CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Predefined Policies for API Management : The Access Key Management Policies : API Key Revocation Policy : Send Email Notification Action
Send Email Notification Action
Sends an email message to specified users and/or groups.
To use this action, CentraSite must have a connection to an SMTP email server. For instructions on how to configure CentraSite's connection to an email server, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide .
During an iteration of the policy, if the connection to a SMTP email server fails, this policy action returns a failure code. CentraSite writes the failure message to the policy log; however performs the next action in the policy (if one exists).
Input Parameters
Array of Users Users who are to receive the email.
You can specify the recipients of the email using the Users parameter, the Groups parameter, or both.
Array of Groups Groups whose users are to receive the email.
CentraSite will only send the email to those users in the group whose CentraSite user account includes an email address.
String The text that you want to appear in the email's subject line. This text can include substitution tokens to insert run-time data into the subject line. For information about using substitution tokens, see Substitution Tokens.
Use Email Template
Email Template Specifies the template that is to be used to generate the body of the email message. For more information about using email templates, see Predefined Email Templates Installed with CentraSite .
You can use the predefined template, NotifyAPIKeyGenerationToConsumer.html, as your email template if you do not want to create an email template of your own.
If you use an email template to generate the body of the message, you cannot specify the body of the message using the Custom Message parameter. (In other words, you specify the body of the message using either the Use Email Template or the Custom Message parameter.)
Custom Message
TextArea The text of the email message. This text can include substitution tokens to insert run-time data into the message. For information about using substitution tokens, see Substitution Tokens.
If you use the Custom Message parameter to specify the body of the email message, you cannot generate the body of the message using an email template. (In other words, you specify the body of the message using either the Custom Message or the Use Email Template parameter.)
String Specifies whether the custom mail message is formatted as HTML or plain text.
Include owner in notification
Boolean When enabled, this parameter sends the email notification to the provider of the API on which the policy is acting in addition to the users specified by the Users and Groups parameters.
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