The Application Map view displays thumbnails of the application screens which the user navigated through, while working with the application. ApplinX saves the navigation through these screens including the steps between each screen such as the action key pressed and the fields sent. The application map can be used in Path Procedures and from the Base Object/Web framework, to navigate to a specific screen, using the NavigateTo method.
Now that you have created a map, you will use it to navigate from the proposals section to the customer section just by clicking on a button.
In add a server side function that runs a GXNavigateRequest that uses the Application map. public void navigateBut_Click(){ try{ GXNavigateRequest navReq = new GXNavigateRequest(getTagsAccesor().getTagContent("TargetScreen")); getGXSession().navigateTo(navReq); }catch(GXGeneralException err){ gx_handleSessionError(err); } finally{ try{ gx_handleHostResponse(); }catch(GXGeneralException err2){ gx_handleSessionError(err2); } } }
In template.master.cs add a server side function that runs a GXNavigateRequest that uses the Application map. public void navigateBut_Click(object sender, EventArgs args) { try { GXNavigateRequest navReq = new GXNavigateRequest(TargetScreen.Value); gx_page.gx_session.navigateTo(navReq); } catch (GXGeneralException err) { // take us to the screen the host is on gx_page.gx_handleHostResponse(); } finally { try { gx_page.gx_handleHostResponse(); } catch (GXGeneralException err2) { ///handle error gx_page.gx_handleSessionError(err2); } } }
Recommended reading: Designing and Developing an Application>ApplinX Entities> Application Map.