com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nRegisteredEventListener Class Referenceabstract

This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and receive update events and complete merged events from a registered event. More...

#include <nRegisteredEventListener.h>

Inheritance diagram for com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nRegisteredEventListener:

Public Member Functions

virtual void update (nConsumeEvent *pEvt)=0
 This method is asynchronously called by the nirvana client API to deliver an event to a registered subscriber. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nEventListener
virtual void go (nConsumeEvent *pEvt)=0
 This method is asynchronously called by the nirvana client API to deliver an event to a registered subscriber. More...

Detailed Description

This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and receive update events and complete merged events from a registered event.

See Also
As of version 6.0 the client merge functionality is depreciated, if you need the full event then this can be done by the nEventProperties merge function.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void com::pcbsys::nirvana::client::nRegisteredEventListener::update ( nConsumeEvent pEvt)
pure virtual

This method is asynchronously called by the nirvana client API to deliver an event to a registered subscriber.

*pEvtThe nConsumeEvent object specifying the event being delivered.