com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry Class Reference

This contains the user parameters which are bound to an Interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry:

Public Member Functions

nInterfaceViaEntry clone ()
 Returns a clone of the nInterfaceViaEntry. More...
 nInterfaceViaEntry (String name, String host) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied. More...
 nInterfaceViaEntry (String subject) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied. More...
 nInterfaceViaEntry (nSecurityGroup subject) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nACLEntry
boolean canList ()
 Can this subject list the contents of an ACL. More...
boolean canModify ()
 Can this subject modify acl entries in a secure object. More...
nACLEntry clone ()
 Returns a clone of the nChannelACLEntry. More...
boolean equals (long aLong)
 Required as part of the SortedObject interface. More...
String getHost ()
 Returns the host portion of the subject. More...
String getName ()
 Returns the name of the ACLEntry. More...
String getSubject ()
 This method returns the completed subject User. More...
boolean hasFullPrivileges ()
 Does this csubject have full privileges for the secure object. More...
boolean isMatch (Object item)
 Used to compares this Object with another to determine sorting position. More...
boolean lessThan (long aLong)
 Required as part of the SortedObject interface. More...
boolean lessThan (Object item)
 Used to compares this Object with another to determine sorting position. More...
 nACLEntry (String name, String host) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 Creates a new nACLEntry with the subject being name. More...
 nACLEntry (String subject) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 Creates a new nACLEntry with the string argument of the form name. More...
void setFullPrivileges (boolean val)
 Sets the subject to have full privileges for this secure object allowing the subject complete control over the secure object. More...
void setList (boolean val)
 Changes the current setting for this user to allow/disallow ACL listing. More...
void setModify (boolean val)
 Changes the current setting for this subject to allow/disallow modifing ACL. More...

Detailed Description

This contains the user parameters which are bound to an Interface.

When a client connects the configured interfaces scan the Via list looking for a matching user@*, * and user. If a match is found and the client is not connecting via that interface the connection is disallowed. A client can appear in more than one interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry.nInterfaceViaEntry ( String  name,
String  host 
) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException

Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied.

This will cause the server to confirm that when the client with name connects that they connect on the interface specified only.

nameName for the subject
hostHost name for the subject
nAdminIllegalArgumentExceptionif an invalid or null argument is passed
com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry.nInterfaceViaEntry ( String  subject) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException

Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied.

This will cause the server to confirm that when the client with name connects that they connect on the interface specified only.

subjectof the form user
nAdminIllegalArgumentExceptionif an invalid or null argument is passed
com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry.nInterfaceViaEntry ( nSecurityGroup  subject) throws nAdminIllegalArgumentException

Creates a new nInterfaceViaEntry for the name supplied.

This will cause the server to confirm that when the client with name connects that they connect on the interface specified only.

subjectthe nSecurityGroup
nAdminIllegalArgumentExceptionif an invalid or null argument is passed

Member Function Documentation

nInterfaceViaEntry com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nInterfaceViaEntry.clone ( )

Returns a clone of the nInterfaceViaEntry.

a clone of the current object