When you create an organization, you must specify a user to serve as the organization's organization administrator and a user to serve as the organization's primary contact.
The organization administrator is a user that has the Organization Administrator role for the organization. An organization must have at least one user in the Organization Administrator role. It can have multiple users in this role. A user in one organization can serve as an Organization Administrator for another organization; however, this role is typically given to someone within the organization. An organization administrator performs administrative tasks for the organization, such as:
Adding users to the organization
Defining groups and roles
Defining custom lifecycle models for the organization
Creating child organizations
An organization administrator can also view, edit and delete any asset, policy or lifecycle model that belongs to the organization or any of its descendants.
The primary contact is simply a user who acts as the point-of-contact for an organization. An organization has just one primary contact. The user who is designated as the primary contact does not receive any additional roles or permissions by serving as the primary contact; this user is simply designated as the individual who serves as the main point-of-contact for the organization. Usually, the same user serves as both the organization's administrator and its primary contact, but CentraSite does not require this. You can assign a different user to each position. The primary contact is not required to be a user within the organization itself, but usually this is the case.