com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode Class Reference

All classes that exist in the Nirvana Realm NameSpace extend this object. More...

Inheritance diagram for com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode:
com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nContainer com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nDataStreamNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nLeafNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nServiceNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nClusterNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nDataGroupNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nDataGroupsContainer com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nLinkNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nRealmNode

Public Member Functions

bool Equals (long aLong)
 Needed as part of the SortedObject interface. More...
override bool Equals (object item)
 Compares this object with the passed object More...
virtual string getAbsolutePath ()
 This function walks the tree to the root to generate a fully qualified name for this node More...
virtual nNode getParent ()
 Returns this nodes parent node. More...
virtual string getRelativePath (nNode top)
 This method returns the relative path from this node to the nNode passed. More...
virtual bool lessThan (long aLong)
 Needed as part of the SortedObject interface. More...
virtual bool lessThan (object item)
 Compares this object with the passed object. More...


virtual string Name [get]
 Returns the generic name of this node within the namespace More...

Detailed Description

All classes that exist in the Nirvana Realm NameSpace extend this object.

This object contains generic functions such as getName and getAboslutePath etc.

Member Function Documentation

bool com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.Equals ( long  aLong)

Needed as part of the SortedObject interface.

override bool com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.Equals ( object  item)

Compares this object with the passed object

itemObject to compare against
True if they are equal
virtual string com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.getAbsolutePath ( )

This function walks the tree to the root to generate a fully qualified name for this node

String full path and name

Reimplemented in com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nLeafNode.

virtual nNode com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.getParent ( )

Returns this nodes parent node.

If this node is the root it will return null

nNode of the parent
virtual string com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.getRelativePath ( nNode  top)

This method returns the relative path from this node to the nNode passed.

Note. It is assumed that the nNode passed is a parent node, this method will not locate nodes in different parts of the tree.

String path relative to the node passed in
virtual bool com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.lessThan ( long  aLong)

Needed as part of the SortedObject interface.

virtual bool com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.lessThan ( object  item)

Compares this object with the passed object.

itemObject to compare against
True if this object is less than the passed object

Property Documentation

virtual string com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nNode.Name

Returns the generic name of this node within the namespace

String name