Version 9.6

Customizing Lifecycle Management

CentraSite provides the ability to define and track the lifecycle of an asset by using a state model. CentraSite allows the use of active policies to govern specific transitions in the lifecycle management process.

Lifecycle models can theoretically be complex and go across multiple stages (machines). In CentraSite, the stages are called nodes. A lifecycle node is a machine within a lifecycle management model.

Lifecycle models can be applied to:

CentraSite provides predefined lifecycle models for several types of objects. For information about these lifecycle models, see The Predefined Lifecycle Models Installed with CentraSite.

The description of lifecycle management in CentraSite consists of the following sections:

blueball Introduction Introduces lifecycle management and lifecycle models.
blueball Who Can Create and Manage Lifecycle Models? Describes the users who can create and manage lifecycle models.
blueball Viewing or Editing a Lifecycle Model Describes how to view and edit the properties of a defined lifecycle model.
blueball Creating a Lifecycle Model Describes how to create and update a lifecycle model.
blueball Activating a Lifecycle Model Describes how to activate a lifecycle model.
blueball Updating a Lifecycle Model Describes how to update a lifecycle model.
blueball Deleting a State from a Model Describes how to delete a state from a lifecycle model.
blueball Deleting a Lifecycle Model Describes how to delete a lifecycle model.
blueball Lifecycle Model for Lifecycle Models (LCM for LCMs) Describes updating the lifecycle model for lifecycle models.
blueball The Predefined Lifecycle Models Installed with CentraSite Describes the lifecycle models that are provided with CentraSite.

The lcmAPI: Reference Information (Javadoc).

See the document Javadoc for APIs for the Javadoc-style documentation of this API.

Javadoc for the lifecycle management API.

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