADAWRK.TC1.WORK                NUCID:     0


 I Item                     I Work RABN   I      Blocks I Date/Time           I


 I LP value                 I             I       1,000 I                     I

 I Last written block       I           6 I             I 2007-05-08 12:30:54 I

 I Autobackout endpoint     I           4 I           2 I 2007-05-08 12:30:53 I

 I Backward repair endpoint I           5 I           1 I                     I



 Summary of potential inconsistencies:                                          


 "Index Structure"....: Index structures may be inconsistent.                   

 "Index Values".......: Index values may be incorrect.                          

 "Address Converter"..: Address converter may be incorrect.                     

 "Data Contents"......: Data contents may be incorrect according to application.


 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I                     

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I                     


 I      1 I           I           I           I           I

 I      2 I           I           I           I           I

 I      3 I           I           I           I           I

 I      4 I           I           I           I           I

 I      5 I           I           I           I           I


 I     10 I           I           I           I           I




 The following checkpoints were encountered in the area of interest:


 Total number of system checkpoints:      0



 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:     

         Total transactions...........................:       0                 

               Backed out.......................:       0                       

         Total modification commands..................:       0                 

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0                       

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                       

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                       

         Total data records modified..................:       0                 

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                 

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                 


 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing: 

          Total transactions...........................:       0                 

         Total modification commands..................:       0                 

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0                       

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                       

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                       

         Total data records modified..................:       0                 

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                 

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                 

Top of page


ファイルレポートは、ADAWRK REPORTFILE パラメータによってトリガされます。 REPORTFILE=YES を指定すると、WORK パート 1 の自動再スタートエリア内のデータの内訳をファイルごとに示したファイルレポートが生成されます。 各ファイルについて、ファイルレポートに次の情報を記載することができます。



 *                          A D A W R K  File Report                           *





 I                                 File      1                                 I  



 Oldest activity in Work RABN          54 at 2007-06-28 00:54:38  by NUCID 0            

 Latest activity in Work RABN          54 at 2007-06-28 00:54:38  by NUCID 0




 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I                      

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I                      


 I      1 I           I           I     *     I     *     I                       


 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:    

         Total transactions...........................:       1                

               Backed out.......................:       0                      

         Total modification commands..................:       1                

               Inserts (N1).....................:       1                      

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                      

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                      

         Total data records modified..................:       1                

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                


 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0                

         Total modification commands..................:       0                

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0                      

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                      

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                      

         Total data records modified..................:       0                

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                




 I                                 File      2                                 I



 Latest activity in Work RABN           0 at                     by NUCID 0

 Oldest activity in Work RABN           0 at                     by NUCID 0



 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I                      

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I                      


 I      2 I           I           I           I           I                       




 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:    

         Total transactions...........................:       0                

               Backed out.......................:       0                      

         Total modification commands..................:       0                

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0                      

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                      

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                      

         Total data records modified..................:       1                

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                


 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0                

         Total modification commands..................:       0                

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0                      

               Updates (A1).....................:       0                      

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0                      

         Total data records modified..................:       0                

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                


Top of page


トランザクションレポートは、ADAWRK TRANSACTIONS パラメータによってトリガされます。 TRANSACTIONS=YES、TRANSACTIONS=DETAIL、または TRANSACTIONS=FULL を指定すると、WORK パート 1 の自動再スタートエリア内のデータの内訳をトランザクションごとに示したトランザクションレポートが生成されます。 各トランザクションについて、トランザクションレポートに次の情報を記載することができます。



 *                          A D A W R K  Transaction Report                    *





 I                            New Communication ID                             I


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           8  U001U001'




 This transaction was committed (ET).

 ETID: None

 ET data was provided.

 First protection data in Work RABN           4 written at 2007-05-08 12:30:53.

 Last  protection data in Work RABN           0 written at                    .


         Total modification commands..................:       1   

               Inserts (N1).....................:       1         

               Updates (A1).....................:       0         

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0         

         Total data records modified..................:       1   

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0   

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0   


 File     1  ISN            11 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000B09C1 F8C1F800 00000103  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 0A                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000001                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 0A                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            12 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000C09C1 F8C1F800 00000203  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 09                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000002                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 09                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            13 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000D09C1 F8C1F800 00000303  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 08                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000003                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 08                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            14 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000E09C1 F8C1F800 00000403  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 07                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000004                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 07                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            15 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000F09C1 F8C1F800 00000503  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 06                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000005                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 06                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            16 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 001009C1 F8C1F800 00000603  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 05                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000006                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 05                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            17 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 001109C1 F8C1F800 00000703  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 04                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000007                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 04                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            18 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 001209C1 F8C1F800 00000803  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 03                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000008                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 03                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            19 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 001309C1 F8C1F800 00000903  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 02                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000009                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 02                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            20 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 001409C1 F8C1F800 00000A03  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 01                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 0000000A                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 01                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            10 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000A09C1 F8C1F800 00000A03  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 01                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000A09E4 F8E4F800 00000103  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 06                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 0000000A                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 01                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            11 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000B09C1 F8C1F800 00000103  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 0A                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000B09E4 F8E4F800 00000203  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 05                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000001                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 0A                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            12 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000C09C1 F8C1F800 00000203  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 09                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000C09E4 F8E4F800 00000303  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 04                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000002                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 09                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            13 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000D09C1 F8C1F800 00000303  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 08                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000D09E4 F8E4F800 00000403  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 03                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000003                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 08                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            14 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000E09C1 F8C1F800 00000403  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 07                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000E09E4 F8E4F800 00000503  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 02                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000004                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 07                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            15 (internal) Updated


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54

 0000 00210000 000F09C1 F8C1F800 00000503  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 06                                   '.'


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54

 0000 00210000 000F09E4 F8E4F800 00000603  ' .   ..U8U8   ..'

 0010 E4F205E4 F4E4F40A E4F9E4F9 C1000000  'U2.U4U4.U9U9A   '

 0020 01                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000005                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 06                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            16 (internal) Deleted


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54

 0000 00210000 001009C1 F8C1F800 00000603  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 05                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000006                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 05                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            17 (internal) Deleted


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54

 0000 00210000 001109C1 F8C1F800 00000703  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 04                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000007                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 04                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            18 (internal) Deleted


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54

 0000 00210000 001209C1 F8C1F800 00000803  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 03                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           5 written at 12:30:54


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000008                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: BI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 03                 'A9A9A   .'


 Transaction was committed (ET)




 I                            New Communication ID                             I


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           8  U001U001'




 This transaction was committed (ET).

 ETID: None

 ET data was provided.

 First protection data in Work RABN           4 written at 2007-05-08 12:30:53.

 Last  protection data in Work RABN           0 written at                    .


         Total modification commands..................:       0   

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0         

               Updates (A1).....................:       0         

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0         

         Total data records modified..................:       0   

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0   

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0   


 File     1  ISN            11 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000B09C1 F8C1F800 00000103  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '

 0020 0A                                   '.'


 Related descriptor value updates in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53


 This record contains 2 descriptor updates.


 Field name A8 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F8C1F8 00000001                    'A8A8   .'


 Field name A9 image: AI data:

 0000 C1F9C1F9 C1000000 0A                 'A9A9A   .'


 File     1  ISN            12 (internal) Inserted


 After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written at 12:30:53

 0000 00210000 000C09C1 F8C1F800 00000203  ' .   ..A8A8   ..'

 0010 C1F205C1 F4C1F40A C1F9C1F9 C1000000  'A2.A4A4.A9A9A   '


. (etc)



I                            New Communication ID                             I


Communication ID:  ' .~..o           .T.A001    '                              



This transaction was committed (ET).                                           

ETID: None                                                                     

ET data was not provided.                                                      

First protection data in Work RABN           2 written at 2007-07-13 19:19:23  

Last  protection data in Work RABN           5 written at 2007-07-13 19:19:23  


        Total modification commands..................:       1                 

              Inserts (N1).....................:       1                       

              Updates (A1).....................:       0                       

              Deletes (E1).....................:       0                       

        Total data records modified..................:       4                 

        Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0                 

        Total descriptor updates.....................:       0                 


--- File    34  ISN             1 (internal) Inserted                          

 .. This segment ISN =            1 (primary)                                  

  . Next segment ISN =            1 (secondary)                                


#1: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <19:19:23

0000 13090000 00000000 00010081 00000001  '..       . a   .'           

0010 00000001 6480FCD6 C3C3E4D9 C5D5C3C5  '   ....OCCURENCE'           

0020 F0F0F100 00000A40 40404040 40404040  '001   .         '




12F0 40404040 4040C5D5 C4D6C3C3 E4D9C5D5  '      ENDOCCUREN'           

1300 C3C5F0F3 F1000000 0A                 'CE031   .'                  


--- File    34  ISN             1 (internal) Inserted                  

 .. This segment ISN =            1 (secondary)                        

  . Next segment ISN =            2 (secondary)                        


#2: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           3 written <19:19:23

0000 138F0000 00000000 00010041 00000002  '..       . .   .'           

0010 00000001 80FC4040 40404040 40C5D5C4  '   ...       END'           

0020 D6C3C3E4 D9C5D5C3 C5F0F3F2 0000000A  'OCCURENCE032   .'           




1370 40404040 40404040 404040C5 D5C411D6  '           END.O'           

1380 C3C3E4D9 C5D5C3C5 F0F6F200 00000A    'OCCURENCE062   .'            


--- File    34  ISN             1 (internal) Inserted                  

 .. This segment ISN =            2 (secondary)                        

  . Next segment ISN =            3 (secondary)                        


#3: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           4 written <19:19:23

0000 12F70000 00000000 00020041 00000003  '.7       . .   .'           

0010 00000001 75404040 40404040 40404040  '   ..           '           

0020 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  '                '           




12E0 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  '                '           

12F0 40404040 C5D5C4                      '    END'                    


--- File    34  ISN             1 (internal) Inserted                  

 .. This segment ISN =            3 (secondary)                        

  . Last segment                                                       


#4: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           5 written <19:19:23

0000 05100000 00000000 00030041 00000000  '..       . .    '           

0010 00000001 80FCD6C3 C3E4D9C5 D5C3C5F0  '   ...OCCURENCE0'           

0020 F9F30000 000A4040 40404040 40404040  '93   .          '




04F0 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  '                '

0500 40404040 40404040 40404040 40C5D5C4  '             END'


Transaction was committed (ET).        





次のトランザクションレポートのサンプルは、レポートが EXU ユーザーにはどのように表示されるかを示しています(レポートの U002)。


 *                          A D A W R K  Transaction Report                    *



 I                            New Communication ID                             I


 Communication ID:  '????hhhhA.Qb2.??    U001    '


 This transaction was committed (ET).

 ETID: None

 ET data was not provided.

 First protection data in Work RABN           2 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 Last  protection data in Work RABN           2 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

         Total modification commands..................:       1

               Inserts (N1).....................:       1

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       1

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0

 --- File    19  ISN         1,067 (internal) Inserted

 #1: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 00280000 042BC802 C905C11F A2DE05C2  ' .  ..H.I.A.s?.B'

 0010 E4C6C6C3 09404040 40404000 00024009  'UFFC.        . .'

 0020 E4E2C1D1 C8E3E7C7                    'USAJHTXG'

 Transaction was committed (ET).


 I                            New Communication ID                             I


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           9??U001    '


 This transaction was committed (ET).

 ETID: 'U001    '

 ET data was not provided.

 First protection data in Work RABN           2 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 Last  protection data in Work RABN           2 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

         Total modification commands..................:      10

               Inserts (N1).....................:      10

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:      10

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:      10

         Total descriptor updates.....................:      10

 --- File     4  ISN            11 (internal) Inserted

 #2: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 000B09E4 D3F0F100 000000    ' .   ..UL01    '

 #3: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000000                    'UL01    '

 --- File     4  ISN            12 (internal) Inserted

 #4: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 000C09E4 D3F0F100 000001    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #5: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000001                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            13 (internal) Inserted

 #6: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 000D09E4 D3F0F100 000002    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #7: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000002                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            14 (internal) Inserted

 #8: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 000E09E4 D3F0F100 000003    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #9: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000003                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            15 (internal) Inserted

 #10: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 000F09E4 D3F0F100 000004    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #11: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000004                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            16 (internal) Inserted

 #12: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 001009E4 D3F0F100 000005    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #13: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000005                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            17 (internal) Inserted

 #14: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 001109E4 D3F0F100 000006    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #15: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000006                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            18 (internal) Inserted

 #16: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 001209E4 D3F0F100 000007    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #17: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000007                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            19 (internal) Inserted

 #18: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 001309E4 D3F0F100 000008    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #19: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000008                    'UL01   .'

 --- File     4  ISN            20 (internal) Inserted

 #20: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

 0000 000F0000 001409E4 D3F0F100 000009    ' .   ..UL01   .'

 #21: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           2 written <12:32:13

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4D3F0F1 00000009                    'UL01   .'

 Transaction was committed (ET).


 I                            New Communication ID                             I


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           9??U002    '


 These updates were performed by an EXU user.

 First protection data in Work RABN           1 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:08

 Last  protection data in Work RABN           1 written at 2007-08-30 12:32:08

         Total modification commands..................:      10

               Inserts (N1).....................:      10

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:      10

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:      10

         Total descriptor updates.....................:      10

 --- File     5  ISN             1 (internal) Inserted

 #22: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000109E4 F0F0F200 000000    ' .   ..U002    '

 #23: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000000                    'U002    '

 --- File     5  ISN             2 (internal) Inserted

 #24: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000209E4 F0F0F200 000001    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #25: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000001                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             3 (internal) Inserted

 #26: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000309E4 F0F0F200 000002    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #27: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000002                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             4 (internal) Inserted

 #28: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000409E4 F0F0F200 000003    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #29: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000003                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             5 (internal) Inserted

 #30: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000509E4 F0F0F200 000004    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #31: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000004                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             6 (internal) Inserted

 #32: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000609E4 F0F0F200 000005    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #33: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000005                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             7 (internal) Inserted

 #34: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000709E4 F0F0F200 000006    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #35: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000006                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             8 (internal) Inserted

 #36: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000809E4 F0F0F200 000007    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #37: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000007                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN             9 (internal) Inserted

 #38: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000909E4 F0F0F200 000008    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #39: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000008                    'U002   .'

 --- File     5  ISN            10 (internal) Inserted

 #40: After Image Data Storage in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

 0000 000F0000 000A09E4 F0F0F200 000009    ' .   ..U002   .'

 #41: Descriptor value updates in Work RABN           1 written <12:32:08

   Value for descriptor A8 inserted:

 0000 E4F0F0F2 00000009                    'U002   .'


 Summary of communication IDs with recovery data:


 Communication ID:  '????hhhhA.Qb2.??    U001    '


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           9??U002    '


 Communication ID:  ' .~..o           9??U001    '




 *                          A D A W R K  Summary Report                        *


 Work Dataset: RD.DB035.WORKR1

 I Item                     I   Work RABN I      Blocks I Date/Time           I


 I LP value                 I             I         800 I                     I

 I Last written block       I           2 I             I 2007-08-30 12:32:13 I

 I Autobackout endpoint     I           1 I           2 I 2007-08-30 12:32:08 I

 I Backward repair endpoint I           1 I           2 I 2007-08-30 12:32:08 I


 Summary of potential inconsistencies:


 "Index Structure"....: Index structures may be inconsistent.

 "Index Values".......: Index values may be incorrect.

 "Address Converter"..: Address converter may be incorrect.

 "Data Contents"......: Data contents may be incorrect according to application.

 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I


 I      4 I           I           I           I     *     I

 I      5 I     *     I     *     I     *     I     *     I

 I     19 I           I           I           I     *     I


 The following checkpoints were encountered in the area of interest:

 Total number of system checkpoints:      5

 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       3

               Backed out.......................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:      21

               Inserts (N1).....................:      21

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:      21

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:      20

         Total descriptor updates.....................:      20

 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:       0

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       0

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0



 *                          A D A W R K  File Report                           *



 I                                 File      4                                 I


 Oldest activity in Work RABN           2 at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 Latest activity in Work RABN           2 at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I


 I      4 I           I           I           I     *     I


 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       1

               Backed out.......................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:      10

               Inserts (N1).....................:      10

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:      10

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:      10

         Total descriptor updates.....................:      10

 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:       0

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       0

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0


 I                                 File      5                                 I


 Oldest activity in Work RABN           1 at 2007-08-30 12:32:08

 Latest activity in Work RABN           1 at 2007-08-30 12:32:08

 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I


 I      5 I     *     I     *     I     *     I     *     I


 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       1

               Backed out.......................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:      10

               Inserts (N1).....................:      10

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:      10

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:      10

         Total descriptor updates.....................:      10

 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:       0

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       0

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0


 I                                 File     19                                 I


 Oldest activity in Work RABN           2 at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 Latest activity in Work RABN           2 at 2007-08-30 12:32:13

 I  File  I   Index   I  Index    I  Address  I   Data    I

 I Number I Structure I  Values   I Converter I Contents  I


 I     19 I           I           I           I     *     I


 Completed transactions that will be re-done during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       1

               Backed out.......................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:       1

               Inserts (N1).....................:       1

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       1

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0

 Incomplete transactions that must be backed out during autorestart processing:

         Total transactions...........................:       0

         Total modification commands..................:       0

               Inserts (N1).....................:       0

               Updates (A1).....................:       0

               Deletes (E1).....................:       0

         Total data records modified..................:       0

         Total modifications with descriptor updates..:       0

         Total descriptor updates.....................:       0

 A D A W R K  Terminated normally                          2007-08-30  12:33:39

Top of page


WORK パート 1 の自動再スタートエリアで見つかったチェックポイントレコードおよび関連データは ADAWRK ユーティリティで出力することができ、CHECKPOINT パラメータでトリガされます。 CHECKPOINT=YES を指定すると、次のようなチェックポイントレコードが出力に表示されます。 同時にトランザクションレポートを要求すると、これらのチェックポイントレコードはトランザクションレポートの各所に記載されます。

A D A W R K   V8.1  SM8   DBID = 15003  Started           2007-01-10  18:34:01


Work RABN           1 written at hh:mm:ss  System Checkpoint 

 written by jobname='cccccccc'                               

 Checkpoint Name=nnnn Type=tt xxxxxxxxx            


Work RABN           1 written at hh:mm:ss  System Checkpoint 

 written by jobname='cccccccc'                               

 Checkpoint Name=nnnn Type=tt xxxxxxxxx            


Work RABN           1 written at hh:mm:ss  System Checkpoint 

 written by jobname='cccccccc'                               

 Checkpoint Name=nnnn Type=tt xxxxxxxxx            

Top of page