Version 9.6

Registry Federations in CentraSite

CentraSite provides support for federated registries. Federation allows you to obtain copies of objects from one registry and store them in another registry, where you intend to access and navigate them.

The registries participating in a federation can be CentraSite registries and UDDI v3-compliant registries. Currently, the UDDI federation support allows federating data from a 3rd party UDDI registry such as jUDDI or SAP to CentraSite.

For general information about UDDI v3, refer to the specification at

The content is organized under the following sections:

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Overview of the Federation Process

Gives an overview of the federation process and describes the steps involved in setting up and running a federation.

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Creating a Federation Configuration File

Describes how to create the configuration file containing the technical setup parameters for the federation.

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Adding a UDDI Federation to the Federation List

Describes how to register a new federation configuration.

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Triggering the UDDI Federation

Describes how to activate a federation.

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Removing a UDDI Federation from the Federation List

Describes how to unregister a federation configuration.

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Displaying the List of Target Registries defined for Federation

Describes how to determine which target registries are defined for federation.

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Mapping UDDI Object IDs and tModels

Describes how to maintain uniqueness of UDDI object IDs during the federation process, and how to map UDDI structures onto JAXR-based structures in the target registry.

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Users and Access Rights

Summarizes the user permissions required in order to perform a federation.

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