Version 9.6
 —  Logging  —

Exporting / Importing the Purged Log Records

You can selectively export log records to a location on disk, and import the log records back to the same CentraSite installation.

Exporting the Purged Log Records from the Command Line

Additionally, you can modify the config.xml file to specify the export location of purged log records and the date range to purge log records, and execute the command line utility to export the defined log records. For example, if you specify a directory location and the date until which the log records need to be purged, then executing the command line, CentraSite deletes the log records that were generated until the specified date and exports them as archive to the specified directory.

The following table identifies the log purging behavior of CentraSite for each purge setting configuration:

Log Purge Settings Until Older Than
  Export Location Specified Export Location Not Specified Export Location Specified Export Location Not Specified
Date Specified Deletes log records that are generated until the specified date and exports them as an archive to the specified directory that can be imported later. Permanently deletes log records that were generated until the specified date from the CentraSite Log Database. Deletes log records that are older than the specified date and exports them as an archive to the specified directory that can be imported later. Permanently deletes log records that are older than the specified date from the CentraSite Log Database.
Date Not Specified Deletes log records that are generated until the current date and exports them as an archive to the specified directory that can be imported later. Permanently deletes log records that are generated until the current date from the CentraSite Log Database. Deletes log records until the current date and exports them as an archive to the specified directory that can be imported later. Permanently deletes log records until the current date from the CentraSite Log Database.

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Viewing the Exported Purged Log Records

Perform the following steps to view the exported log records.

Start of instruction setTo view the exported log records

  1. Display the Log Configuration page as described in Configuring Logs.

  2. Go to the CentraSite > Location Management > Initial Location node to view all the exported log records.

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Importing the Purged Log Records

Perform the following steps to import the purged log records back into the CentraSite installation.

Start of instruction setTo import the purged log records back into CentraSite

  1. Display the Log Configuration page as described in Configuring Logs.

  2. Click Browse next to the Import File field, select the archive file that you want to import and click OK

  3. In the Log Configuration page, click Import to start the importer.

    The imported log records are restored in the CentraSite Log Database.

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