Version 9.6
 —  Logging  —

Purging Logs

For performance reasons, CentraSite uses system log records to store activities and performances of some of the registry objects (say, policies, assets etc.) that are defined via the log settings. However, in some cases, you might want to modify the log settings configuration, in order to avoid performance degradation of CentraSite. This section describes some of the methods that you can use for such purposes.

These methods allow you to display and modify the log purging configuration. The log purging configuration applies to each log record.


To be able to configure the log purging, please note the following points:

Note that CentraSite does not purge:

When you purge policy log entries, CentraSite creates a new informational policy log entry indicating that policy log entries have been purged. If any such informational policy log entries exist from previous invocations of the policy log purger, they are also purged, so that the only such policy log entry remaining is the one for the current invocation.

Configuring Log Purging from the Command Line

You can configure log purging by executing the following command in the command line interface CentraSiteCommand.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX) of Command Central. The tool is located in <CentraSiteInstallDir>/utilities.

If you start this command line tool with no parameters, you receive a help text summarizing the required input parameters.

The parameters of the command are case-sensitive, so for example the parameter "-url" must be specified as shown and not as "-URL".

To invoke log purging from the command line, you must perform the following high-level steps:

  1. Create a configuration (config.xml) file as described in Creating a Configuration File to Define Log Purging.

  2. Execute the script file CentraSiteCommand with appropriate input parameters as described in Executing the Script File that Invokes Log Purging.

You must be a user with CentraSite Administrator role to execute the script file.

Creating a Configuration File to Define Log Purging

This section describes how to create a config.xml file that defines a log purging. Examine the config,xml file. It contains at least the XML namespace used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes.

Define a Log Purge Setting

The LogPurgeSetting element specifies the type of log record to be purged from the CentraSite Log Database.

In the LogPurgeSetting element, add an attribute called log and assign it a value equal to either of the following:

Log Unit Description
Policy_Log Purge log record that contains information about the design/change-time policies that CentraSite has executed.
Approval_Log Purge log record that contains information about all approval requests that has been triggered by a policy with an approval workflow action.
Audit_Log Purge log record that contains information on the creation/update activities of a particular asset (including changes in an asset's lifecycle state).
Runtime_Event_Log Purge log record that contains information about run-time events that have occurred in a target (i.e., a policy-enforcement point (PEP) or a run-time monitoring component).
Runtime_Performance_Log Purge log record that contains information about the KPI metrics of all rogue assets.

This LogPurgeSetting element should look similar to this:

<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
   <LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">

Define a Log Purge Type

The log purge type attributes provide information about the different type of logs configured to be purged on different days, times and even how many days of logs to keep.

In this section, you create the purge type attributes that will be used by the log purge setting definition.

Within the LogPurgeSetting element, create the following attributes (as required) and assign values.

Log Purge Setting Description

Specifies a location for the exported files on the database.

If an export location is not specified, then CentraSite simply deletes the log records.


Deletes log records and exports them as an archive to a configurable directory that can be imported later.

Specify the xs:dateTime values as required. The default time zone is UTC/GMT.


Deletes log records that are older than the specified date and exports them as an archive to a configurable directory that can be imported later.

Specify the xs:dateTime values as required. The default time zone is UTC/GMT.


Defines the threshold value for batch purging each of the log units. The default threshold value is "10000".

If both Until and OlderThan properties are not specified in the configuration file, the date is assumed to be current date.

The LogPurgeSetting element should now look similar to this:

<LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
   <LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">

The final config.xml should look similar to this:

<LogPurgeSettings xmlns="">
   <LogPurgeSetting log="Approval_Log"> 
   <LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Event_Log">
   <LogPurgeSetting log="Runtime_Performance_Log">

Make sure you copy this file somewhere within the file system of the machine where CentraSite is installed.

Executing the Script File that Invokes Log Purging

To invoke log purging function, you must use the script file CentraSiteCommand with the config.xml input parameter, as follows:

CentraSiteCommand purge Logs [-url <CENTRASITE-URL>] -user <USER-ID> -password
<PASSWORD> [-assets <Asset Name/Key (s)>] -file <CONFIG-FILE>


CentraSiteCommand purge Logs -url "http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite" -user "Administrator" -password
"manage" -assets "MyService" -file "config.xml"

Input Parameters

The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the purge Logs utility:

Parameter Description
The fully qualified URL (http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite) for the CentraSite registry/repository.
The user ID of a user who has the "CentraSite Administrator" role.
The password of the user identified by the parameter "-user".
The name or UUID assigned to the asset and which uniquely identifies it within the registry.
The URI (file: or http:) of the configuration file.

If the specified key or name of the asset to purge does not match any existing asset in the registry, then no purging is done.

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