com | |
pcbsys | |
nirvana | |
client | Documentation for the Java Client API |
p2p | Documentation for the Nirvana Java Peer 2 Peer API |
nEventService | Nirvana Client Peer To Peer API Package |
nEventServiceListener | This interface enables the implementing class to be calledback when new events are received from the remote service |
nOutOfBandService | This class enables services to pass flow information or control information between them |
nP2PConstants | Class used to define some useful constants within the P2P API |
nServerService | NServerService provides the interface to implement a P2P server |
nService | This class provides a base for all P2P Services |
nServiceFactory | A ServiceFactory is used to create both client and server services |
nServiceInfo | This class contains information regarding the service, such as name, type and description |
nServiceStateListener | This interface should be implemented by objects that require notification when nService objects become disconnected and reconnected to the realm server |
nStreamService | This class implements the end point of a stream based P2P connection |
nAbstractChannel | This is the base class for all nirvana channel types, including queues and normal pub/sub channels and as such has no public methods |
nAsyncExceptionListener | This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive asynchronous errors from the nirvana server |
nBaseClientException | This exception forms the base for all client exceptions |
nCertificateSigner | This class signs nConsumeEvents as they are published to the Realm Server |
nCertificateValidator | This class validates signatures signed by the nCertificateSigner class |
nChannel | This class is a Nirvana channel, offering the Nirvana channel related services |
nChannelAlreadyExistsException | This exception is thrown if a user tries to make a channel that already exsists |
nChannelAlreadySubscribedException | The user has tried to subscribe to the channel more than once |
nChannelAttributes | This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create or locate a Nirvana channel or queue |
nChannelConnectionListener | This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive callbacks when connections are added or removed to a nirvana channel |
nChannelIterator | This class iterates synchronously over a Nirvana Realm channel |
nChannelNotFoundException | The specified channel could not be located on the server |
nChannelPublishKeys | This class contains the information about a single channel key |
nChannelWatcher | This interface extends the nEventListener interface and also provides the ability to receive callbacks for purged events as well as events published on a specific channel or queue |
nConflationAttributes | This class represents the conflation attributes that can be used when creating resources which allow conflation |
nConnectionQueueListener | This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive asynchronous notifications from the internal connection queue |
nConstants | This class is a container for the various constants that affect the behaviour of various Nirvana Client API calls |
nConsumeEvent | This class represents a Nirvana event, which consists of either a tag and some data or an event dictionary and some data |
nConsumeEventCompressReader | This is a helper class and enables clients to uncompress events being received from a server |
nConsumeEventCompressWriter | This is a helper class and enables clients to compress events simply prior to them being published to the actual store |
nConsumeEventFactory | This class is used to facilitate creation of nConsumeEvent objects |
nConsumeEventFragmentReader | Reconstructs fragmented events back into one nConsumeEvent |
nConsumeEventFragmentWriter | This class will break up events when the data portion of the event is greater then the threshold specified |
nCreateResult | This class represents the results of the nSession.create(nChannelAttributes[]) call |
nDataGroup | This class represents a individual data group object |
nDataGroupDeletedException | Class representing an exception generated when an operation is performed on an nDataGroup that has been deleted |
nDataGroupIsReadOnlyException | Class representing an exception generated when an operation is performed on an nDataGroup that is read only |
nDataGroupIterator | Used to iterate through the nDataStreams contained within an nDataGroup |
nDataGroupListener | Listener interface used to manage changes to membership of data groups |
nDataStream | Represents the stream used to deliver data |
nDataStreamListener | Interface used to receive events asynchronously from a data group |
nDeleteResult | This class represents the results of the nSession.deleteResources(nChannelAttributes[]) call |
nDuplicateJoinException | The user has requested a join be created but the server already has this join configured in the database |
nEventAttributes | The nEventAttributes class is used by the nConsumeEvent object in order to store standard header values associated with nirvana client, p2p and JMS events |
nEventListener | This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber to a nirvana channel or queue |
nEventProperties | This class contains a collection of key-value pairs, defining event meta data which can be used to create filter rules |
nEventPropertiesHelper | This class is a helper class for the nEventProperties key,value pairs |
nEventPropertiesIterator | This class allows you to iterate through the nEventProperties to examine the key,value pairs |
nEventPublisher | The nEventPublisher is an interface that is used by the compression writer and the fragment writer |
nExceededLimitException | The number of events in the current transaction has exceeded the server configuration |
nFindResult | This class represents the results of the nSession.find(nChannelAttributes[]) call |
nIllegalArgumentException | This class defines the error that can be thrown by passing an illegal argument to any method of any class in the nirvana client API |
nIllegalChannelMode | This exception is thrown if a user tries calls queue specific functionality on a channel object or channel specific functionality on a queue object |
nIllegalStateException | This exception is thrown if a Channel or Queue is in an illegal state for specific functionality to be offered |
nJoinInformation | This class is a container for all the information that defines a channel join |
nMessageSigner | This interface contains the generic functionaility that all message signers need to implement |
nMessageValidator | This interface defines the generic functionaility that all Message Validators need to implement |
nNameAlreadyBoundException | This exception is thrown if a user attempts to create a named client context on a channel or queue that is already in use |
nNamedObject | This class represents a client context on a RealmServer |
nNameDoesNotExistException | This exception is thrown if a user attempts to delete a named client context on a channel or queue that does not exist |
nNamedPriorityListener | This interface should be implemented by any object that requires a callback when the subscription to a channel with a named object and priority enabled reaches the top |
nNameSpaceConflictException | There is a confict in the name space and the attempted operation failed |
nPassphraseSigner | This class signs an event with a digest of the event and the passphrase |
nPassphraseValidator | This class implements a message digest Validator |
nProtobufEvent | This class represents a Google Protocol Buffer Event |
nProtobufEventFactory | This class is used to facilitate creation of nProtobufEvent objects |
nQueue | This class provides a Queue mechanism |
nQueueAsyncReader | This Reader enables the client to receive all events asynchronous |
nQueueAsyncTransactionReader | This class extends the asynchronous queue model by adding the transactional ability to the reader |
nQueueDetails | Container class, containing statistics on the queue |
nQueuePeekContext | Provides a context when peeking on the queue |
nQueueReader | This class is the base class for all Queue Readers and provides a generic reader interface |
nQueueReaderContext | This class is used to construct a Queue Reader |
nQueueSyncFragmentReader | This class provides the client with an synchronous interface into a Nirvana Queue |
nQueueSyncReader | This class provides the client with an synchronous interface into a Nirvana Queue |
nQueueSyncTransactionFragmentReader | This reader provides a synchronous queue reader model |
nQueueSyncTransactionReader | This reader provides a synchronous queue reader model |
nQueueTransactionReader | Provides the basic interface for transactional queue operations, used by the synchronous and asynchronous transactional queue readers |
nRealm | This class represents a nirvana Realm |
nRealmAlreadyBoundException | You have tried to bind a realm that the server already has been bound |
nRealmInUseException | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to remove a realm from another realm when the realm is part of a cluster or has channels that are joined in the requesting realm |
nRealmNotFoundException | The specified realm was not found on the server |
nRealmUnreachableException | Was unable to reach the specified realm |
nReconnectHandler | This interface should be implemented by classes wishing to register to receive callbacks when sessions are disconnected or to take control over the reconnect logic |
nRegisteredEvent | This class enables a client to maintain a copy of an event, make changes to the properties and then when commit is called only the changes are published to the server |
nRegisteredEventListener | This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and receive update events and complete merged events from a registered event |
nRegisteredEventUpdateListener | This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as an asynchronous subscriber and only receive update events only from a registered event |
nRequestTimedOutException | When the maximum time the client API will wait for a response to a specific request from the Nirvana realm, this exception is thrown |
nResult | This class is the base class that represents the results of a batched find, create or delete call for channels or queues |
nSecurityException | This class defines the security errors that can be thrown by using the nirvana client API |
nSelectorParserException | The supplied message filter string failed to be parsed |
nSession | This class represents a Nirvana session, the logical connection between the client API and the Nirvana realm |
nSessionAlreadyInitialisedException | The current nSession is not currently connected |
nSessionAttributes | This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana session |
nSessionConnectionWriteException | The current nSession connection queue is having trouble sending events |
nSessionFactory | This class is used with a nSessionAttributes object to create a Nirvana session |
nSessionNotConnectedException | The current nSession is not currently connected |
nSessionPausedException | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made by the client to make a request to the server, while the session is paused |
nSignedEventListener | This interface should be implemented by any object that wishes to register itself as a subscriber to a nirvana channel or queue, using the nMessageValidator class to receive signed events |
nSubject | This class contains information about the user identification used by Nirvana |
nSubscriptionAttributes | This class represents the attributes used for channel subscriptions |
nTransaction | This class enables the client to perform transactional publishing, representing a nirvana transaction |
nTransactionAlreadyAbortedException | The transaction has already been aborted and as such is closed |
nTransactionAlreadyCommittedException | The transaction has already been committed and as such is closed and completed |
nTransactionAttributes | This class is a container for the attributes necessary to create a Nirvana transaction |
nTransactionException | This class defines the errors that can be thrown by using the nirvana transactional publish API |
nTransactionFactory | This class is used with a nTransactionAttributes object to create a Nirvana transaction |
nTransactionIncompleteException | This exception will be thrown if abort or commit is called on a transaction that has not sent any events to the server |
nTransactionNoEventsException | This exception is thrown if Commit is called on a transaction without any events added in its context |
nTransactionNoSuchTXIDException | The supplied transaction ID could not be located on server |
nTransactionNotCommittedException | The transaction has not been committed so the status of the event can not be returned, such as getStartEID or getEndEID |
nTransactionNotStartedException | The transaction has not been started as such the transaction is not yet established |
nUnexpectedResponseException | The server responded with an event that the client did not expect |
nUnknownRemoteRealmException | The server does not know of the realm that was supplied |
nUnknownTransactionIdException | This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation on a transaction where the id of the transaction is not known by the server |
nUserAuthentication | The nUserAuthentication class provides the ability to perform basic HTTP athentication to a nirvana realm running a file plugin with authentication turned on |
nUserNotSubscribedException | The user is not currently subscribed to the channel/ |
nAdminAPI | Documentation for the Nirvana Java Administration API |
nACL | List of nACLEntry classes used by the Nirvana Realm server to control access to secured objects such as Realms, Channels and Queues |
nACLEntry | Contains the mapping between a subject User and the priviliges they can perform on a secured object such as a Realm, Channel or Queue |
nACLEntryNotFoundException | Exception class that is thrown when an acl entry is not found when an operation is attempted on it |
nAdminIllegalArgumentException | Exception class that is thrown when an illegal argument is passed into a method |
nAdminSecurityException | Exception class that is thrown when attempted operations are not permitted |
nAuditEvent | This class contains information for realm auditing |
nAuditListener | Classes that implement this interface can register with the nRealmNode.addAuditListener() to receive the realm's audit events |
nBaseAdminException | Base class for all admin API exceptions |
nBaseInterface | Base class for all Admin API interfaces |
nChannelACLEntry | Extends the nACLEntry class to supply Channel/Queue specific security settings |
nChannelConnectionDetails | This class contains additional information about a channel connection |
nClusterConnectionListener | Any class that implements this interface can be registered against a Nirvana Cluster node to receive notification when remote connections are made or dropped on any of the cluster realm node objects |
nClusterConversionStatus | Provides an interface which allows the status of cluster conversions to be monitored |
nClusterEventListener | Interface allowing client applications to receive cluster specific callbacks |
nClusterMemberConfiguration | This object is used to create/modify clusters |
nClusterNode | Contains the status and configuration of a Nirvana cluster |
nClusterSite | This class defines a collection of realms within a cluster into a physical site / location |
nClusterStatus | This class contains the status of the of a realm within the cluster, What state it has, which node is the elected master etc |
nClusterStatusEntry | This class contains online/offline status a realm within a cluster |
nCommandStatus | Any class implementing this interface can be used to find the current status of a request, for example a copy operation of a nLeafNode |
nConfigEntry | This class contains all the information about a configuration parameter, including the name, the current value, a description of it and a warning or constrant string |
nConfigGroup | This class manages a group of nConfigEntry objects that are related |
nConfigurationException | Exception thrown when configuration operations fail |
nConnectionDetails | This class contains the details about an individual connection |
nConnectionListener | Any class that implements this interface can be registered against a Nirvana Realm, Channel or Queue to receive notification when remote connections are made or dropped |
nContainer | This represents a node within the Nirvana Realm namespace which contains other nodes, such as a directory or another Realm |
nCopyable | All classes that can be copied from one part of the namespace to another implement this interface |
nCustomHeader | This Class represent a single custom header field which will be used by javascript |
nDataGroupNode | This class is an Admin API wrapper for a Data Group object (nDataGroup) |
nDataGroupsContainer | This class is an Admin API wrapper for all configured Data Group objects (nDataGroup) |
nDataStreamNode | This class is an Admin API wrapper for a Data Stream object (nDataStream) |
nDuplicateACLEntryException | Exception class that is thrown when a duplicate acl entry is attempted to be added |
nHTTPInterface | This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the HTTP interface |
nHTTPSInterface | This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the HTTPS interface |
nInsufficientPrivilegesException | Exception class that is thrown when an operation is performed and there are insufficient privillages to complete it |
nInterface | Abstract Class nInterface |
nInterfaceManager | This class exposes the Realm Servers interface management API so that the control and management of the interfaces can be performed by an authorised Administrator |
nInterfacePluginConfiguration | This class contains the plugin static information used by the plugin instances |
nInterfaceStatus | Contains the status of a Nirvana Realm server interface |
nInterfaceViaEntry | This contains the user parameters which are bound to an Interface |
nJoinable | All classes that can be joined from one part of the namespace to another implement this interface |
nJoinDetails | This class contains information about a join between two channels |
nLeafNode | This class represents the Nirvana Channel or Queue on the Nirvana Realm |
nLinkNode | Since the Nirvana namespace can contain multiple links to Nirvan Realm servers at different parts of the namespace, including namespace loops, this node represents a RealmServer which has been mounted elseware in the namespace |
nLogListener | Classes that implement this interface can register with the nRealmNode.addLogListener() to receive the realms log events |
nMulticastConfiguration | Multicast Configuration class |
nMulticastConfigurationStatus | Contains the status of a Nirvana Realm server multicast interface |
nNode | All classes that exist in the Nirvana Realm NameSpace extend this object |
nNodeException | Exception class that is thrown when errors occur constructing the nodes to be administered |
nNodeUtilities | Class that provides some utility functions for nNode operations |
nPkgDataGroupListener | Created by IntelliJ IDEA |
nPluginConfigEntry | Contains information for a plugin configuration entry |
nPluginConfiguration | This class contains the configuration context for a single plugin on a single HTTP type interface |
nRDMAInterface | RDMA Interface class |
nRealmACLEntry | Extends the nACLEntry class to expose the Realm specific permissions |
nRealmAdmin | This class provides basic Administration functionality for security based operations |
nRealmNode | This class represents a Realm within the Nirvana namespace |
nRemovable | All classes that can be removed from the namespace implement this interface |
nScheduler | This class represents a parsed instance of a Nirvana Realm scheduler |
nSchedulerBuildHelper | This is a helper class used in the construction/parsing and validation of Nirvana Realm server Scheduler scripts |
nSchedulerManager | Manages the scheduler entries for a realm |
nSchedulerParseException | This exception is raised whn parsing a Nirvana Realm Scheduler script with syntax errors |
nSecurityGroup | This class represents a "Security Group" that contains entries for nSubject objects, and other nSecurityGroup objects |
nServiceACLEntry | Allows the ability to programmatically allow or deny access to a service |
nServiceNode | This class provides a mechanism to get information about P2P services on a particular realm |
nSharedMemoryInterface | Created by IntelliJ IDEA |
nSocketInterface | Socket Interface class |
nSSLInterface | This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the SSL interface |
nSSLInterfaceAPI | This interface is used to expose the SSL attributes for all interfaces that are SSL enabled |
nTask | Has details about individual tasks within a scheduler |
nThreadEntry | This class is used to represent instances of tasks within a thread pool running within a Nirvana realm |
nThreadPool | This class is used to represent an instance of a thread pool beign used within a Nirvana realm |
nTrigger | This class is used to query a trigger generated by a Scheduler script |
nUnsupportedCopyException | Exception class that is thrown when a copy operation is attempted but cannot be completed |
nUnsupportedJoinException | Exception class that is thrown when a join operation is attempted but cannot be completed |
nUnsupportedRemoveException | Exception class that is thrown when a remove operation is attempted but cannot be completed |
softwareag | |
um | |
io | Universal Messaging Transport API Package |
AcceptHandler | This interface is passed to TransportFactory.bind when you want to create an AsynchronousServerTransport |
AsynchronousServerTransport | By establishing an AsynchronousServerTransport, new client connections will automatically be accepted and notifications of new connections will be passed to the user implementation of AcceptHandler |
AsynchronousTransport | This is a client side Transport object |
ClientContextBuilder | This is an abstract Builder object which is used to create client side Transports |
ClientContextBuilderFactory | This factory allows you to construct ClientContextBuilders and therefore ClientTransportContexts by passing a String URL |
ClientRDMATransportContext | Constructed using the ClientRDMATransportContext.Builder |
ClientSHMTransportContext | Constructed using the ClientSHMTransportContext.Builder |
ClientSocketTransportContext | Constructed using the ClientSocketTransportContext.Builder |
ClientSSLTransportContext | Constructed using the ClientSSLTransportContext.Builder |
ClientTransportContext | This represents a client side TransportContect that is used to create Transport objects using the TransportFactory |
CloseHandler | The CloseHandler interface is passed to the TransportFactory.bind method when you want to create and AsynchronousServerTransport or to the TransportFactory.connect method when you want to create client side AsynchronousTransports |
ConnectHandler | This interface is passed to TransportFactory.connect when you want to create an AsynchronousTransport |
ContextBuilder | Represents a Builder object which is used to create client or server TransportContexts |
DataHandler | This interface is passed to the TransportFactory.connect method when you want to create an AsynchronousTransport |
Logger | The class used to log messages in UM Transport |
LogListener | This class provides a mechanism to override the default Logging within the umTransport code |
ServerContextBuilder | This is an abstract builder object that is used to create ServerTransports |
ServerContextBuilderFactory | This factory allows you to construct ServerContextBuilders and therefore ServerTransportContexts by passing a String URL |
ServerRDMATransportContext | Constructed using the ServerRDMATransportContext.Builder |
ServerSHMTransportContext | Constructed using the ServerSHMTransportContext.Builder |
ServerSocketTransportContext | Constructed using the ServerSocketTransportContext.Builder |
ServerSSLTransportContext | Constructed using the ServerSSLTransportContext.Builder |
ServerTransport | Interface that defines methods common to all ServerTransports |
ServerTransportContext | Abstract class which defines methods common to all ServerTransportContexts |
SynchronousServerTransport | This ServerTransport is used synchronously accept client transports |
SynchronousTransport | This Transport represents a client connection |
Transport | Interface that defines methods common to all client Transports |
TransportContext | Abstract class that defines methods common to all TransportContexts |
TransportFactory | The TransportFactory is used to to create ServerTransports or client Transports |