CAF Tags Documentation

Tag Libraries 
Library IDNameDescription
cafCAF Functions The CAF custom functions library.
caf_f CAF Core CAF tags that are independent of any particular RenderKit.
caf_h CAF Html CAF tags for the HTML RenderKit.
cafp_f CAF Portlet Core CAF portlet tags that are independent of any particular RenderKit.
cafp_h CAF Portlet Html CAF portlet tags for the HTML RenderKit.
csp_h CSP Html CSP tags for the HTML RenderKit.
f JSF Core Standard JSF tags that are independent of any particular RenderKit.
h JSF Html Standard JSF tags for the HTML RenderKit.
jcr_h JCR Html JCR client tags for the HTML RenderKit.
mws_f MWS Core MWS tags that are independent of any particular RenderKit.
mws_h MWS Html MWS tags for the HTML RenderKit.
mws_uiMWS UI The MWS UI library.
Managed beans 
StandardLibrarycom.webmethods.caf.faces.bean.StandardLibraryBeanapplicationExposes the localized resources used by CAF controls as binding expressions
WmPortalLibrarycom.webmethods.caf.faces.bean.WmPortalLibraryBeanapplicationExposes the localized resources used by MWS controls as binding expressions
CSPLibrarycom.webmethods.caf.faces.bean.csp.CSPLibraryBeanapplicationNo Description
Systemcom.webmethods.caf.faces.bean.task.SystemBeanapplicationRepresents the rule context System object which exposes java system properties to the rules via binding expressions.
WmJcrLibrarycom.webmethods.caf.jcr.faces.bean.WmJcrLibraryBeanapplicationExposes the localized resources used by JCR controls as binding expressions

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