CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Watching and Unwatching an Asset : Watching an Asset : Watching or Unwatching a Set of Assets
Watching or Unwatching a Set of Assets
You can watch or unwatch multiple assets in a single step. The rules described above for watching or unwatching a single asset apply also when watching or unwatching multiple assets.
If you have selected several assets where one or more of them are already being watched, and if you choose to watch the selected set of assets, CentraSite immediately initiates the Watch action on that set and ignores the assets that are already watched. Similarly, If you have selected several assets where one or more of them are not watched, and if you choose to unwatch the selected set of assets, CentraSite immediately initiates the Unwatch action on that set and ignores the assets that are already not watched.
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