Adding Resource Files to a Manifest
As long as a resource manifest has not been finalized, you can add resource files to the manifest. You add the resource files either by uploading single files manually or by batch-uploading files contained in a zip file.
By default, the resource files are bundled, that means, they are shipped as part of the app.
To add resource files to a manifest
1. Click . 2. Click the app to which you want to add resource files.
3. Click Resources on the left side.
4. Click an existing manifest to display the manifest details.
5. Do one of the following:
To upload a single file:
i. Click New Resource.
ii. Click Browse and then select the file that you want to upload.
The path and MIME type are automatically filled in.
iii. Deselect bundled if you do not want to bundle the resource.
iv. Click Create Resource.
To batch-upload files contained in a zip file:
i. Under the heading Add/Replace Resources from ZIP, click Browse and then select the zip file which contains the resources that you want to upload.
ii. Deselect all bundled if you do not want to bundle the resources.
iii. Click Add Files.
The uploaded resource files are shown under the heading Resources.