Package com.pcbsys.nirvana.client

Documentation for the Java Client API. More...


package  p2p
 Documentation for the Nirvana Java Peer 2 Peer API.

Data Structures

class  nAbstractChannel
 This is the base class for all nirvana channel types, including queues and normal pub/sub channels and as such has no public methods. More...
interface  nAsyncExceptionListener
 This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive asynchronous errors from the nirvana server. More...
class  nBaseClientException
 This exception forms the base for all client exceptions. More...
class  nCertificateSigner
 This class signs nConsumeEvents as they are published to the Realm Server. More...
class  nCertificateValidator
 This class validates signatures signed by the nCertificateSigner class. More...
class  nChannel
 This class is a Nirvana channel, offering the Nirvana channel related services. More...
class  nChannelAlreadyExistsException
 This exception is thrown if a user tries to make a channel that already exsists. More...
class  nChannelAlreadySubscribedException
 The user has tried to subscribe to the channel more than once. More...
class  nChannelAttributes
 This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create or locate a Nirvana channel or queue. More...
interface  nChannelConnectionListener
 This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive callbacks when connections are added or removed to a nirvana channel. More...
class  nChannelIterator
 This class iterates synchronously over a Nirvana Realm channel. More...
class  nChannelNotFoundException
 The specified channel could not be located on the server. More...
class  nChannelPublishKeys
 This class contains the information about a single channel key. More...
interface  nChannelWatcher
 This interface extends the nEventListener interface and also provides the ability to receive callbacks for purged events as well as events published on a specific channel or queue. More...
class  nConflationAttributes
 This class represents the conflation attributes that can be used when creating resources which allow conflation. More...
interface  nConnectionQueueListener
 This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive asynchronous notifications from the internal connection queue. More...
class  nConstants
 This class is a container for the various constants that affect the behaviour of various Nirvana Client API calls. More...
class  nConsumeEvent
 This class represents a Nirvana event, which consists of either a tag and some data or an event dictionary and some data. More...
class  nConsumeEventCompressReader
 This is a helper class and enables clients to uncompress events being received from a server. More...
class  nConsumeEventCompressWriter
 This is a helper class and enables clients to compress events simply prior to them being published to the actual store. More...
class  nConsumeEventFactory
 This class is used to facilitate creation of nConsumeEvent objects. More...
class  nConsumeEventFragmentReader
 Reconstructs fragmented events back into one nConsumeEvent. More...
class  nConsumeEventFragmentWriter
 This class will break up events when the data portion of the event is greater then the threshold specified. More...
class  nCreateResult
 This class represents the results of the nSession.create(nChannelAttributes[]) call. More...
class  nDataGroup
 This class represents a individual data group object. More...
class  nDataGroupDeletedException
 Class representing an exception generated when an operation is performed on an nDataGroup that has been deleted. More...
class  nDataGroupIsReadOnlyException
 Class representing an exception generated when an operation is performed on an nDataGroup that is read only. More...
class  nDataGroupIterator
 Used to iterate through the nDataStreams contained within an nDataGroup. More...
interface  nDataGroupListener
 Listener interface used to manage changes to membership of data groups. More...
class  nDataStream
 Represents the stream used to deliver data. More...
interface  nDataStreamListener
 Interface used to receive events asynchronously from a data group. More...
class  nDeleteResult
 This class represents the results of the nSession.deleteResources(nChannelAttributes[]) call. More...
class  nDuplicateJoinException
 The user has requested a join be created but the server already has this join configured in the database. More...
class  nEventAttributes
 The nEventAttributes class is used by the nConsumeEvent object in order to store standard header values associated with nirvana client, p2p and JMS events. More...
interface  nEventListener
 This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber to a nirvana channel or queue. More...
class  nEventProperties
 This class contains a collection of key-value pairs, defining event meta data which can be used to create filter rules. More...
class  nEventPropertiesHelper
 This class is a helper class for the nEventProperties key,value pairs. More...
class  nEventPropertiesIterator
 This class allows you to iterate through the nEventProperties to examine the key,value pairs. More...
interface  nEventPublisher
 The nEventPublisher is an interface that is used by the compression writer and the fragment writer. More...
class  nExceededLimitException
 The number of events in the current transaction has exceeded the server configuration. More...
class  nFindResult
 This class represents the results of the nSession.find(nChannelAttributes[]) call. More...
class  nIllegalArgumentException
 This class defines the error that can be thrown by passing an illegal argument to any method of any class in the nirvana client API. More...
class  nIllegalChannelMode
 This exception is thrown if a user tries calls queue specific functionality on a channel object or channel specific functionality on a queue object. More...
class  nIllegalStateException
 This exception is thrown if a Channel or Queue is in an illegal state for specific functionality to be offered. More...
class  nJoinInformation
 This class is a container for all the information that defines a channel join. More...
interface  nMessageSigner
 This interface contains the generic functionaility that all message signers need to implement. More...
interface  nMessageValidator
 This interface defines the generic functionaility that all Message Validators need to implement. More...
class  nNameAlreadyBoundException
 This exception is thrown if a user attempts to create a named client context on a channel or queue that is already in use. More...
class  nNamedObject
 This class represents a client context on a RealmServer. More...
class  nNameDoesNotExistException
 This exception is thrown if a user attempts to delete a named client context on a channel or queue that does not exist. More...
interface  nNamedPriorityListener
 This interface should be implemented by any object that requires a callback when the subscription to a channel with a named object and priority enabled reaches the top. More...
class  nNameSpaceConflictException
 There is a confict in the name space and the attempted operation failed. More...
class  nPassphraseSigner
 This class signs an event with a digest of the event and the passphrase. More...
class  nPassphraseValidator
 This class implements a message digest Validator. More...
class  nProtobufEvent
 This class represents a Google Protocol Buffer Event. More...
class  nProtobufEventFactory
 This class is used to facilitate creation of nProtobufEvent objects. More...
class  nQueue
 This class provides a Queue mechanism. More...
class  nQueueAsyncReader
 This Reader enables the client to receive all events asynchronous. More...
class  nQueueAsyncTransactionReader
 This class extends the asynchronous queue model by adding the transactional ability to the reader. More...
class  nQueueDetails
 Container class, containing statistics on the queue. More...
class  nQueuePeekContext
 Provides a context when peeking on the queue. More...
class  nQueueReader
 This class is the base class for all Queue Readers and provides a generic reader interface. More...
class  nQueueReaderContext
 This class is used to construct a Queue Reader. More...
class  nQueueSyncFragmentReader
 This class provides the client with an synchronous interface into a Nirvana Queue. More...
class  nQueueSyncReader
 This class provides the client with an synchronous interface into a Nirvana Queue. More...
class  nQueueSyncTransactionFragmentReader
 This reader provides a synchronous queue reader model. More...
class  nQueueSyncTransactionReader
 This reader provides a synchronous queue reader model. More...
interface  nQueueTransactionReader
 Provides the basic interface for transactional queue operations, used by the synchronous and asynchronous transactional queue readers. More...
class  nRealm
 This class represents a nirvana Realm. More...
class  nRealmAlreadyBoundException
 You have tried to bind a realm that the server already has been bound. More...
class  nRealmInUseException
 This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to remove a realm from another realm when the realm is part of a cluster or has channels that are joined in the requesting realm. More...
class  nRealmNotFoundException
 The specified realm was not found on the server. More...
class  nRealmUnreachableException
 Was unable to reach the specified realm. More...
interface  nReconnectHandler
 This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive callbacks when sessions are disconnected or to take control over the reconnect logic. More...
class  nRegisteredEvent
 This class enables a client to maintain a copy of an event, make changes to the properties and then when commit is called only the changes are published to the server. More...
interface  nRegisteredEventListener
 This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and receive update events and complete merged events from a registered event. More...
interface  nRegisteredEventUpdateListener
 This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and only receive update events only from a registered event. More...
class  nRequestTimedOutException
 When the maximum time the client API will wait for a response to a specific request from the Nirvana realm, this exception is thrown. More...
class  nResult
 This class is the base class that represents the results of a batched find, create or delete call for channels or queues. More...
class  nSecurityException
 This class defines the security errors that can be thrown by using the nirvana client API. More...
class  nSelectorParserException
 The supplied message filter string failed to be parsed. More...
class  nSession
 This class represents a Nirvana session, the logical connection between the client API and the Nirvana realm. More...
class  nSessionAlreadyInitialisedException
 The current nSession is not currently connected. More...
class  nSessionAttributes
 This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana session. More...
class  nSessionConnectionWriteException
 The current nSession connection queue is having trouble sending events. More...
class  nSessionFactory
 This class is used with a nSessionAttributes object to create a Nirvana session. More...
class  nSessionNotConnectedException
 The current nSession is not currently connected. More...
class  nSessionPausedException
 This exception is thrown when an attempt is made by the client to make a request to the server, while the session is paused. More...
interface  nSignedEventListener
 This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as a subscriber to a nirvana channel or queue, using the nMessageValidator class to receive signed events. More...
class  nSubject
 This class contains information about the user identification used by Nirvana. More...
class  nSubscriptionAttributes
 This class represents the attributes used for channel subscriptions. More...
class  nTransaction
 This class enables the client to perform transactional publishing, representing a nirvana transaction. More...
class  nTransactionAlreadyAbortedException
 The transaction has already been aborted and as such is closed. More...
class  nTransactionAlreadyCommittedException
 The transaction has already been committed and as such is closed and completed. More...
class  nTransactionAttributes
 This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana transaction. More...
class  nTransactionException
 This class defines the errors that can be thrown by using the nirvana transactional publish API. More...
class  nTransactionFactory
 This class is used with a nTransactionAttributes object to create a Nirvana transaction. More...
class  nTransactionIncompleteException
 This exception will be thrown if abort or commit is called on a transaction that has not sent any events to the server. More...
class  nTransactionNoEventsException
 This exception is thrown if Commit is called on a transaction without any events added in its context. More...
class  nTransactionNoSuchTXIDException
 The supplied transaction ID could not be located on server. More...
class  nTransactionNotCommittedException
 The transaction has not been committed so the status of the event can not be returned, such as getStartEID or getEndEID. More...
class  nTransactionNotStartedException
 The transaction has not been started as such the transaction is not yet established. More...
class  nUnexpectedResponseException
 The server responded with an event that the client did not expect. More...
class  nUnknownRemoteRealmException
 The server does not know of the realm that was supplied. More...
class  nUnknownTransactionIdException
 This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation on a transaction where the id of the transaction is not known by the server. More...
class  nUserAuthentication
 The nUserAuthentication class provides the ability to perform basic HTTP athentication to a nirvana realm running a file plugin with authentication turned on. More...
class  nUserNotSubscribedException
 The user is not currently subscribed to the channel/. More...

Detailed Description

Documentation for the Java Client API.

Universal Messaging Client API Package, incorporating pub / sub & message queues.