Version 9.6
 —  EntireX .NET Wrapper  —

Using the .NET Wrapper in IDL Compiler Command-line Mode

The table below shows the command-line options for the .NET Wrapper if the IDL Compiler is used. Options can be valid for client and server side.

Option Req/
-D BROKER=nnn R The EntireX Broker.
-D SERVICE=nnn R The EntireX Service.
-t nnn R Template for client (csharp_client.tpl) or server generation (csharp_server.tpl).
-o nnn R Project relative output directory or absolute Path
-D ATOSTRING=String|StringBuilder O String handling (Default if omitted).
-D CLASSNAMEPREFIX=nnn O Class name prefix for inner classes.
-D A1TOCHAR=n O Generate "char" for A1 instead of String (1 if required).
-D B1TOBYTE=n O Generate "byte" for B1 instead of byte (1 if required).
-D TRIM=n O Remove trailing blanks (1 if required).
-PSANITIZE O Sanitize.
-F nnn O File base name for output.

See also Starting the IDL Compiler and IDL Compiler Usage Examples.


To start the IDL Compiler with the parameters for the stub generation, enter, for example the following in a single command line:

java -classpath "%ProgramFiles%\Software AG\EntireX\classes\saglic.jar";"%ProgramFiles%\Software AG\EntireX\Classes\exxidlcompiler.jar" -Dsagcommon="%CommonProgramFiles%\Software AG" com/softwareag/entirex/idlcompiler/TplParser -PSANITIZE -D BROKER="localhost:1971" -D SERVICE="RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT" -t "%ProgramFiles%\Software AG\EntireX\Template\csharp_client.tpl" -F example -o NET example.idl

The client stub is generated in the subdirectory NET.

Status and processing messages are written to standard output (stdout), which is normally set to the executing shell window.

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