Version 9.5 SP1
 —  RPC-ACI Bridge  —

Administering EntireX RPC-ACI Bridge

The RPC-ACI Bridge enables RPC-based client applications to be used with ACI servers.

This document covers the following topics:

Customizing the RPC-ACI Bridge

For the setup of the RPC-ACI Bridge there are

Location of the RPC-ACI Bridge

The RPC-ACI Bridge is contained in the file entirex.jar.

The Configuration File

The default name of the configuration file is The RPC-ACI Bridge searches for this file in the current working directory.

You can set the name of the configuration file with<your file name> with "/" as file separator.

The configuration file contains the configuration for both parts of the RPC-ACI Bridge.


Start of instruction setTo set up the RPC-ACI Bridge

  1. Use the RPC server agent of the System Management Hub.

  2. Add the RPC-ACI Bridge as an RPC server.

    See Administering the EntireX RPC Servers using System Management Hub under UNIX | Windows for details.

    Use the scripts to start the RPC-ACI Bridge.

    Under Windows use jrpcacibridge.bat in the folder bin to start the RPC-ACI Bridge. You may customize this file.

    Under UNIX use jrpcacibridge.bsh in the folder bin to start the RPC-ACI Bridge. You may customize this file.

    Both scripts use the configuration file in the folder etc.

Configuring more than one RPC-ACI Bridge

If you configure more than one RPC-ACI Bridge that connect to the same EntireX Broker, the following items must be distinct:

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Configuring the RPC Server Side

The RPC server side of the RPC-ACI Bridge is configured like the Java RPC Server. The RPC-ACI Bridge uses the properties that start with "entirex.server".

The RPC server side can adjust the number of worker threads to the number of parallel requests. Use the properties entirex.server.fixedservers, entirex.server.maxservers, entirex.server.minservers to configure this scalability. If entirex.server.fixedservers=yes, the number of entirex.server.minservers is started and the server can process this number of parallel requests. If entirex.server.fixedservers=no, the number of worker threads balances between entirex.server.minservers and entirex.server.maxservers. This is done by a so-called attach server thread. On startup, the number of worker threads is entirex.server.minservers. If more than entirex.server.minservers are waiting for requests, a worker thread stops if its receive call times out. The timeout period is configured with entirex.server.waitserver.

Alternatively to the properties, you can use the command-line option. The command-line options have a higher priority than the properties set as Java system properties and these have higher priority than the properties in the configuration file.

Name Command-line Option Default Value Explanation
entirex.server.brokerid -broker localhost : 1971 Broker ID
entirex.server.codepage -codepage   The codepage the server uses. Permitted values are the name of the codepages the JVM supports. Use the value LOCAL when the default codepage of the JVM should be used. See Internationalization with EntireX for details.
entirex.server.compresslevel -compresslevel 0 (no compression)
N 0
Y 8
entirex.server.encryptionlevel -encryption 0 Encryption level (if Broker is version 6.1.1 or higher. Valid values: 0,1,2).
entirex.server.environment     Can be used in a user-written translation exit of the broker.
See BrokerService, setEnvironment(java.lang.String) (EntireX Java ACI).
entirex.server.fixedservers   no If "no", use an attach server thread to manage worker threads, otherwise run minimum number of server threads. See properties entirex.server.maxservers, entirex.server.minservers.
entirex.server.logfile -logfile   Path and name of the trace output file.
entirex.server.maxservers   32 Maximum number of worker threads.
entirex.server.minservers   1 Minimum number of server threads.
entirex.server.monitorport -smhport 0 The port where the server listens for commands from the System Management Hub (SMH). If this port is 0, no port is used and the management by the SMH is disabled.     The name of the server.
entirex.server.password -password   The password for secured access to the Broker.
For Java 1.4 and above, the password is encrypted and written to the property entirex.server.password.e.
To change the password, set the new password in the properties file (default is
To disable password encryption set entirex.server.passwordencrypt=no. Default for this property is "yes".
For Java 1.3 and below, the password encryption is not available. -propertyfile The file name of the property file.
entirex.server.restartcycles -restartcycles 15 Number of restart attempts if the Broker is not available. This can be used to keep the Java RPC Server running while the Broker is down for a short time. -security no no/yes/auto/Name of BrokerSecurity object.
entirex.server.serveraddress -server RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT Server address
entirex.server.serverlog -serverlog   Name of the file where start and stop of worker threads is logged. Used by the Windows RPC Service.
entirex.server.userid -user JavaServer The user ID of the Broker for RPC. See entirex.server.password.
entirex.server.verbose -verbose no Verbose output to standard output yes/no.
entirex.server.waitattach   600S Wait timeout for the attach server thread.
entirex.server.waitserver   300S Wait timeout for the worker threads.
entirex.timeout   20 TCP/IP transport timeout. See Setting the Transport Timeout under Writing Advanced Applications - EntireX Java ACI.
entirex.trace -trace 0 Trace level (1,2,3).

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Configuring the ACI Client Side

These properties are used to configure the connection to the Broker for ACI.

Alternatively, you can use the command-line option. The command-line options have a higher priority than the properties set as Java system properties and these have higher priority than the properties in the configuration file

Name Command-line Option Default Value Explanation
entirex.rpcacibridge.brokerid -acibroker localhost Broker ID of the Broker for ACI.
entirex.rpcacibridge.compresslevel -acicompresslevel 0 (no compression)
Permitted values (you can enter the text or the numeric value):
Y 8
entirex.rpcacibridge.encryptionlevel -aciencryption 0 Encryption level (if Broker is version 6.1.1 or higher. Valid values: 0,1,2).
entirex.rpcacibridge.marshalling -acimarshalling   This is for arrays of groups. Set this property to "cobol" if the ACI server is a COBOL program. Set this property to "natural" if the ACI server is a Natural program. Default is " ", which lets the RPC client determine the marshalling.
entirex.rpcacibridge.password -acipassword   The password of the Broker for ACI. For Java 1.4, the password is encrypted and written to the property entirex.server.password.e.
To change the password, set the new password in the properties file (default is
To disable password encryption set entirex.server.passwordencrypt=no.
Default for this property is "yes".
For Java 1.3 and below, the password encryption is not available. -acisecurity no no/yes/auto/Name of BrokerSecurity object.
entirex.rpcacibridge.serveraddress -aciserver ACLASS/ASERVER/ ASERVICE Server Address for the Broker for ACI.
entirex.rpcacibridge.trace -acitrace No If set to "yes", additional trace output (exception stack-traces and request and reply buffers) is generated.
entirex.rpcacibridge.userid -aciuser Value of system property . The user ID of the Broker for ACI. Use different user IDs for different RPC-ACI Bridges on the same Broker.
entirex.rpcacibridge.waittime   0S The wait time for receive requests. Permitted values are nS|nM|nH, where n is the number of seconds or minutes or hours.

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Starting the RPC-ACI Bridge

Start of instruction setTo start the RPC-ACI Bridge

On Windows you can start the RPC-ACI Bridge as a Windows Service. The installation of the service is similar to the installation of the Java RPC Server. See Running the Java RPC Server as a Windows Service.

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Stopping the RPC-ACI Bridge

Start of instruction setTo stop the RPC-ACI Bridge

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Application Identification

The application identification is sent from the RPC-ACI Bridge to the Broker. It is visible with Broker Command and Info Services.

The identification consists of four parts: name, node, type, and version. These four parts are sent with each Broker call and are visible in the trace information.

For the RPC-ACI Bridge these values are:

Application name: ANAME=RPC-ACI Bridge
Node name: ANODE=<host name>
Application type: ATYPE=Java
Version: AVERS=

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