Version 9.6
 —  Registry Federations in CentraSite  —

Adding a UDDI Federation to the Federation List

After you have created the configuration file for a UDDI federation as described in the previous section, you can make the federation available for triggering by adding it to the list of target registries defined for federation. To do this, use a command of the following form:

CentraSiteCommand add Federation [-user <USER-ID>] [-password <PASSWORD>] 
   -name <NAME> -file <CONFIG-FILE>

The following table describes the complete set of input parameters that you can use with the add Federation utility:

Parameter Description
The user ID of a user on the target machine who has the permissions to create objects on the target machine.
The password of the user identified by the parameter "-user".
A name for the federation.
The URI (file: or http:) of the configuration file.

For example:

CentraSiteCommand add Federation -user "AdminUser"  -password "ABCXYZ123" 
   -name "FedName" -file "C:\Federation1.xml"

See the section Users and Access Rights below for more information. If the configuration file contains the user and password information in the targetRegistryDetailNAME, you can omit these from the command line. If you supply the user and password values on the command line and also in the configuration file, the values on the command line will be used.

Every federation has a dedicated name that you can provide in the Name parameter. This name is displayed when you use the list Federation command to show the list of target registries defined for federation. It is also required when you wish to remove a federation using the remove Federation command.

When the federation has been added to the federation list, you can trigger the federation at any time, as described in the following section.

When you add a UDDI federation as described above, CentraSite creates an entry for the federation in the emit.xml file.

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