CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Predefined Policies for API Management
Predefined Policies for API Management
The User Management Policies
The Access Key Management Policies
The API-Portal Integration Policies
API management policies are predefined, design-time or change-time policies that CentraSite uses to perform internal requests (e.g., registering the consumers for an API) and governance functions (e.g., ensuring the validity of policies). By default, API management policies are not displayed by CentraSite Control; however you can view them by enabling the Show Predefined Policies option on the Design/Change-Time Policy page.
If you belong to a role that includes the Manage System-Wide Design/Change-Time Policies permission, you have the ability to edit, delete and deactivate CentraSite's predefined API management policies. However, you should not do this. These policies perform critical functions within the registry and must not be deleted, or deactivated except under the direction of a technical representative from Software AG.
Summary of the User Management Policies
*User Registration
*Consumer Onboarding
Summary of the Access Key Management Policies
*Access Key Generation
*Access Key Renewal
*Access Key Revocation
Summary of the API-Portal Integration Policies
*Publish to API-Portal
*Unpublish from API-Portal
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