Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
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| \Nnirvana
|  oNclientDocumentation for the Nirvana C# Client API
|  \NnAdminAPINirvana Administration (nAdminAPI) Package, incorporating all the tools necessary to monitor, configure and manage one or more Nirvana realms and / or clusters of realms
 \NNirvanaDocumentation for the Nirvana .Net Extended API
  oCDataGroupAddedEventArgsEvent that is raised when a data group is added to another data group
  oCDataGroupCreatedEventArgsEvent that is raised when a data group is created
  oCDataGroupDeletedEventArgsEvent raised when a data group is deleted
  oCDataGroupEventArgsAbstract class for data group event arguments
  oCDataGroupRelationshipChangedEventArgsEvent that will be raised when a data group is added to, or removed from, another data group
  oCDataGroupRemovedEventArgsEvent that is raised when a data group is removed from another data group
  oCDataGroupStreamEventArgsThe abstract type that will be raised when a stream is added or removed from a data group
  oCDestinationRepresents a message destination in the realm
  oCDestinationDeletedEventArgsAn event that is raised when a destination is deleted
  oCGivenPriorityEventArgsEvent that will be raised when you are given priority to a priority named object
  oCIBatchAllows the caller to perform a batch of operations on Nirvana resources
  oCIBatchedSubscriptionAllows the caller to efficiently subscribe to many topics
  oCIConsumerDefines an object that receive messages from the realm
  oCIDataGroupDefines a Data Group
  oCIDataGroupBatchAllows the caller to perform a batch of data group operations
  oCIDataGroupSessionDefines DataGroup operations available in a session
  oCIDataStreamDefines a data stream object
  oCIDestinationDefines a destination object
  oCIProducerDefines an object that can publish messages to the realm
  oCIPropertiesDefines an object that can be used to retrieve or store properties on a message
  oCIQueueSessionDefines Queue operations available in a session
  oCIRegisteredEventDefines an object that can be used to commit changes to an event that is stored in the realm server
  oCIRegisteredEventBatchAllows the caller to send registered events in a batch
  oCISessionDefines a nirvana session object
  oCISessionAttributesDefines the global settings for a session
  oCITopicSessionDefines Topic operations available in a session
  oCITransactionDefines an object that allows sending of messages in a transactional manner
  oCITransactionalConsumerDefines a consumer that receives messages in a transactional manner
  oCMessageThe Message class represents the data published to or consumed from a Nirvana realm
  oCMessageArrivedEventArgsEvent that will be raised when a message is delivered
  oCMessageEventArgsThe event that is raised when a message is received
  oCPropertiesUsed to retrieve or store properties on a message
  oCPurgeEventArgsAn event that is raised when a message (event) has been purged
  oCSessionCreates a session with a Nirvana Realm
  oCStreamAddedEventArgsEvent that is raised when a stream is added to a data group
  \CStreamRemovedEventArgsEvent that is raised when a stream is removed from a data group