Version 7.5.1

Installation Prerequisites

Operating Systems

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 requires Adabas version 7.1, maintenance level .2 or above, or Adabas version 7.4.2 or above. The Adabas Transaction Manager daemon at version 7.5 requires Adabas version 7.4.2 and Adabas System Coordinator, both with load library updates applied. Refer to the Release Notes for details. Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 is compatible with the following operating systems:

* Support for z/OS.e is currently restricted to client programs executing in batch, or under TSO or Com-plete.

For more information about supported operating systems, refer to the Adabas Installation documentation.

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Software Prerequisites


Using ATM with Adabas Version 7.4

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 can be used with databases running under Adabas version 7.4.2 or above. The ATM daemon requires load library update L005 or higher for the Adabas System Coordinator.

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 should not be used with Adabas version 7.4.1.

Using ATM with Adabas Version 7.1

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 can be used with databases running under Adabas version 7.1.

Using Adabas Load Library Update LX06

The installation package includes load library update LX06 for Adabas 7.4.3. This library must be used, together with the standard Adabas 7.4.3 library, by the ATM 7.5 daemon.

The LX06 library must also be used for any Adabas Cluster Services databases or Adabas Parallel Services databases that run with the parameter DTP=RM.

Do not use the LX06 library in any other circumstances.

With Adabas load library update LX06, the usage of the ADARUN parameter LDTP has changed. The LDTP parameter is now used to indicate the size (in blocks) of the WORK4 index which is used to administer the data on DDWORKR4. DDWORKR4 is used for the same purpose as the WK4 part of DDWORKR1 was used previously, with the difference that DDWORKR4 can be used in parallel by all members in a cluster. The DDWORKR4 dataset should be allocated and formatted in the normal way, using the same block size as DDWORKR1. It should be at least as large as the cluster’s LP parameter.

Before you use the LX06 library with a Cluster Services or Parallel Services database, you should run the ADACNV utility which is located in the LX06 library, specifying the following as DDKARTE input:


If you subsequently revert to using the standard Adabas 7.4.3 library, either because the cluster is now to be run with DTP=NO, or because the database is no longer to execute as part of a cluster, you should convert the database back to standard version 7.4 format by running ADACNV, as supplied in the LX06 library, with the following DDKARTE input:


Failure to follow the above instructions can result in various problems relating to the PPT area of the Associator dataset.

Required Datasets

For a complete overview of the datasets required by ATM751, see the section Required Datasets.

Entire Net-Work

A currently supported version of Entire Net-Work is required for communication between Adabas Transaction Manager instances in different system images.


The Adabas Transaction Manager Online Services component requires Natural version 3.1 or above for communication with other components.

Using Com-plete, RRMS and CICS Syncpoint Manager

The Adabas Transaction Manager proxy currently supports only one Adabas SVC per session under Com-plete.

For cross-vendor coordination of distributed transactions, Adabas Transaction Manager supports the following IBM asynchronous exit drivers: RRMS and CICS Syncpoint Manager.

If you use the Adabas Transaction Manager implementation of the CICS Resource Manager Interface, please note that version 7.4 of the Adabas CICS interface is not compatible with Adabas Transaction Manager version 1.2. If these versions are used together, results could be unpredictable.

Mixing with Components of Earlier Versions

It is not possible to mix components of Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.5 with components of version 1.2 within the same Entire Net-Work node. A node which runs ATM 1.2 must be upgraded to version 7.5 in its entirety; client jobs, RM databases and the ATM daemon must all be upgraded at the same time. However, a node which runs ATM 1.2 can operate with other nodes where ATM 7.5 executes, and vice versa, sharing in the coordination of distributed transactions.

ATM 7.4 daemons and ATM 7.5 daemons can inter-operate across different Entire Net-Work nodes. It is also possible to run versions 7.4 and 7.5 of ATM alongside each other in the same Entire Net-Work node. To do this, you will need to run a separate ATM daemon for each version. A DTP=RM database which runs with an ATM 7.5 library will be signed on to the 7.5 ATM daemon; an RM running with a version 7.4 ATM library will sign on to the version 7.4 daemon. Then, by choosing which version of ATM library will be used by an application environment, you determine which ATM daemon will take responsibility for coordinating transactions for that environment.

A DTP=RM database cannot interact with both a version 7.4 ATM daemon and a 7.5 ATM daemon at the same time. However, the interoperability of the two versions of ATM daemon means that an RM can take part in distributed transactions, regardless of which version of daemon it signs on to.

For information about upgrading from an earlier version of Adabas Transaction Manager, see the section Upgrading from Earlier Versions of ATM.

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