CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Consumer Registrations : Implementing Consumer Registration : Run-Time Consumer Registration Scenarios : Scenario B: Virtual Service without API Consumption Settings and with Evaluate Policy Actions
Scenario B: Virtual Service without API Consumption Settings and with Evaluate Policy Actions
Prerequisites for scenario B are:
*The asset should be an instance of the virtual type - Virtual Service, Virtual REST Service, Virtual XML Service.
*The API consumption settings should not be configured for the asset.
*There should be at least one Evaluate policy action included within the asset's run-time configuration.
To register as a consumer of an asset of this scenario, proceed as follows:
1. Display the details page for the asset to which you want to register as a consumer. If you need procedures for this step, see Working with the CentraSite Business UI for details.
2. In the actions bar for the asset, click Consume.
3. In the Consume Asset dialog, you can choose to do one of the following:
*Register an existing asset as consumer of the displayed asset. For instructions, see Design-Time Consumer Registration Scenario.
*Create a new Application asset on-the-fly, and then register the newly created Application asset as consumer of this asset. Proceed as follows:
i. Click the Create a new Application asset link. This opens a dialog in which you can enter the required information for the Application asset.
ii. Enter the appropriate information for each of the displayed data fields.
The list of identifiers is dynamically loaded depending upon the Evaluate policy actions that are defined for the asset.
iii. Click Create to add the new Application asset to CentraSite.
4. When you do this, you see a list of all of the currently selected assets.
5. If at any time you wish to remove an asset that is currently selected for consumption, move the mouse over the asset you want to remove. Click the icon to remove the asset.
6. Click Consume.
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