Version 9.6
 —  Virtualizing APIs Using the CentraSite Business UI  —

Viewing Details for an API Proxy

CentraSite provides a summary of details of the proxy PI. The details rendered as attributes are grouped together as profiles.

To view the details of a proxy API, the following prerequisites must be met:

For more information about permissions, see the CentraSite online documentation section Users, Groups, Roles and Permissions > About Roles and Permissions .

Summary of Profiles in the API Proxy

Profile Description
Basic Information Contains basic information for a proxy API. This profile shows individual characteristic such as the proxy API's version, type, owner, organization and description. If you are having users watching or consuming the proxy API, CentraSite displays that information on this profile. This profile also contains controls for approving requests placed on this proxy API.
Advanced Information Contains additional information for a proxy API. This profile shows the technical specifications, and the list of providers and consumers for the proxy API.
Technical Details

Contains technical information for a proxy API.

  • For a SOAP-based proxy API, it includes the WSDL URL and a list of the operations and bindings.

  • For an XML/REST-based proxy API, it includes the schema URL and a list of the resources.

Provider Overview Contains a link to the native API, and a list of Access URIs and API keys.
Consumer Overview Contains usage information for a proxy API.
  • For a SOAP-based proxy API, it displays the Consumer Service WSDL / WSDL URL, and a list of Access URIs and API keys.

  • For an XML/REST-based proxy API, it displays a list of access URIs and API keys.


Applicable only for Application and API Key types. Provides consumer information for a proxy API, including the API key, expiration date of the API key, and the list of consumer identifier tokens associated with the particular API. This profile also contains control for re-configuring the consumer identifier tokens.

For a list of the supported consumer identifier tokens, refer to the section Using Consumer Identifiers.

An Identification profile is displayed for the proxy API ONLY if enabled in the API Key asset type.

API Key Scope

Applicable only for API Key types. The name of the a proxy API that is associated with the API key.

An API Key Scope profile is displayed for the proxy API ONLY if enabled in the API Key asset type.

Runtime Metrics Applicable only for XML/REST-based proxy APIs. Displays the run-time performance metrics associated with the proxy API. If you are using webMethods Mediator, webMethods Insight or another run-time monitoring component to log performance metrics for a proxy API, CentraSite displays those metrics on this profile.

The Runtime Metrics profile is displayed for proxy APIs regardless of whether you enable or disable in the Service asset type. In other words, when you disable the Runtime Metrics profile for the Service asset type, CentraSite removes the profile from the native APIs, but continues to display it for proxy APIs.

Runtime Events Applicable only for Virtual XML & REST APIs. Displays the run-time events associated with the API. If you are using webMethods Mediator, webMethods Insight or another run-time monitoring component to log run-time events for an API, CentraSite displays those events on this profile.

The Runtime Events profile is displayed for proxy APIs regardless of whether you enable or disable in the Service asset type. In other words, when you disable the Runtime Events profile for the Service asset type, CentraSite removes the profile from the native APIs, but continues to display it for proxy APIs.

Summary of Actions in the API Proxy

The following actions are available in the details page of a proxy API:

Action Name Icon Usage
Save graphics/action_save.gif You use this action to save the change made to an API's information.
Edit graphics/action_edit.gif You use this action to view an API's information and modify them.
Version graphics/version.gif You use this action to generate a new version of an API.
Delete graphics/action_delete.gif You use this action to remove an API.
Virtualize graphics/virtualize.png You use this action to create a virtual copy of an API.
Attach graphics/action_attach.gif You use this action to attach a supporting document to an API.
Watch graphics/watch.png You use this action to subscribe notifications when changes are made to an API's information.
Add to List graphics/add_list.gif You use this action to add an API to the My Favorites list.
Remove from List graphics/remove_list.png You use this action to remove an API from the My Favorites list.
Export graphics/action_export.gif You use this action to export an API from one instance of CentraSite to another.
Consume graphics/consume.png You use this action to register as a consumer for an API.
Revert graphics/action_revert.png You use this action to revert an API request than has been submitted for approval.
View Report graphics/report.png You use this action to generate and view reports for an API.
Permission graphics/permission.png You use this action to assign instance-level and profile-level permissions on an API.
API Consumption Settings graphics/settings.png You use this action to configure the client consumption settings for an API.
Publish graphics/publish.png You use this action to publish an API to the Mediator for consumption.
Unpublish graphics/unpublish.png You use this action to unpublish an API from the Mediator.

Viewing the Details for an API Proxy

Use the following procedure to view the details for a proxy API.

Start of instruction setTo view the details of an API

  1. In CentraSite Business UI, use either the Browse or Search feature to locate an API that you want to view. If you need information on how to browse or search the CentraSite catalog, refer to the section Browsing the CentraSite Catalog or Searching the CentraSite Catalog in the document Managing the CentraSite Catalog.

  2. Click the API’s hyperlinked name.

  3. On the APIs’ details page, examine the properties as necessary.

    CentraSite will display the attributes for the selected API. If you have Modify permission on the API, you can edit the API’s attributes.

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