Version 9.6
 —  Installation under IBM i  —

Installing EntireX Broker Stubs under IBM i

This document describes how to install the Broker stub under IBM i. It covers the following topics:

See Platform Coverage for full platform information.

The prerequisites for installing the stub are described centrally. See IBM i Prerequisites.

The implementation on IBM i is based on the UNIX code, therefore, use the UNIX parameters for the IBM i environment, see Setting up Broker Instances. However, some features provided under UNIX are not supported under IBM i, see Features Currently not Supported below.

Features Currently not Supported

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is currently not supported.

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Installation Steps

vrsp stands for the current version, release, service pack, and optionally a patch level.

The installation comprises the following steps:

Step 1: Create a Product Library

We recommend that you keep the EntireX Broker environment in an IBM i library named EXX.

If this library does not yet exist, create it with the IBM i command CRTLIB EXX.

Step 2: Copy the Installation Data Set to Disk

The product is delivered in a data set with the name ../OS400/EXAvrsp and is stored on your EntireX installation DVD. The data set must be transferred to a *SAVF file on your machine. To do this, use the command CRTSAVF to create the empty save file EXAvrsp in a library of your choice. Then use FTP to transfer the unzipped PC data set to the save file using the FTP option "binary".

Step 3: Verify the Contents of the *SAVF File

To verify the content of the *SAVF file EXAvrsp, use the command DSPSAVF. This command will display the following objects:

Object Type Description
EXA *SRVPGM EntireX Broker ACI (stub).
EXXZCOMP *SRVPGM EntireX Compression Version 7.1.1.
TRANPOT *SRVPGM EntireX TCP/IP Transport Version 7.1.1.
X_SECUEXIT *SRVPGM EntireX Security Version 7.1.1 (to use, rename it).
See Using the Security Exit.
ZLIB *SRVPGM zlib compression.
BCOC, BCOCCBL, BCOCRPG *PGM Client example programs in C, COBOL and RPG.
BCOS, BCOSCBL, BCOSRPG *PGM Server example programs in C, COBOL and RPG.
EXABCOC *PGM Start BCOC client sample program (edit first; read the note under Test Procedures).
EXABCOCSEC *PGM Start BCOC client sample program with Security (edit first; read the note under Test Procedures).
EXABCOS *PGM Start BCOS server sample program (edit first; read the note under Test Procedures).
EXABCOSSEC *PGM Start BCOS server sample program with Security (edit first; read the note under Test Procedures).
CRT_CBLMOD *PGM Compile a COBOL source to an ILE module.
CRT_CMOD *PGM Compile a C source to an ILE module.
CRT_RPGMOD *PGM Compile an RPG source to an ILE module.
EXABNDPGM *PGM Sample: Bind user main program with the EXA service program (the Broker ACI).
EXASETENV *PGM Sample: Set environment variables for EXA.
EXACRTLOG *PGM Create a physical LOG file.
BCOC, BCOCCBL, BCOCRPG *MODULE Client example modules in C, COBOL and RPG.
BCOS, BCOSCBL, BCOSRPG *MODULE Server example modules in C, COBOL and RPG.
EXASRC *FILE (PF-SRC) Example source file (sample programs and procedures).
H_EXA *FILE (PF-SRC) Include files for sample C programs. Rename to H before use.
QCBLLESRC *FILE (PF-SRC) COBOL copybooks for sample COBOL programs.
QRPGLESRC *FILE (PF-SRC) RPG copybooks for sample RPG programs.
QSRVSRC *FILE (PF-SRC) Export definitions for data and procedures.

Step 4: Restore the *SAVF File

To restore the *SAVF file use the command RSTLIB:


After you have restored the save file, the product library EXX should at least contain the objects listed in step 3.

Software AG recommends you not putting user objects in this library. Copy modified samples to the user libraries. CL samples mentioned here may change, therefore check all associated program objects for the latest version.

The EntireX Broker ACI for IBM i is now installed and ready to be bound to a user-developed application environment.

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Verifying the Installation of the Broker Stubs

This package contains test programs (BCOS, BCOC) and example programs for binding (LINKPGM).

Test Programs

There are two types of programs to test the connection to the remote Broker.

The file EXASRC contains the sources of the programs listed above; they are available in C, COBOL (...CBL) and RPG (...RPG).

Prerequisite for the test is a running remote Broker. To proceed, you need to know the Broker ID (brokerid), the port number (portno) and, optionally, the API (ACI) version of your Broker kernel (APIversion).

  1. In two interactive sessions, set the *CURLIB to library EXX.

  2. Check that the log file in library EXX exists. If it does not exist, create it using the example program EXACRTLOG.

  3. In session 1, execute the command:

    Call BCOS ('-b brokerid: portno ' '- APIversion ')
  4. In session 2, execute the command:

    Call BCOC ('-b brokerid: portno ' '- APIversion ')

The steps above use the C samples, the samples for COBOL and RPG (see the program names above) can be used with the same parameters. The COBOL and RPG samples have less screen output than the C sample.

With Broker Kernel API Version 6 and the Broker ID Localhost, the screen output of BCOC will look similar to this:

CLIENT: ETB Version 2 
CLIENT: Number of repeats (10)
CLIENT: Broker ID Localhost:3930
CLIENT: Broker ID pcbal2:6099
CLIENT: Using default class ACLASS
CLIENT: Using default server ASERVER
CLIENT: Using default service ASERVICE
CLIENT: Maximum stub ACI version: 7
CLIENT: Maximum kernel ACI version: 6
CLIENT: Kernel Version Platform UNIX

CLIENT: Using ACI version: 6
Request issued (9, 2037)
Request issued (8, 2037)
Request issued (7, 2037)
Request issued (6, 2037)
Request issued (5, 2037)
Request issued (4, 2037)
Request issued (3, 2037)
Request issued (2, 2037)
Request issued (1, 2037)
Request issued (0, 2037)
CLIENT: Test successfully performed 
Press ENTER to end terminal session.

The screen output of BCOS will look similar to this:

SERVER: ACI Version 6 
SERVER: Number of repeats (10) 
SERVER: Broker ID Localhost:3930
SERVER: Using default class ACLASS
SERVER: Using default server ASERVER
SERVER: Using default service ASERVICE
SERVER: Maximum stub ACI version: 7
SERVER: Maximum kernel ACI version: 6
SERVER: Kernel Version Platform UNIX

SERVER: Using ACI version: 6
Incoming data (2037, 9)
Incoming data (2037, 8)
Incoming data (2037, 7)
Incoming data (2037, 6)
Incoming data (2037, 5)
Incoming data (2037, 4)
Incoming data (2037, 3)
Incoming data (2037, 2)
Incoming data (2037, 1)
Incoming data (2037, 0)
SERVER: Test successfully performed 
Press ENTER to end terminal session.

If it does, the test with the remote Broker was successful.

Test Procedures

To perform the test programs, you can also modify and use the sample procedures located in the source file EXASRC:

Procedure Description Programs called.
EXABCOC Client test procedure BCOC, BCOCCBL, BCOCRPG.
EXABCOCSEC Client test procedure with Security parameters BCOC only.
EXABCOS Server test procedure BCOS, BCOSCBL, BCOSRPG.
EXABCOSSEC Server test procedure with Security parameters BCOS only.

By default, all procedures call the "C" flavor of the client and server programs, i.e. BCOC and BCOS.

To call the relevant COBOL (BCOCCBL, BCOSCBL) or RPG (BCOCRPG, BCOSRPG) programs, you must modify the procedures listed above accordingly. After having adjusted the Broker ID, Broker Version and Security parameters, you must compile the sources and bind the created modules to executable *PGM programs. For compiling, use the procedure CRT_CMOD, CRT_CBLMOD or CRT_RPGMOD. For binding, use the procedure EXABNDPGM.

All sample programs incorporate the ACI Broker control block definitions during compilation. The relevant include file and copybooks are located in:

Include source file Copy member Description
H ETBCDEF C ACI definitions for BCOS and BCOC.
ETBCINF Broker API definitions for Command/Info Services using C.
See Broker Command and Information Services.
COBINF Broker API definitions for Command/Info Services using COBOL.
See Broker Command and Information Services.

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Upgrading from Version 5.3, 6.1 and 6.2

Step 1: Make a Backup

Make a backup of the existing version in library EXX.

Step 2: Install Latest EntireX ACI Version

Perform the steps listed in Installation Steps above.

All program and sample files in the library EXX will be replaced.

Step 3: Bind the Application with latest ACI Version

All application server programs that use the Broker stub (ACI) must be rebound with the server program EXA.

To perform this step, you can use the command CRTPGM (see CL example EXABNDPGM).

Using command DSPPGMREF (Display Program Reference) you can display the service programs that are currently referenced to your application.

If you use Natural RPC, you must rebind the Natural Broker Wrapper program NXWRAPPR located in your library NXWvrs.

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