CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : API Management Solutions : Predefined Policies for API Management : The User Management Policies : The Consumer Onboarding Policies : Consumer Onboarding Policy
Consumer Onboarding Policy
The “Consumer Onboarding Policy” of an organization enables an automated onboarding of user for that organization. On successful onboarding, performs the API consumption process that has already been initiated. If the API consumption includes an approval workflow, on approval, CentraSite generates the API key. On the other hand, if the API consumption does not include an approval workflow, CentraSite generates the API key immediately.
To use the email options provided by this policy, CentraSite must have a connection to an SMTP email server. For instructions on how to configure CentraSite's connection to an email server, see the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide .
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