Version 9.6

Developing Custom Actions

If you would like a policy to execute a task that is not provided by a built-in action, you can create a custom action to perform the work. For example, a custom action can consist of a Java class or a Groovy script that performs the required task, such as running a test, creating a required attribute or logging an entry in an external database. You can insert custom actions into a policy just like you would insert a built-in action.

The content is organized under the following sections:

blueball Planning to Create Custom Actions Provides an overview of planning for a custom action.
blueball About Action Categories Discusses the CentraSite system action categories and custom action categories.
blueball About Action Templates Describes the contents of the action templates.
blueball About Parameter Templates Describes the contents of the parameter templates.
blueball Who Can Create and Manage Action Categories or Templates? Describes the who can create and manage action categories or templates.
blueball Viewing the Action Categories List Describes how to view the list of action categories in CentraSite.
blueball Adding Custom Actions Using CentraSite's UI Describes how to create custom actions using CentraSite's UI.
blueball Adding Custom Actions Using APIs Describes how to create custom actions using APIs.
blueball Viewing or Editing Action Categories or Templates Describes how to view or edit action categories and templates.
blueball Downloading Rules from System Action Templates Describes how to download rules from the system action templates.
blueball Deleting Custom Action Categories and Templates Describes how to delete action categories and templates.
blueball Versioning a Custom Action Describes how to create new versions of a custom action.
blueball Javadoc: policyAPI Contains an overview of the policy API.
blueball Sample Custom Actions Describes the sample custom actions that are provided in your CentraSite installation. One action contains a Java class rule, and the other contains a Groovy script rule.

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