About Permissions
A permission enables a user to perform a specified operation on a specified object. Permissions also enable users to work with specified parts of the CentraSite Control user interface. It is largely CentraSite's system of permissions and roles that enables it to manage and maintain the separation of organizations in the registry.
Within CentraSite, there are two basic types of permissions: instance-level permissions and role-based permissions.
Instance-level permissions enable access to one specific instance of an object. They provide very fine-grain control over objects in the registry. You can use an instance-level permission, for example, to give one specific user the ability to modify one particular asset in the catalog.
Instance-level permissions are granted directly to individual users or to groups.Role-based permissions enable access to an entire class of objects or give users the ability to perform certain general operations in
CentraSite. Role-based permissions provide coarse-grain control over the objects in the registry. You might use role-based permissions, for example, to allow a group of users to edit all of an organization's assets. Role-based permissions are not granted directly to individual users or groups.
Role based permissions are assigned to roles, and the roles are assigned to individual users or groups.