CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions : About Roles and Permissions : About Permissions : Role-Based Permissions : Role-Based Permissions in CentraSite
Role-Based Permissions in CentraSite
The following table describes the individual permissions and their implied permissions in CentraSite, if any.
Implied Permissions
Use the Home UI
Grants the right to use the Home area in CentraSite Control. Without this permission the UI will hide the Home top-level navigation item.
Use the Policy UI
Grants the right to use the Policy area in CentraSite Control. Without this permission the UI will hide the Policy top-level navigation item.
Use the Administration UI
Grants the right to use the Administration area in CentraSite Control. Without this permission the UI will hide the Administration top-level navigation item.
Use the Reports UI
Grants the right to use the Reports area in CentraSite Control. Without this permission the UI will hide the Reports top-level navigation item.
Use the Operations UI
Grants the right to use the Operations area in CentraSite Control. Without this permission, the UI will hide the Operations top-level navigation item.
View Policy Log
Grants the right to view the policy log.
Use the Administration UI
View Approval History
Grants the right to view the approval history.
Use the Administration UI
Register as Consumer
Grants the right to register as a consumer of assets.
Manage Assets
Grants the right to manage assets and supporting documents within an organization.
Create Assets
Modify Assets
View Assets
Create Assets
Grants the right to create new assets within an organization.
Modify Assets
Grants the right to modify all assets and supporting documents within an organization.
The Modify Assets permission is important not just for applying updates to existing assets but also for performing consumer registrations.
View Assets
View Assets
Grants the right to view all assets and supporting documents within an organization.
Manage Design/Change-Time Policies
Grants the right to manage design/change-time policies within an organization.
Additionally, this implies the right to manage all policy-related objects such as policy conditions and policy parameters.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing design/change-time policies, since design/change-time policies are visible for everyone.
Use the Policy UI
Manage Run-Time Policies
Grants the right to manage run-time policies within an organization.
Additionally, this implies the right to manage all policy-related objects such as policy conditions and policy parameters.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing run-time policies, since run-time policies are visible for everyone.
Use the Policy UI
Manage Lifecycle Models
Grants the right to manage lifecycle models (LCMs) within an organization.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing LCMs, since LCMs are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Modify Assets
Manage Design/Change-Time Policies
Manage Runtime Policies
Manage Users
Grants the right to manage users of an organization.
Additionally, this grants the right to manage groups and roles within an organization.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Organizations
Grants the right to manage an organization and all its child organizations.
Also grants the right to manage the organization folder in Supporting Document Library (SDL). By default, the content of an organization folder is visible for every user of that organization.
Note that all organizations are visible for everyone.
Manage Users
Manage Design/Change-Time Polices
Manage Run-Time Policies
Manage Lifecycle Models
Manage Assets
Manage Organizations
Grants the right to manage all organizations in the CentraSite instance.
Note that all organizations are visible for everyone.
Manage Organizations (org-level permission for every organization)
Manage System-wide Design/Change-Time Policies
Manage System-wide Run-Time Policies
Manage-System-wide Lifecycle Models
Manage Report Templates
Manage System-wide Lifecycle Models
Grants the right to manage lifecycle models.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide lifecycle models, since system-wide lifecycle models are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Lifecycle Models (org-level permission for every organization)
Manage System-wide Design/Change-Time Policies
Manage System-wide Runtime Policies
Manage System-wide Design/Change-Time Policies
Grants the right to manage design/change-time policies.
Additionally, this implies the right to manage the following policy-related objects:
*Action Categories
*Action Templates
*Action Parameters
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide design/change-time policies, since system-wide design/change-time policies are visible for everyone.
Use the Policy UI
Manage System-wide Runtime Policies
Grants the right to manage run-time policies.
Additionally, this implies the right to manage the following policy-related objects:
*Action Categories
*Action Templates
*Action Parameters
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide run-time policies, since system-wide run-time policies are visible for everyone.
Use the Policy UI
Manage Report Templates
Grants the right to manage system-wide report templates.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide report templates, since system-wide report templates are visible for everyone.
Use the Reports UI
Manage System-wide Roles
Grants the right to manage system-level roles.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide roles, since system-wide roles are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Manage UDDI Subscriptions
Grants the right to manage UDDI Subscriptions.
View UDDI Subscriptions
Create UDDI Subscriptions
Create UDDI Subscriptions
Grants the right to create new UDDI Subscriptions and view existing UDDI Subscriptions.
View UDDI Subscriptions
View UDDI Subscriptions
Grants the right to view UDDI Subscriptions.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Federations
Grants the right to manage federations.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing federations, since federations are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Taxonomies
Grants the right to manage taxonomies.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing system-wide taxonomies, since system-wide taxonomies are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Asset Types
Grants the right to manage asset types.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing asset types, since asset types are visible for everyone.
Use the Administration UI
Manage Runtime Targets
Grants the right to manage run-time targets and target types.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing run-time targets and target types, since run-time targets and target types are visible for everyone.
Use the Operations UI
Manage Runtime Event Types
Grants the right to mange run-time event types.
Note that there is no explicit permission for viewing run-time event types, since run-time event types are visible for everyone.
Use the Operations UI
Manage Supporting Documents
Grants the right to manage the content of all folders in the Supporting Documents Library (SDL).
View Supporting Documents
View Supporting Documents
Grants the right to view the content of all folders in the Supporting Documents Library (SDL).
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