Design-Time Consumer Registration Scenario
Pre-requisite: To impose an approval process, ensure that you have created a design-time policy, for example, the Consumer-Registration Policy, as described in the previous section.
To register as a consumer of an asset of this scenario, proceed as follows:
1. Display the details page of the asset you want to consume. If you need procedures for this step, see Working with the CentraSite Business UI for details.
2. In the actions bar for the asset, click the Consume icon. This opens the Consume Asset dialog for registering as a consumer.
3. If you want to register an existing asset as consumer, do one of the following:
Enter the name of the asset in the textbox. Then click the plus button next to the textbox or press Enter to add the asset to the list of currently selected assets.
Choose. In the
Choose Consumer Assets dialog, do the following:
i. Enter the name of the asset that you want to register as a consumer in the textbox. Then click the Search icon.
ii. CentraSite populates a set of instances whose asset types are defined to be consumers to instances of this asset type. For more details on the consumable definition, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide.
iii. In the displayed list, mark the checkbox of the asset that you want to register. If you want to select more than one asset, mark the checkbox of each asset that you want to register. Then click OK to complete the selection.
4. If you want to create and register a new asset with this workflow, do the following:
a. Click the Create a new asset link. This opens the Create New Asset page.
b. Choose the asset type for which an asset will be created. The Types drop-down list reflects its behavior in terms of the type definition for the displayed asset. The list will contain the list of top-level asset types which you have defined as consuming type in the asset type definition.
For example, if you have defined Applications, Users, Groups, and XML Schemas as consumers in the REST Service type definition, when trying to create a new asset using the Consume action of a displayed REST service, the Types drop-down contains only asset types, namely, Applications and XML Schemas, which are the top-level asset types defined as consuming types of the REST service.
If none of the asset types, for example, Users, Groups, and a Custom Type, defined as consuming types in the type definition of a displayed REST service is a top-level type, the Create a new asset link will not appear in the Consume Asset dialog.
c. After you specify the value for all of the required attributes, click Save to save the new asset. The details page for the asset that you just created is displayed.
d. Once again display the details page of the asset you want to consume, and then click the Consume action. In the Consume Asset dialog, enter the name of the newly created asset, click Search.
5. When you do this, you see a list of all of the currently selected assets.
6. If at any time you wish to remove an asset that is currently selected for consumption, move the mouse over the asset you want to remove. Click the icon to remove the asset.
7. Click Consume.