Installing the EntireX Broker under BS2000

This section explains how to install and start the EntireX Broker on BS2000. It covers the following topics:


When installing EntireX Broker, all modifications are done to the J and S elements - job control (J-elements) and parameter files (S-elements) - located in EXX811.JOBS. All job control and parameter elements contain a preconfiguration which enables you to install EntireX Broker with much less effort. Using this preconfiguration requires that all libraries be located under the same BS2000 user ID.

Installation prerequisites are described centrally. See BS2000 Prerequisites. Make sure these are met before you start installation. It is important to upgrade your libraries first.

Overview of Broker Installation Steps

This section describes the following installation steps

Install the License Certificate

There are two types of license file:

  • One is delivered on installation medium (EXX811.LICS)

  • The other, in ASCII format, you may have received by e-mail (EXX811.XML) or on a CD. To make this file available for EntireX, transfer it in binary format to BS2000, using FTP. Make sure that the target file on BS2000 is allocated with FILE-STRUCTURE = SAM and BUF-LEN = STD(2).

    When uploading the license file to BS2000, you can use the following FTP commands to create the required file structure:


Customize the EntireX Broker Attribute File

ETB-ATTR is a sample broker attribute file. Customize the attribute settings to suit your needs.

To run a minimal configuration of EntireX Broker that is suitable to execute the verification programs BCOC and BCOS, set up the following parameters:

Parameter Description
BROKER-ID= ETB<nnnnn> Identifies the Broker to which the attribute file applies. The Broker ID must be unique per machine
NODE= <node-id> A DBID under which EntireX Broker is visible in the system
IDTNAME= ADA<xxxxx> Specifies the ID table name under which EntireX Broker will be accessible
PORT= <port> A free port number EntireX Broker listens on for TCP/IP communication. Depending on the system settings, free port numbers under BS2000 start with port numbers greater than 4096

For a full description of all parameters, see Broker Attributes.

Customize the ADALNK Parameters File

The verification programs BCOS and BCOC, the command and information services utilities ETBCMD and ETBINFO as well as the Adabas persistent store require the ADALNK parameter IDTNAME to be set. See also Verifying the Installation of the Broker and step Creating a Broker Persistent Store (optional) below.

Parameter Description
ADALNK IDTNAME= ADA<xxxxx> Specifies the ID table name under which EntireX Broker is accessible.

Customize the EntireX Broker Startup JCL and Start EntireX Broker

The job control delivered with EntireX Broker uses BS2000 S-procedures. We strongly recommend you do not modify START-BROKER. This procedure is recursively called to establish the broker environment. Modifications should only be done to the PARAMETER-DECLARATION section as described below. If all EntireX Broker components are installed under the same BS2000 user ID, and all previous installation steps have been done using the default settings, no modifications to START-BROKER are necessary.

Startup Parameter Description Default
LICENSE-FILE License certificate file. EXX811.LICS
EXX-LIB EntireX Broker library. EXX811.LIB
EXX-JOBS EntireX Broker jobs library. EXX811.JOBS
WAL-MOD WAL module library. WAL826.MOD
MLC-MOD Licensing module library. MLCvrs.MOD
BROKER-ATTRIBUTES EntireX Broker attribute file. ETB-ATTR
BROKER-VARIABLES EntireX Broker attributes variables file. ETB-VARS
FILE-PREFIX File name prefix used for all files written to disk. ETB
CONFIG-REPORT-FILE EntireX Broker configuration report file name. file-prefix.tsn.CONFIG.REPORT CONFIG.REPORT
PSTORE-REPORT-FILE EntireX Broker Adabas persistent store report file name.file-prefix.tsn.PSTORE.REPORT PSTORE.REPORT
STORAGE-REPORT-FILE EntireX Broker storage report file name. file-prefix.tsn.STORAGE.REPORT STORAGE.REPORT
LICENSE-REPORT-FILE EntireX Broker license report file name. file-prefix.tsn.LICENSE.REPORT LICENSE.REPORT
ACCOUNTING-FILE EntireX Broker accounting file name. file-prefix.tsn.ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING
CLOGR1-FILE EntireX Broker TRACE-LEVEL=1 command log file 1. file-prefix.tsn.CLOGR1 CLOGR1
CLOGR2-FILE EntireX Broker TRACE-LEVEL=1 command log file 2. file-prefix.tsn.CLOGR2 CLOGR2
TASK-TYPE Is filled during runtime with the EntireX Broker task type. Do not modify it ! MAIN
MAIN-TASK-TSN Is filled during runtime with the main task TSN. The value is used by subsequently entered Broker tasks. Do not modify it! *ETB

If EntireX Broker requires SERVICE-UPDATES to be set to YES, the attributes file ETB-ATTR cannot be held in LMS. It needs to be located on disk instead. This requires a change the START-BROKER procedure. See SERVICE-UPDATES.

Copy the attribute file to disk.

/ START-LMS                                                              

Change the ADD-FILE-LINK  in the section below in START-BROKER in EXXvrs.JOBS to read the file ETB-ATTR from disk.

/  "------------------------------------------------------------------"
/  "  SET UP FILE LINKS                                               "
/  "------------------------------------------------------------------"

Start EntireX Broker

Start of instruction setTo start the broker

  • Enter the following SDF command:


    We recommend using a three-character job name. The job name is taken as prefix for all subsequently started tasks. Because the job name is limited to eight characters, a longer job name will overwrite the suffix added by EntireX Broker. For example: EntireX Broker running with three worker tasks and NET-TCP communication, JOB-NAME=ETB, CPU-LIMIT=*NO:

    ETB      5397 2 BATCH    9 255      2.2379  NTL    1       
    ETBCOM   5398 2 BATCH    9 255      1.3577  NTL    1       
    ETBWRK00 5399 2 BATCH    9 255      0.8970  NTL    1       
    ETBWRK01 5400 2 BATCH    9 255      0.7571  NTL    1       
    ETBWRK02 5401 2 BATCH    9 255      0.7445  NTL    1       
    ETBTCP00 5402 2 BATCH    9 255      0.6124  NTL    1       
    ETBTCPPX 5403 2 BATCH    9 255      0.5417  NTL    1       
    ETBNET00 5404 2 BATCH    9 255      0.6555  NTL    1       
    ETBTOM   5407 2 BATCH    9 255      6.4044  NTL    1

    The properties assigned to the main task (ETB), e.g. JOB-CLASS, CPU-LIMIT, will be inherited by all subsequently started tasks. For CPU-LIMIT, if specified, only *NO (no time limit) and *STD are inherited.

You can now configure and run the verification jobs BCOS and BCOC. See Verifying the Installation of the Broker.

Stop EntireX Broker

Start of instruction setTo stop the broker from a privileged user ID

  • Enter the following command:

    where tsn is the task number associated with the broker main task (in the example above the TSN of job name ETB)

    All other tasks that were created as a result of starting the broker will be stopped automatically.

Start of instruction setTo stop the broker from an operator console

  • Enter the following command:

    where tsn is the task number associated with the broker main task (in the example above the TSN of job name ETB)

    All other tasks that were created as a result of starting the broker will be stopped automatically.

Start of instruction setTo stop the broker from a non-privileged user ID

  • Use the S-procedure STOP-BROKER in EXX811.JOBS

    Startup Parameter Description Default
    BROKER-ID Depending on the communication method, the BrokerId can be specified in two different formats:
    • TCP Transport Method
      where ip is the address or DNS host name,
        port is the port number that EntireX Broker is listening on, and
        TCP is the protocol name
    • NET Transport Method
      where nnn is the ID under which EntireX Broker is connected to the Adabas ID table,
        mmm is the SVC number under which the Adabas ID table can be accessed, and
        NET is the protocol name
    ADABAS-PARAMETERS Adabas parameters used for NET communication method. ETB-ADAPARM
    USERID If EntireX Broker is running with EntireX Security, a user ID needs to be supplied. none
    PASSWORD If EntireX Broker is running with EntireX Security, a password needs to be supplied. none
    EXX-LIB EntireX Broker module library. EXX811.LIB
    EXX-JOBS EntireX Broker jobs library. EXX811.JOBS
    WAL-MOD WAL module library. WAL826.MOD

    Set the broker ID in the PARAMETER-DECLARATION section and enter following command:


Creating a Broker Persistent Store (optional)

This step may be skipped if no persistent store is required. See Managing the Broker Persistent Store for more information. The persistent store resides in an Adabas database, which means that Adabas must be installed. See BS2000 Prerequisites.

Customize job CREATE-PSTORE-ADABAS. Add the appropriate values in the PARAMETER-DECLARATION section and run the job.


This Adabas ADALOD job loads the Adabas persistent store file FDT from EXX811.SYSF into the database where the Adabas persistent store is to reside.

Set the relevant attributes in the broker attribute file ETB-ATTR. See Adabas-specific Attributes and Managing the Broker Persistent Store.

The Adabas persistent store requires the ADALNK parameter IDTNAME in ETB-ADAPARM to be set properly. This must be the same ID table as used by the broker. See Customize the EntireX Broker Attribute File and Customize the ADALNK Parameters File.

Set up the EntireX Broker Security Server for BS2000 (optional)

Start of instruction setTo activate authentication

  • Set the following two parameters in the broker attribute file to switch on security:

    • In the DEFAULTS=BROKER section
    • In the DEFAULTS=SECURITY section

    The Broker Security Server requires administrator rights and must be run under a privileged user ID.

    If the parameter ACCESS-SECURITY-SERVER is set to "NO", the broker itself must be run under a privileged user ID to allow authentication. In this case, the Broker Security Server is not needed.

Start of instruction setTo start the Broker Security Server

  1. Set up the correct broker library within START-SECURITY-SERVER, because the server task does not usually run under same user ID where the module library resides.

  2. Issue the following command from a privileged user ID (TSOS) to run the server:

    /                 ELE=START-SECURITY-SERVER),  - 
    /                 JOB-NAME=SECUSERV,LOG=*NO

    where $kkk is the user ID under which the broker library resides.

Start of instruction setTo stop the Broker Security Server from a privileged user ID

  • Enter:


    where <tsn> is the BS2000 task number associated with the server.

Start of instruction setTo stop the Broker Security Server from an operator console

  • Enter:

    /INTR tsn,EOJ

    where tsn is the BS2000 task number associated with the server.

Start of instruction setTo stop the Broker Security Server from a non-privileged user ID

  • Enter the following SDF command:


    This works from all user IDs in the system.

Load the SYSETB INPL and ERRN Files (optional)

(SMA Job I061, Step 7600 and 7602)

Perform this step only if you want to install the sample Natural programs.

Use the Natural system command INPL and ERRLODUS (see Natural User's Guide) to load the EntireX Broker system objects (EXB811.INPL and EXB811.ERRN).

This loads the following library:

Library File Contents
SYSETB FNAT Sample Natural programs.

Set the Natural profile parameter ESIZE=40.

Invoke Natural, logon to library SYSETB and edit the member PARM on library SYSETB to set parameters as required at your site, especially the BROKER-ID.

Parameter members can also be made user-dependent. Copy the PARM member and save it in a member with a user ID as name (Natural variable *USER). If a user logs on with this user ID, these parameters take effect instead of the PARM member.

Verifying the Installation of the Broker

Once you have installed the EntireX Broker you can verify that the installation was successful by modifying and using the following client/server pair with the Broker:

  • BCOS

  • BCOC

These procedures are located in library EXX811.JOBS. They, in turn, execute the BCOC (client) and BCOS (server) test programs, depending on a parameter value. These programs support communication with the Broker using either TCP/IP communication method, or the conventional XCOM (Adabas router) communication method. The communication protocol to be used depends on the format of the Broker ID used.

Both BCOS and BCOC are also delivered as example sources. BCOS and BCOC act as a pair, where BCOS provides a service that BCOC calls.

Customize the verification jobs before you run them. BCOS and BCOC require a BROKER-ID to be set up in the job control's PARAMETER-DECLARATION section. Since they may access an Adabas ID table (communication method XCOM), an IDTNAME must be provided. This IDTNAME is read from the ETB-ADAPARM element (see Customize the ADALNK Parameters File).

Start BCOS using following command.


Wait until BCOS has registered the service.

Then start BCOC in a different session. Since BCOS sets a WAIT value of 60 seconds, it will terminate with a "WAIT timeout" if BCOC is not started within this time frame. See WAIT under Broker ACI Fields.


Both should now run through 10 iterations of exchanging messages.

If the initialization messages appear but the verification program fails, check for either a TCP port conflict or a problem with the ID table name or version.

The client and server programs that are executed by these procedures need the following to be defined in the Broker attribute file (if the delivered attribute file is used, no changes are needed).


See Broker Attributes for more information.

For further information on the usage of BCOC / BCOS please also see the comments in the delivered job control. For example, by setting the command string to: /COMMAND = '-h' detailed information on the usage will be printed.