The COBOL Wrapper provides access to RPC-based components from COBOL applications and enables you to develop both clients and servers. This section introduces the various possibilities for RPC-based server applications written in COBOL and covers the following sections:
Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA Calling Convention (z/OS and z/VSE)
Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with Channel Container Calling Convention (z/OS)
Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA Large Buffer Interface (z/OS and z/VSE)
Using the COBOL Wrapper for Batch (z/OS, BS2000, z/VSE and IBM i)
This mode applies to z/OS and z/VSE. See also COBOL Scenarios under z/OS | z/VSE | CICS ECI in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
(*) | See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files. |
In CICS, the RPC server sets up all of your server's parameters
dynamically in the format required. Your server is called using EXEC CICS
Use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA calling convention if
you want to have a standard EXEC CICS LINK
DFHCOMMAREA interface to
your server
you require a distributed program link (CICS DPL) to your server
the DFHCOMMAREA length restriction (31 KB) suits your needs, otherwise consider the following interface types:
To use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA calling convention
Generate the server (skeleton) for the target operating system, for example "z/OS", and use interface type "CICS with DFHCOMMAREA calling convention". See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files.
If a server mapping file is required, it has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server (z/OS | z/VSE | CICS ECI) in the RPC server documentation, except for CICS ECI connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server, where you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping and Aborting RPC Server Customer Code and Returning Error to RPC Client (z/OS | z/VSE) in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
Using the CICS translator for COBOL provided with your CICS installation and a COBOL compiler supported by the COBOL Wrapper, translate and compile your server.
Link (bind) the server to an executable program, using the standard
linker (binder) of the target platform. Give your server a CICS program name
that is the same as the program-name
in the IDL file. See program-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Provide your server(s) to the CICS RPC server, EntireX Adapter, or CICS ECI RPC server:
Install your server(s) as separate CICS program(s).
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If neither a server-side nor client-side mapping file is used - for example it is not required or the
server is generated with a previous version of EntireX without support for
server mapping - the library name (see library-definition
given in the IDL is ignored.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC, the RPC server will dynamically try to execute a program CALC. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using the CICS RPC Server, before using your server(s), check if you need to alter
CICS settings - for example TWASIZE
; see CICS Settings in section Customizing the RPC Server under z/OS |
for z/OS additionally IBM LE Runtime Options - for example AMODE24, how to trap ABENDS etc.
This section covers the following topics:
This mode applies to z/OS. See also COBOL Scenarios in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
(*) | See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files. |
In CICS, the RPC server sets up all of your server's parameters
dynamically in the format required. Your server is called using EXEC CICS
passing the container(s) in the defined channel to your server. See Channel Name.
Use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with channel container calling convention if
you require more than 31 KB of data to transfer to your server
your IDL complies with CICS channel container IDL rules (see below).
If your IDL does not match these rules, consider the interface type
Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA
Large Buffer Interface (z/OS and z/VSE) to implement your server.
you want to have a standard CICS channel container interface to your server
you require a distributed program link (CICS DPL) to your server.
The following rules apply to CICS channel container IDL:
A container is described with an IDL structure. See structure-definition
The container name is the name of the IDL structure. A maximum of 16 characters are allowed by CICS for container names.
IDL programs reference IDL structures only. No other parameters may be referenced.
Multiple containers can be defined, see Example 3: Multiple Containers.
A variable number of containers can be defined using one-dimensional
IDL unbounded arrays with maximum (see array-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation). See also
Example 4: Variable Number of Containers (Direction Out Only).
IDL unbounded arrays (i.e. variable containers) for direction In and
are not supported.
Two and three-dimensional IDL unbounded arrays are not supported.
This example uses the same container for input and output. The container name is "CALC".
Library 'EXAMPLE' Is Program 'CONCALC' Is Define Data Parameter 1 Container ('CALC') InOut End-Define Struct 'CALC' Is Define Data Parameter 1 Operation (A1) 1 Operand_1 (I4) 1 Operand_2 (I4) 1 Function_Result (I4) End-Define
This example uses separate containers for input and output.
Library 'DFHCON' Is Program 'TWOC' Is /* Two Container - Separate for Input and Output Define Data Parameter 1 ContainerIn ('CONTAINER1') In 1 ContainerOut ('CONTAINER2') Out End-Define Struct 'CONTAINER1' Is Define Data Parameter 1 Just-Occupied-Space (A39000) /* 39K 1 Request (A1000/5) /* 5K End-Define Struct 'CONTAINER2' Is Define Data Parameter 1 Just-Occupied-Space (A49000) /* 49K 1 Reply (A250) End-Define
See IDL program TWOC
Advanced CICS Channel Container RPC Server Example.
This example shows how more than one container is used per direction. Each container has its own structure layout.
Library 'DFHCON' Is Program 'MULTIC' Is Define Data Parameter 1 InContainer1 ('INCONTAINER1') In 1 InContainer2 ('INCONTAINER2') In 1 InContainer3 ('INCONTAINER3') In ... 1 OutContainer1 ('OUTCONTAINER1') Out 1 OutContainer2 ('OUTCONTAINER2') Out 1 OutContainer3 ('OUTCONTAINER3') Out ... End-Define Struct 'INCONTAINER1' Is ... Struct 'INCONTAINER2' Is ... Struct 'INCONTAINER3' Is ... ... Struct 'OUTCONTAINER1' Is ... Struct 'OUTCONTAINER1' Is ... Struct 'OUTCONTAINER1' Is ... ...
This example shows how to specify a range of containers. At runtime, the called RPC server creates a variable number of containers from this range. Each container created has the same structure layout and a container name that is formed from the structure name as prefix and the structure index as suffix. In this example:
container names are MULTIPLE0001
thru MULTIPLE9999
container name is OPTIONAL1
Make sure IDL observes the 16-character length restriction for
container names given by CICS.
Library 'DFHCON' Is Program 'VARC' Is Define Data Parameter 1 Input ('INPUT') In 1 Multiple ('MULTIPLE'/V9999) Out /* 0 thru 9999 times 1 Optional ('OPTIONAL'/V1) Out /* 0 or 1 times End-Define Struct 'INPUT' Is ... Struct 'MULTIPLE' Is ... Struct 'OPTIONAL' Is ...
To use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with channel container calling convention
Generate the server (skeleton(s)) for the target operating system, for example "z/OS", and use interface type "CICS with channel container calling convention". See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files.
The generated server mapping file has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server under Server-side Mapping Files in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping and Aborting RPC Server Customer Code and Returning Error to RPC Client in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
Using the CICS translator for COBOL provided with your CICS installation and a COBOL compiler supported by the COBOL Wrapper, translate and compile your server.
Link (bind) the server to an executable program, using the standard
linker (binder) of the target platform. Give your server a CICS program name
that is the same as the program-name
in the IDL file (see program-definition
Provide your server(s) to the CICS RPC server.
Install your server(s) as separate CICS program(s).
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using the CICS RPC Server, before using your server(s), check if you need to alter
CICS settings - for example TWASIZE
- before using your server(s); see CICS Settings under Administering the EntireX RPC Server in the CICS RPC Server documentation
IBM LE Runtime Options - for example AMODE24, how to trap ABENDS etc.
This mode applies to z/OS and z/VSE. See also COBOL Scenarios under z/OS | z/VSE | CICS ECI in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
(*) | See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files. |
In CICS, the RPC server sets up all your server's parameters
dynamically in the format required. Your server is called by EXEC CICS
. Within the DFHCOMMAREA, pointers are passed to a large
input/output buffer.
Use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with DFHCOMMAREA large buffer interface in the following situations:
You need to migrate COBOL programs implemented with webMethods WMTLSRVR interface to the CICS RPC server.
You require more than 31 KB of data to transfer to your server.
You cannot use the channel container calling convention because your IDL does not match the applicable rules; see CICS Channel Container IDL Rules under Using the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with Channel Container Calling Convention (z/OS). There are no IDL restrictions for this interface type - every IDL can be used.
You prefer this interface type rather than the channel container interface type.
You do not require a distributed program link (CICS DPL) to your server.
To use the COBOL Wrapper for CICS with large buffer interface
Generate the server (skeleton(s)) for the target operating system, for example "z/OS", and use interface type "CICS with DFHCOMMAREA large buffer interface". See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files.
The generated server mapping file has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server (z/OS | z/VSE) in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping and Aborting RPC Server Customer Code and Returning Error to RPC Client in the CICS RPC Server documentation.
Using the CICS translator for COBOL provided with your CICS installation and a COBOL compiler supported by the COBOL Wrapper, translate and compile your server.
Link (bind) the server to an executable program, using the standard
linker (binder) of the target platform. Give your server a CICS program name
that is the same as the program-name
in the IDL file (see program-definition
Provide your server(s) to the CICS RPC server.
Install your server(s) as separate CICS program(s).
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using the CICS RPC Server, before using your server(s), check if you need to alter
CICS settings - for example TWASIZE
; see CICS Settings in section Customizing the RPC Server under z/OS |
for z/OS additionally IBM LE Runtime Options - for example AMODE24, how to trap ABENDS etc.
This mode applies to z/OS, BS2000, z/VSE and IBM i. See also COBOL Scenarios (z/OS | BS2000 | z/VSE) in the Batch RPC Server documentation.
(*) | See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files. |
In batch mode, the RPC server sets up all of your server's parameters dynamically in the format required. Your server is called dynamically using standard call interfaces.
Use the COBOL Wrapper for batch to build servers for the Batch RPC server.
To use the COBOL Wrapper for batch
Generate a server (skeleton(s)) for the target operating system, for example "z/OS", and use interface type "Batch with standard linkage calling convention". See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files for details.
If a server mapping file is required, it has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server for z/OS (Batch, IMS) | BS2000 | z/VSE in the RPC server documentation.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping.
See Aborting RPC Server Customer Code and Returning Error to RPC Client in the Batch RPC Server documentation.
Consider multithreading issues:
Your server has to be implemented as an ILE COBOL program of type *PGM.
The RPC server is running in a multithreaded environment. Therefore your server must be thread-safe. This implies that all commands and subprograms accessed in your servers must allow multithreads.
Please note that some COBOL statements do not support
multithreads. Using statements that are not thread-safe (e.g. STOP
) can result in the RPC server ending abnormally. Therefore
the server programs have to be terminated with a thread-safe statement, for
. For details, see the IBM
documentation Language Restrictions under THREAD and Preparing ILE
COBOL Programs for Multithreading.
Use a COBOL compiler supported by the COBOL Wrapper to compile your server.
The IDL types U or UV require a compiler that supports COBOL data type NATIONAL. See BS2000 Prerequisites for more information on supported compilers.
Compile them as OM or LLM modules.
Use the IBM i command CRTCBLMOD
bound COBOL module).
As an alternative, you can compile and bind in one step, see the next step below.
Other Platforms
Use the standard COBOL compiler of the target platform.
Link (bind) your server to an executable program. Give the resulting
server program the same name as the program-name
in the IDL file.
See program-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
There is no need to link the server modules with the BS2000
Common Runtime Environment (CRTE). The CRTE is included in the server's BLSLIB
chain and loaded dynamically. If this is needed for any reason, the CRTE must
be linked as a subsystem. All entries must be hidden to prevent duplicates.
Linking the CRTE statically will consume resources and slow down the load time
of the server modules.
Bind it as a dynamically callable program of type *PGM using the
command CRTPGM
As an alternative to compiling with
(see step above) and binding with
separately, you can compile and bind in one
step with the command CRTBNDCBL
When linking/binding servers, the CRTPGM parameter
must be specified. This guarantees that
the server application runs in the same activation group as the calling RPC
Other Platforms
Use the standard linker (binder) of the target platform.
Provide your server to the Batch RPC Server.
Put the server into a library whose name corresponds to the
library name in the IDL file (see library-definition
If you put the server program into a library other than the
library name given in the IDL (e.g. MyLib), you must tell
this to the RPC server, using the server parameter
. In this case, the library name sent
with the client request is ignored.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC in the IDL library EXAMPLE, the remote RPC server will dynamically try to execute the ILE program CALC in the IBM i library EXAMPLE. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
Add the server to the Batch RPC Server STEPLIB chain.
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If neither a server-side nor client-side mapping file is used - for example it is not required or the
server is generated with a previous version of EntireX without support for
server mapping - the library name (see library-definition
given in the IDL is ignored.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC, the RPC server will dynamically try to execute a program CALC. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
This mode applies to z/OS IMS mode BMP. See also COBOL Scenarios in the IMS RPC Server documentation.
(*)See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files.
In IMS BMP, the IMS RPC server sets up all of your server's parameters dynamically in the format required. Your server is called dynamically using standard call interfaces. IMS-specific PCB pointers can be provided as parameters in the linkage section.
Use the COBOL Wrapper for IMS BMP if you need to
access IMS BMP programs with standard linkage calling convention
access IMS databases through IMS PCB pointers and to pass them via parameters in the linkage section
access the IMS PCB pointer IOPCB, for example to print data or to start an asynchronous transaction
use the COBOL/ DLI interface module "CBLTDLI" which requires PCB pointers in its interface.
If PCB pointers have to be provided as parameters in the COBOL linkage section of your server, your IDL must comply with the IMS PCB Pointer IDL rules listed below. If no PCB pointers are required, the rules can be skipped.
An IMS PSB list contains the PCB pointers of your environment:
The IMS PSB list is a text file and can be created with any text editor.
Only one PCB pointer is listed per line.
The PCB pointer IOPCB
is always the first pointer in
the IMS PSB list.
The PCB pointers (except IOPCB
) match the related PSB
generation for your server.
The PCB pointers listed match the PCB pointers provided at runtime
to the IMS RPC server (including IOPCB
) in number and
The IMS PSB list is assigned in the IDL properties, see Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files or IDL Generation Settings - Preferences. Example:
PCB pointers are described in the IDL as parameters. Thus they can be accessed in your server as any other parameter. Additionally, the following is required:
IDL parameters that are PCB pointers are marked with the attribute
(see attribute-list
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation).
IDL parameters that are PCB pointers must match a PCB pointer listed in the IMS PSB list, otherwise the IMS RPC server does not pass them as PCB pointers at runtime. This results in unexpected behavior. Example:
Library 'IMSDB' Is Program ' IMSDB' Is Define Data Parameter 1 IN-COMMAND (A3) IN /* ADD, DEL, DIS 1 IO-DATA IN OUT 2 IO-LAST-NAME (A10) 2 IO-FIRST-NAME (A10) 2 IO-EXTENSION (A10) 2 IO-ZIP-CODE (A07) 1 DBPCB IN IMS /* this is a PCB pointer 2 DBNAME (A8) 2 SEG-LEVEL-NO (A2) 2 DBSTATUS (A2) 2 FILLER1 (A20) 1 OUT-MESSAGE (A40) OUT End-Define
To use the COBOL Wrapper for IMS BMP
Generate the server (skeleton(s)) for the target operating system "z/OS", use interface type "IMS BMP with standard linkage calling convention". If PCB pointers should be provided as COBOL linkage section parameters for your server, set the IMS PSB list; otherwise omit the IMS PSB list. See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files.
If a server mapping file is required, it has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. You can use the IMS-specific PCB pointers in your server as usual. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping and Aborting RPC Server Customer Code and Returning Error to RPC Client in the IMS RPC Server documentation.
Using a COBOL compiler supported by the COBOL Wrapper, compile your server.
Link (bind) the server to an executable program, using the standard linker (binder) of the target program.
Give the resulting server program the same name as the program in
the IDL file (see program-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation).
Provide the server to the IMS RPC server.
Add the server to the IMS RPC server STEPLIB chain.
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If neither a server-side nor client-side mapping file is used - for example it is not required or the
server is generated with a previous version of EntireX without support for
server mapping - the library name (see library-definition
given in the IDL is ignored.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC, the RPC server will dynamically try to execute a program CALC. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
This mode applies to UNIX and Windows. See also Scenarios and Programmer Information in the Micro Focus RPC Server documentation.
(*) | See Target Operating System and Server Interface Types under Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files. |
The Micro Focus RPC server sets up all of your server's parameters dynamically in the format required. Your server is called dynamically using standard call interfaces.
Use the COBOL Wrapperfor Micro Focus to build servers for the Micro Focus RPC server.
To use the COBOL Wrapper for Micro Focus
Generate a server (skeleton(s)) for the target operating system, for example "Windows", and use interface type "Micro Focus with standard linkage calling convention". See Generating COBOL Source Files from Software AG IDL Files for details.
If a server mapping file is required, it has to be provided. A server mapping file is an EntireX Workbench file with extension .svm or .cvm. See Server Mapping Files for COBOL.
Server-side mapping files (.svm): Deploy these to the RPC server. See Deploying Server-side Mapping Files to the RPC Server.
Client-side mapping files (.cvm): These are wrapped into RPC clients and provided with the RPC request. You need to rebuild all RPC clients communicating with this RPC server program. Select the appropriate wrapper (see EntireX Wrappers in the EntireX Workbench documentation) and re-generate the client interface objects. For connections with the webMethods EntireX Adapter for Integration Server you need to update your Adapter connection. See Step 3: Select the Connection Type in the Integration Server Wrapper documentation.
See How to Set the Type of Server Mapping Files for how to define use of server-side or client-side mapping.
If necessary, use FTP to transfer the server (skeleton(s)) to the target platform where you write your server.
Import the modules into your Micro Focus IDE.
Use the generated server (skeleton(s)) and complete it by applying your application logic. Note the information given in Software AG IDL to COBOL Mapping.
Compile and - if the format requires it - link (bind) and package your server(s) to one of the following formats:
Micro Focus intermediate code (int) or generated code (gnt). These
formats can also be packaged into a Micro Focus library file (lbr). In this
case the program-name
(see program-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation) given in the IDL file must match
the library file name. The library-name
) given in the IDL file is ignored and
not used.
Under Windows to a DLL, and under UNIX to a shared library
(so/sl). The library-name
) given in the IDL file must match the
executables file name, and the program-name
(see program-definition
) given in the IDL file must match an
entry point.
Provide your server to the Micro Focus RPC server.
Make sure your server(s) are accessible by the Micro Focus RPC server:
under UNIX, for example with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable
under Windows, for example with the PATH
environment variable.
If you are using a server-side mapping file, a concatenation of the program-name
and the library-name
given in the IDL is used to locate the server mapping file. See program-definition
and library-definition
under Software AG IDL Grammar in the IDL Editor documentation.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC
and the IDL library EXAMPLE
, the RPC server will dynamically try to locate logically the server mapping file EXAMPLECALC
and execute the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If you are using a client-side mapping file, the server mapping is taken from the RPC request and the program with the COBOL name defined in the server mapping, is executed. See Customize Automatically Generated Server Names. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.
If neither a server-side nor client-side mapping file is used - for example it is not required or the
server is generated with a previous version of EntireX without support for
server mapping - the library name (see library-definition
given in the IDL is ignored.
Example: If a client performs an RPC request that is based on the IDL program name CALC, the RPC server will dynamically try to execute a program CALC. If no corresponding program can be found, the access will fail.