com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel Class Reference

This class is a Nirvana channel, offering the Nirvana channel related services More...

Inheritance diagram for com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel:

Public Member Functions

void addConnectionListener (nChannelConnectionListener listener)
 Adds a nChannelConnectionListener to this channel so that when new connections are made to this channel the listener is notified More...
void addConnectionListener (nChannelConnectionListener listener, bool isSync)
 Adds a nChannelConnectionListener to this channel so that when new connections are made to this channel the listener is notified More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, long eid)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, string selector)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, string selector, long eid)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, nNamedObject name, string selector, bool AutoAck)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, nNamedObject name)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, nNamedObject name, string selector, bool AutoAck, nNamedPriorityListener listener)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel. More...
void addSubscriber (nEventListener nel, nNamedObject name, nNamedPriorityListener listener)
 Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel. More...
nChannelIterator createIterator ()
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the beginning of the channel More...
nChannelIterator createIterator (string selector)
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the beginning of the channel with the events which match the selector being returned More...
nChannelIterator createIterator (long startEID)
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the EID specified More...
nChannelIterator createIterator (string selector, long startEID)
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned More...
nChannelIterator createIterator (nNamedObject name)
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned More...
nChannelIterator createIterator (nNamedObject name, string selector)
 Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, long startEID)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, long startEID, bool persistent)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, bool persistent)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, bool persistent, bool clusterWide)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, long startEID, bool persistent, bool clusterWide)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not More...
nNamedObject createNamedObject (string name, long startEID, bool persistent, bool clusterWide, bool enablePriority)
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not More...
nRegisteredEvent createRegisteredEvent (object keyValue)
 Creates a new nRegisteredEvent bound to this channel using the keyValue as its unique id. More...
nRegisteredEvent createRegisteredEvent (object keyValue, bool isTransactional)
 Creates a new nRegisteredEvent bound to this channel using the keyValue as its unique id. More...
void deleteJoin (nChannel destination)
 Deletes a join between this channel and the channel referenced in the destination parameter More...
void deleteJoin (nQueue destination)
 Deletes a join between this channel and the queue referenced in the destination parameter More...
void delNamedObject (nNamedObject name)
 Removes all references for this name on the realm Server More...
void delNamedObject (string name)
 Removes all references for this name on the realm Server More...
nChannelAttributes getChannelAttributes ()
 Gets the channels local attributes More...
nJoinInformation[] getJoinInformation ()
 Returns an array of nJoinInformation objects which describe the links this channel has configured for it. More...
long getLastEID ()
 Gets the last event id of this channel More...
long getLastStoredEID ()
 Gets the last event id of this channel More...
string getName ()
 Gets the name of this channel More...
nNamedObject getNamedObject (string name)
 Returns an instance of the nNamedObject referenced by the parameter More...
nNamedObject[] getNamedObjects ()
 Returns an array of all known nNamedObjects registered with this channel More...
int getType ()
 Gets the type of this channel More...
bool isSubscribed ()
 Determines whether the underlying channel is currently being subscribed to More...
void joinChannel (nChannel dest, string selector)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel. More...
void joinChannel (nChannel dest)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel. More...
void joinChannel (nChannel dest, bool isRouted, int hopCount, string selector)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel. More...
void joinChannel (nChannel dest, bool isRouted, int hopCount, string selector, bool allowPurge)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel. More...
void joinChannel (nQueue dest, string selector)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined by the dest parameter. More...
void joinChannel (nQueue dest)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue. More...
void joinChannel (nQueue dest, bool isRouted, int hopCount, string selector)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue. More...
void joinChannelToArchive (nQueue dest)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue. More...
void joinChannelToArchive (nQueue dest, string selector)
 Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue. More...
void publish (nConsumeEvent e)
 Publishes the specified nConsumeEvent to this channel More...
void purgeEvent (long eidval)
 Purges a single event from this channel More...
void purgeEvent (long eidval, bool purgeJoins)
 Purges a single event from this channel More...
void purgeEventAsync (long eidval)
 Purges a single event from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server More...
void purgeEventAsync (long eidval, bool purgeJoins)
 Purges a single event from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server More...
void purgeEvents (long startEID, long endEID)
 Purges a range of events from this channel More...
void purgeEvents (long startEID, long endEID, string selector)
 Purges a range of events from this channel More...
void purgeEventsAsync (long startEID, long endEID)
 Purges a range of events from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server More...
void purgeEventsAsync (long startEID, long endEID, string selector)
 Purges a range of events from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server More...
void removeConnectionListener ()
 Removes the connection listener to this channel More...
void removeConnectionListener (nChannelConnectionListener listener)
 Removes the connection listener to this channel More...
void removeSubscriber (nEventListener nel)
 Unregisters the specified nEventListener as a subscriber from this channel. More...
void removeSubscriber (nEventListener nel, bool waitForResponse)
 Unregisters the specified nEventListener as a subscriber from this channel. More...
void reSubscribe (string selector)
 Removes the current subscriber and re-registers the nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void reSubscribe (long eid)
 Removes the current subscriber and registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void reSubscribe (string selector, long eid)
 Removes the current subscriber and re-registers the nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel. More...
void reSubscribe (nNamedObject name, string selector)
 Removes the current subscriber and registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel. More...
void unbindNamedObject (nNamedObject name)
 Unbinds the named object from the current connection More...
void unbindNamedObject (string name)
 Unbinds the named object from the current connection More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nAbstractChannel
int getQueueSize ()
 Returns the size of the underlying event queue waiting for delivery via the go method More...
nSession getSession ()
 Returns the nSession object that this channel belongs to More...

Detailed Description

This class is a Nirvana channel, offering the Nirvana channel related services

Member Function Documentation

void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addConnectionListener ( nChannelConnectionListener  listener)

Adds a nChannelConnectionListener to this channel so that when new connections are made to this channel the listener is notified

listenerto add
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits, or has already been set.
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addConnectionListener ( nChannelConnectionListener  listener,
bool  isSync 

Adds a nChannelConnectionListener to this channel so that when new connections are made to this channel the listener is notified

listenerto add
isSyncthe call is synchronous
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits, or has already been set.
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel)

Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events contained in this channel.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
long  eid 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events with event id greater than or equal to the one specified.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
eida long specifying the subscription's start eid
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
string  selector 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events contained in this channel, apart from the ones restricted by the specified filter.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
string  selector,
long  eid 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events with event id greater than or equal to the one specified, apart from the ones restricted by the specified filter.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
eida long specifying the subscription's start eid
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
nNamedObject  name,
string  selector,
bool  AutoAck 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events from the last acknowledged event for the name supplied If the name is new it will start from the END of the channel.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
namean nNamedObject specifying a name for this subscription
selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
AutoAcka bool used to control whether the nirvana client will automatically ack events or if the user will ack events later
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionThe name is already bound and used by another client
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionif the server does not know about the named object
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
nNamedObject  name 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events from the last acknowledged event for the name supplied If the name is new it will start from the END of the channel.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
namea nNamedObject specifying a name for this subscription
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionThe name is already bound and used by another client
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionif the server does not know about the named object
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
nNamedObject  name,
string  selector,
bool  AutoAck,
nNamedPriorityListener  listener 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events from the last acknowledged event for the name supplied If the name is new it will start from the END of the channel.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
namean nNamedObject specifying a name for this subscription
selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
AutoAcka boolean used to control whether the nirvana client will automatically ack events or if the user will ack events later
listenera nNamedPriorityListener which is called back when this subscription reaches the top of the queue and is now the top priority to receive events
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has unsufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionThe name is already bound and used by another client
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionif the server does not know about the named object
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.addSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
nNamedObject  name,
nNamedPriorityListener  listener 

Registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events from the last acknowledged event for the name supplied If the name is new it will start from the END of the channel.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
namea nNamedObject specifying a name for this subscription
listenera nNamedPriorityListener which is called back when this subscription reaches the top of the queue and is now the top priority to receive events
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has unsufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionThe name is already bound and used by another client
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionif the server does not know about the named object
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( )

Create a default channel iterator starting at the beginning of the channel

nChannelIterator for the current channel
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( string  selector)

Create a default channel iterator starting at the beginning of the channel with the events which match the selector being returned

selectorUsed to specify a sub set of the current channel events
nChannelIterator for the current channel
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( long  startEID)

Create a default channel iterator starting at the EID specified

startEIDThe event to start iterating the channel from
nChannelIterator for the current channel
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( string  selector,
long  startEID 

Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned

selectorUsed to specify a sub set of the current channel events
startEIDThe event to start iterating the channel from
nChannelIterator for the current channel
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( nNamedObject  name)

Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned

nameNamed Object reference to use for this iterator
nChannelIterator for the current channel
nChannelIterator com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createIterator ( nNamedObject  name,
string  selector 

Create a default channel iterator starting at the eid specified in the channel with the events which match the selector being returned

selectorUsed to specify a sub set of the current channel events
nameNamed Object reference to use for this iterator
nChannelIterator for the current channel
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name)

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name

nameto create
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
long  startEID 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name

nameto create
startEIDevent EID to start the named object from
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
long  startEID,
bool  persistent 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not

nameto create
startEIDevent EID to start the named object from
persistentflag to indicate to the server where to store it
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
bool  persistent 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not

nameto create
persistentflag to indicate to the server where to store it
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
bool  persistent,
bool  clusterWide 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not

nameto create
persistentflag to indicate to the server where to store it
clusterWideflag to indicate if this named object is valid in the entire cluster
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
long  startEID,
bool  persistent,
bool  clusterWide 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not

nameto create
startEIDevent EID to start the named object from
persistentflag to indicate to the server where to store it
clusterWideflag to indicate if this named object is valid in the entire cluster
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createNamedObject ( string  name,
long  startEID,
bool  persistent,
bool  clusterWide,
bool  enablePriority 

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not

nameto create
startEIDevent EID to start the named object from
persistentflag to indicate to the server where to store it
clusterWideflag to indicate if this named object is valid in the entire cluster
enablePriorityflag to indicate if multiple subscriptions will be prioritized on this object
the nNamedObject created
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has unsufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionIf the name is already in use
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nRegisteredEvent com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createRegisteredEvent ( object  keyValue)

Creates a new nRegisteredEvent bound to this channel using the keyValue as its unique id.

keyValueUnquie Id to use for the nRegisteredEvent
nIllegalArgumentExceptionif unable to create the nRegisteredEvent object
nRegisteredEvent com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.createRegisteredEvent ( object  keyValue,
bool  isTransactional 

Creates a new nRegisteredEvent bound to this channel using the keyValue as its unique id.

keyValueUnquie Id to use for the nRegisteredEvent
isTransactionalIndicates that all commits on the nRegistedEvent should use transactional symantics
nIllegalArgumentExceptionif unable to create the nRegisteredEvent object
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.deleteJoin ( nChannel  destination)

Deletes a join between this channel and the channel referenced in the destination parameter

destinationThis is an nChannel object referencing the destination channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.deleteJoin ( nQueue  destination)

Deletes a join between this channel and the queue referenced in the destination parameter

destinationThis is an nQueue object referencing the destination queue
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the queue no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.delNamedObject ( nNamedObject  name)

Removes all references for this name on the realm Server

namethe name to be removed from the server
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.delNamedObject ( string  name)

Removes all references for this name on the realm Server

namethe name to be removed from the server
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nChannelAttributes com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getChannelAttributes ( )

Gets the channels local attributes

The associated nChannelAttributes object specifying the channel attributes
nJoinInformation [] com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getJoinInformation ( )

Returns an array of nJoinInformation objects which describe the links this channel has configured for it.

array of nJoinInformation objects
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
long com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getLastEID ( )

Gets the last event id of this channel

a long specifying the last event id of this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
long com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getLastStoredEID ( )

Gets the last event id of this channel

a long specifying the last event id stored on this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
string com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getName ( )

Gets the name of this channel

a string specifying the name of this channel
nNamedObject com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getNamedObject ( string  name)

Returns an instance of the nNamedObject referenced by the parameter

nameof the nNamedObject
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
nNamedObject [] com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getNamedObjects ( )

Returns an array of all known nNamedObjects registered with this channel

nNamedObject[] named objects
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
int com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.getType ( )

Gets the type of this channel

Currently supported types are:

nChanneAttributes.MIXED_TYPE nChanneAttributes.SIMPLE_TYPE nChanneAttributes.PERSISTENT_TYPE nChanneAttributes.RELIABLE_TYPE nChanneAttributes.TRANSIENT_TYPE

an int specifying the channel's type


bool com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.isSubscribed ( )

Determines whether the underlying channel is currently being subscribed to

true if the channel object is currently subscribed to
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nChannel  dest,
string  selector 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel.

The link has a filter applied to it, defined by the provided selector string

desta nChannel object defining the channel to be joined (linked) to this channel
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) of these 2 channels
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nChannel  dest)

Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel.

desta nChannel object defining the channel to be joined (linked) to this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nChannel  dest,
bool  isRouted,
int  hopCount,
string  selector 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel.

Additional parameters specify whether the event is routable or not, the maximum number of hops the event can pass through and the filter applied to the join (link).

desta nChannel object defining the channel to be joined (linked) to this channel
isRouteda bool flag specifying whether the event will be routed or not
hopCountan int specifying the maximum number of hops the event can pass through
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) of these 2 channels
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nChannel  dest,
bool  isRouted,
int  hopCount,
string  selector,
bool  allowPurge 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the channel defined within the provided nChannel.

Additional parameters specify whether the event is routable or not, the maximum number of hops the event can pass through and the filter applied to the join (link).

desta nChannel object defining the channel to be joined (linked) to this channel
isRouteda bool flag specifying whether the event will be routed or not
hopCountan int specifying the maximum number of hops the event can pass through
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) of these 2 channels
allowPurgeif allow purge is true then when the source channel is purged events source from it will also be purged
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nQueue  dest,
string  selector 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined by the dest parameter.

Additional parameter specifies the filter applied to the join (link).

desta nQueue object defining the queue to be joined (linked) to this channel
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) from the source channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nQueue  dest)

Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue.

The link has a filter applied to it, defined by the provided selector string

desta nQueue object defining the queue to be joined (linked) to this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannel ( nQueue  dest,
bool  isRouted,
int  hopCount,
string  selector 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue.

Additional parameters specify whether the event is routable or not, the maximum number of hops the event can pass through and the filter applied to the join (link).

desta nQueue object defining the queue to be joined (linked) to this channel
isRouteda bool flag specifying whether the event will be routed or not
hopCountan int specifying the maximum number of hops the event can pass through
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) from the source channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannelToArchive ( nQueue  dest)

Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue.

The link has a filter applied to it, defined by the provided selector string Events will NOT be checked for duplicates since this is an archive join, any events that are published to the source will appear in the destination queue. This may result in duplicate events in the queue if the queue has multiple sources. This is by design.

desta nQueue object defining the queue to be joined (linked) to this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.joinChannelToArchive ( nQueue  dest,
string  selector 

Sets a server based link between this channel and the queue defined within the provided nQueue.

Additional parameters specify whether the event is routable or not, the maximum number of hops the event can pass through and the filter applied to the join (link). Events will NOT be checked for duplicates since this is an archive join, any events that are published to the source will appear in the destination queue. This may result in duplicate events in the queue if the queue has multiple sources. This is by design.

desta nQueue object defining the queue to be joined (linked) to this channel
selectorA string defining a filter that will be applied in the join (link) from the source channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nDuplicateJoinExceptionThe join already exists on the server
nRealmNotFoundExceptionThe remote realm could not be found
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.publish ( nConsumeEvent  e)

Publishes the specified nConsumeEvent to this channel

ethe nConsumeEvent object to be published to this channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEvent ( long  eidval)

Purges a single event from this channel

eidvala long specifying the event id of the event to be purged from the channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEvent ( long  eidval,
bool  purgeJoins 

Purges a single event from this channel

eidvala long specifying the event id of the event to be purged from the channel
purgeJoinsa bool specifying if the event will be removed from all subsequent joins
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEventAsync ( long  eidval)

Purges a single event from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server

eidvala long specifying the event id of the event to be purged from the channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEventAsync ( long  eidval,
bool  purgeJoins 

Purges a single event from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server

eidvala long specifying the event id of the event to be purged from the channel
purgeJoinsa bool specifying if the event will be removed from all subsequent joins
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEvents ( long  startEID,
long  endEID 

Purges a range of events from this channel

startEIDa long specifying the start event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
endEIDa long specifying the end event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEvents ( long  startEID,
long  endEID,
string  selector 

Purges a range of events from this channel

startEIDa long specifying the start event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
endEIDa long specifying the end event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
selectorA messages selector which will be used to filter out only the events which match this criteria
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEventsAsync ( long  startEID,
long  endEID 

Purges a range of events from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server

startEIDa long specifying the start event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
endEIDa long specifying the end event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.purgeEventsAsync ( long  startEID,
long  endEID,
string  selector 

Purges a range of events from this channel and does not wait for the response from the server

startEIDa long specifying the start event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
endEIDa long specifying the end event id of the range of events to be purged from the channel
selectorA messages selector which will be used to filter out only the events which match this criteria
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.removeConnectionListener ( )

Removes the connection listener to this channel

nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.removeConnectionListener ( nChannelConnectionListener  listener)

Removes the connection listener to this channel

listenerremove the listener
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.removeSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel)

Unregisters the specified nEventListener as a subscriber from this channel.

The subscriber will not receive any more events.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.removeSubscriber ( nEventListener  nel,
bool  waitForResponse 

Unregisters the specified nEventListener as a subscriber from this channel.

The subscriber will not receive any more events.

nelthe nEventListener object to be registered as a subscriber
waitForResponseif true the call will block waiting for the server to complete the request
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.reSubscribe ( string  selector)

Removes the current subscriber and re-registers the nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events on the channel apart from the ones restricted by the specified filter.

selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.reSubscribe ( long  eid)

Removes the current subscriber and registers the specified nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events with event id greater than or equal to the one specified

eida long specifying the subscription's start eid
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.reSubscribe ( string  selector,
long  eid 

Removes the current subscriber and re-registers the nEventListener as a subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events with event id greater than or equal to the one specified, apart from the ones restricted by the specified filter.

selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
eida long specifying the subscription's start eid
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.reSubscribe ( nNamedObject  name,
string  selector 

Removes the current subscriber and registers the specified nEventListener as a named subscriber to this channel.

The subscriber will receive all events from the last acknowledged event for the name supplied If the name is new it will start from the END of the channel.

namea named object for this subscription
selectora string specifying a filter to this subscription request
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSelectorParserExceptionThe selector has syntax errors
nChannelAlreadySubscribedExceptionA subscriber is already registered with this channel on this session
nNameAlreadyBoundExceptionThe name is already bound and used by another client
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionif the server does not know about the named object
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.unbindNamedObject ( nNamedObject  name)

Unbinds the named object from the current connection

namethe named object to be unbound
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume
void com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nChannel.unbindNamedObject ( string  name)

Unbinds the named object from the current connection

namethe name to be unbound
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume