CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Watching and Unwatching an Asset : Watching an Asset
Watching an Asset
How to Watch an Asset
How to Unwatch an Asset
Watching or Unwatching a Set of Assets
How to Watch a Set of Assets
How to Unwatch a Set of Assets
This feature lets you request the right to be a watcher of the displayed asset.
You can watch or unwatch a single asset or a selected set of assets. The descriptions in this section give you details on how to do this.
When watching or unwatching an asset, keep the following points in mind:
*If you are not the owner of the asset, you cannot use the Watch or Unwatch feature unless you have Modify permission on the asset (granted though either a role-based permission or an instance-level permission).
*If you do not have the notification selected in the User Preferences page, the Watch or Unwatch icon will not be visible in the user interface (this functionality will be still be available via the API).
*When you attempt to watch an asset for the first time, the Watch icon will be displayed in the user interface. However, if you are already watching the asset, then the Unwatch icon will be displayed.
This functionality is not available to guest users.
The following sections describe how to watch or unwatch assets.
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