Version 9.6

Managing Users and Organizations

This document describes how to create and manage CentraSite organizations.

The content is organized under the following sections:

blueball Introduction Gives an overview of the organization support in CentraSite.
blueball Basic Organization Structure Describes the structure of an organization.
blueball Planning Your Organization Structure Describes the planning of an organization.
blueball Who Can Create and Manage Organizations? Describes who can create and manage organizations.
blueball Organization Administrators and Primary Contacts Describes these two key positions within an organization.
blueball Adding a Top-Level Organization Describes how to create an organization.
blueball Viewing or Editing the Properties of an Organization Describes how to view or edit an organization.
blueball Adding a Child Organization to an Organization Describes how to create a child organization.
blueball Deleting an Organization Describes how to delete an organization.

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