ApplinX Version 9.9
 —  Getting Started  —

ApplinX Server

The ApplinX server can be started either as a Windows service or using a batch file. ApplinX can also run under a Java Application Server (for further details, refer to the relevant topics in Deploying with ApplinX which is included in the Designing and Developing an Application documentation).

Windows Service:

In the installation process, it is possible to define that ApplinX server runs as a Windows system service, started and stopped via Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. By default, the service is automatically run when starting the computer.

Batch Files:

ApplinX Server can be run using batch command files, located in the <ApplinX installation>/bin folder:

startup.bat Starts the ApplinX server.
shutdown.bat Stops the ApplinX server.

UNIX Environments:

In the ApplinX installation directory, you can find the following shell scripts: Starts the ApplinX server. Stops the ApplinX server.

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