New, Modified and Dropped Features

This document describes the new and modified features in Adabas Version 6.6.

New Features

Event Analytics Administration

The ADAELA utility provides functionality to configure and administer Event Analytics. This utility replaces the configuration tool for the Adabas Analytics add-on EALCONFIG.

The ADAELA utility also provides support for creating user-defined event types.

For details, please refer to the section ADAELA in the Utilities section.

Authorization for Adabas Utilities (Mode ADABAS)

The Authorization for Adabas Utilities functionality has been extended to store the security definitions in a database system file, the RBAC system file, which is new with this version.

This functionality is enabled via the Mode ADABAS setting in the configuration of security for utilities. For details, please refer to Configuration of Authorization for Adabas Utilities in the Extended Operations section.

The new utility ADARBA provides the functionality required to administer the security definitions in the RBAC system file. For details, please refer to the section ADARBA in the Utilities section.

Before securing databases with Authorization for Adabas Utilities, please familiarize yourself with the concepts and implementation of this new feature.

ADADBM - New Functionality

The DELETE_DATABASE function deletes the database containers of a given database, or deletes the directory that contains a given database, including all of its subdirectories.

The function RBAC_FILE creates the RBAC system file, which is required for Authorization for Adabas Utilities (Mode ADABAS).


The WCHARSET parameter defines the default encoding of wide character fields. This parameter can be also modified by using ADAOPR


The COUNT function displays the number of records stored in each file.

Modified Features


The ADAOPR function WCHARSET modifies the default encoding set by the nucleus to the new value specifed.


The ADAREP function CONTENTS now provides you with information about which files have been updated since the last backup.

ADASTART - Nucleus Log File Renamed

Before starting the nucleus, ADASTART renames the log file adanuc.log from the previous nucleus session to adanuc.log .<timestamp>, where <timestamp> is a time stamp with a resolution of seconds.

Dropped Features


The EALCONFIG tool for configuring the Adabas Analytics add-on has been replaced by the new utility ADAELA.