CentraSite has a set of importers for importing various kinds of objects. They are used by the Import function of CentraSite Control, but they can also be invoked from Java programs, through the SOAP API, from batch commands (e.g. shell scripts) or directly from the command-line prompt. Import APIs are available for importing:
Web services
XML schemas
XML services
REST services
BPEL process files
XPDL files
All the importers have a few characteristics in common. Each import function is called with an appropriate XML file (for example, the web service importer expects a WSDL file as input). The XML file can be located in the file system, or, for some importers, it can alternatively be specified by a URL (HTTP). The file is incorporated into the CentraSite repository, and there will be a registry object (an ExternalLink) that will point to it. Each importer typically creates one or more JAXR-based registry objects. The following picture illustrates the relationship:
This document discusses the following topics:
Invoking an Importer from a Java Program | Describes how an importer can be invoked using the CentraSite Java API. | |
Invoking an Importer from a Java Class | Describes how the importers can be invoked from a Java class. | |
Invoking an Importer from the Command Line | Describes how the importers can be invoked from the command line or a batch script. | |
Invoking an Importer from the SOAP API | Describes how to access the importers using Web services. |
Writing Your Own Importer | Describes how to write an importer and integrate it into the CentraSite environment. |