Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX C Wrapper  —

Client and Server Examples for UNIX and Windows

This document describes the examples provided for the C Wrapper. All examples here can be found in the EntireX examples/RPC directory under UNIX and Windows. It covers the following topics:

Basic RPC Client Examples - CALC, SQUARE

For C environments, the CALC and SQUARE clients are built with the C Wrapper.

Name Type Description Notes
client.c C source file A client application calling two remote procedures (RPC services), CALC and SQUARE, with associated example.idl. 1
client.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to the client-side build instructions under Writing a Single-threaded C RPC Client Application.
  2. Under Windows only.
  3. Under UNIX only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/basic/example/CClient under UNIX or Windows.

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Basic RPC Server Examples - CALC, SQUARE

For C environments, the CALC and SQUARE servers are built with the C Wrapper.

Name Type Description Notes
EXAMPLE.C C source file A server application providing two remote procedures (RPC services), CALC and SQUARE, with associated example.idl. 1
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
server.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to the server-side build instructions. See Using the C Wrapper for the Server Side (z/OS, UNIX, Windows, BS2000/OSD, IBM i).
  2. Under UNIX only.
  3. Under Windows only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/basic/example/CServer under UNIX or Windows.

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Basic Callable RPC Server Examples - CALC, SQUARE

For C environments, the CALC and SQUARE servers are built with the C Wrapper.

Name Type Description Notes
callableserver.bat start script A start script for the Callable C Server. 1
callableserver.bsh start script A start script for the Callable C Server. 2
callableserver.c C source file A server application providing two remote procedures (RPC services), CALC and SQUARE, with associated example.idl. 3, 4
callableserver.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 1
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2


  1. Under Windows only.

  2. Under UNIX only.

  3. Application built according to

  4. This example requires that the Basic RPC Server Examples - CALC, SQUARE are built first.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/basic/example/CServerCallable under UNIX or Windows.

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Reliable RPC Client Example - SENDMAIL

For C environments, the SENDMAIL client is built with the C Wrapper.

Name Type Description Notes
mailclient.c C source file A client application calling the reliable remote procedure (RPC service), SENDMAIL, with associated mail.idl. 1
mailclient.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to

  2. Under Windows only.

  3. Under UNIX only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/reliable/CClient under UNIX or Windows.

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Reliable RPC Server Example - SENDMAIL

For C environments, the SENDMAIL server is built with the C Wrapper.

Name Type Description Notes
MAIL.C C source file A server application providing the reliable remote procedure (RPC service) SENDMAIL, with associated mail.idl. 1
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
mailserver.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to

  2. Under UNIX only.

  3. Under Windows only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/reliable/CServer under UNIX or Windows.

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Advanced CICS Channel Container Server RPC Example - DFHCON

This example is provided as a client counterpart for easy testing of the CICS Channel Container interface supported by EntireX RPC technology, see Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with Channel Container Calling Convention (z/OS) in the COBOL Wrapper documentation. The client is built in the same way as the Basic RPC Client Examples - CALC, SQUARE above. From a C Wrapper point of view, no new features are introduced.

Name Type Description Notes
containerclient.c C source file A client application calling the remote procedure (RPC service) TWOC, with associated CICSChannelContainer.idl. 1
containerclient.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to the client-side build instructions under Writing a Single-threaded C RPC Client Application.
  2. Under Windows only.
  3. Under UNIX only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/advanced/CICSgreater32K/ChannelContainer/CClient under UNIX or Windows.

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Advanced CICS Large Buffer RPC Server Example - DFHLBUF

This example is provided as a client counterpart for easy testing of the CICS Large Buffer interface supported by EntireX RPC technology, see Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA Large Buffer Interface (z/OS and z/VSE) in the COBOL Wrapper documentation. The client is built in the same way as the Basic RPC Client Examples - CALC, SQUARE above. From a C Wrapper point of view, no new features are introduced.

Name Type Description Notes
largebufferclient.c C source file A client application calling the remote procedure (RPC service) LBUF, with associated CICSLargeBuffer.idl. 1
largebufferclient.mak makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 2
makefile makefile A build script for generating, compiling and linking. 3


  1. Application built according to the client-side build instructions under Writing a Single-threaded C RPC Client Application.
  2. Under Windows only.
  3. Under UNIX only.

For more information see the readme file in EntireX directory examples/RPC/advanced/CICSgreater32K/LargeBuffer/CClient under UNIX or Windows.

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