Version 9.6

Upgrading from a Previous Version

CentraSite is installed with the Software Installer. This guide provides instructions for upgrading CentraSite Registry Repository and Software AG Runtime 8.2 and 9.0 to 9.5 using overinstall. For side-by-side installation of all CentraSite all components (Registry Repository, Software AG Runtime, and Software AG Designer plug-ins, please refer to the Upgrading webMethods Products documentation, which you can find at

The CentraSite readme file is recommended for reading.

All product readme files are available at

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Preparing for Upgrade CentraSite

Upgrading CentraSite 8.2 to 9.6 Using Overinstall


Upgrading CentraSite 9.0 to 9.6 Using Overinstall


Upgrading CentraSite 9.5 to 9.6 Using Overinstall

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