Scope of the EntireX Workbench

The EntireX Workbench Plug-ins consist of the following components

See also Installing the EntireX Workbench Plug-ins in Standalone Mode. These sections are applicable if you want to install the Workbench plug-ins in standalone mode, that is, not as part of the full webMethods EntireX installation.

Workbench Editors

IDL Editor

A Software AG IDL file contains definitions of the interface between client and server. The IDL file is used by Software AG wrappers to generate RPC clients, RPC servers and tester etc. on the basis of these definitions. The IDL file can be edited by the IDL Editor provided by plug-ins for Eclipse. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Merging and Refactoring Software AG IDL

IDL refactoring is a process that checks all programs and structures in a single library if they contain identical groups. All identical groups are extracted in a single structure in the same library, and replaced with a structure reference. If a structure exists that is identical to the structure to be created, all references will point to the existing structure and a new one will not be created. Two groups are identical if each group has the same number and order of parameters, and each parameter in one group has the same name and the same type as the corresponding parameter in the other group. IDL refactoring can be performed on single or multiple IDL files. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

XML Mapping Editor

The EntireX XML Mapping Editor allows you to map XML document structures to IDL libraries, programs and parameters. The mappings can be defined for the request and response to the server application, or from the server to the client. The input for the XML Mapping Editor can be a Software AG IDL file and/or an IDL-XML mapping file (perhaps produced by a previous XML Mapping Editor session or by importing a WSDL file, XML Document or XML Schema). The output is an IDL-XML mapping file, other XML structure definitions (such as sample XML files), and perhaps a created or changed IDL file. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

EntireX Wrappers

In EntireX terms, a wrapper is a tool contained in the EntireX Workbench to generate interface objects based on a Software AG IDL file and additional wrapping properties. The following wrappers are provided:

COBOL Wrapper

EntireX COBOL Wrapper provides access to RPC-based components from COBOL applications. It enables you to develop both client and server applications. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

C Wrapper

EntireX C Wrapper provides access to RPC-based components from C applications. It enables you to develop both client and server applications. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Custom Wrappers

The EntireX Custom Wrappers are user-configurable, template-based wrappers and need a Software AG IDL file, a template (e.g., client or server) and the Software AG IDL Compiler. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

DCOM Wrapper

The EntireX DCOM Wrapper generates DCOM-enabled components using RPC technology. This so-called "wrapping" makes it possible to treat existing applications as ActiveX components. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

.NET Wrapper

The EntireX .NET Wrapper provides access to RPC servers for .NET client applications and access to .NET servers for any RPC client. The .NET Wrapper generation tools of the Workbench take as input a Software AG IDL file, which describes the interface of the RPC, and generates C# classes that implement the methods and data types of the interface. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Java Wrapper

The EntireX Java Wrapper provides access to EntireX RPC-based components from Java applications. With EntireX Java RPC you can develop both client and server applications written in Java. Java applets can also be used as EntireX RPC clients. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Java Wrapper for Natural

The EntireX Java Wrapper for Natural allows you to generate EntireX Java client interface objects from Natural subprograms in a NaturalONE project in Eclipse. The generated Java client interface objects can be used by Java application developers to access Natural server components, using EntireX/Natural RPC. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Natural Wrapper

The Natural Wrapper allows you to develop Natural client applications that access RPC-based server components, and to create Natural RPC server skeletons you can use as a basis to write a Natural RPC server that can be accessed by RPC clients. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

PL/I Wrapper

The EntireX PL/I Wrapper provides access to RPC-based components from PL/I applications. It enables you to develop both client and server applications. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Integration Server Wrapper

The webMethods Integration Server Wrapper generates Integration Server adapter services and listeners from a Software AG IDL file within an Integration Server connection definition. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Web Services Wrapper

The EntireX Web Services Wrapper is a wizard that generates and optionally deploys Web services (EntireX Workbench file with extension .aar) to offer an RPC server - for example a COBOL or Natural RPC server - as a Web service. The generated XML/SOAP mapping file (EntireX Workbench file with extension .xmm) can also be used to enable RPC clients - for example a COBOL or Natural client - consuming (or calling) a Web service. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Web Services Wrapper for Natural

The EntireX Web Services Wrapper for Natural allows you to develop Web Services that access Natural server components, using EntireX/Natural RPC. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

XML/SOAP Wrapper

The EntireX XML/SOAP Wrapper enables XML-based communication to EntireX/Natural RPC servers and communication from EntireX/Natural RPC clients to XML-based servers. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Software AG IDL Extractors

An extractor is a tool contained in the EntireX Workbench to extract a Software AG IDL file. The following extractors are provided:

IDL Extractor for COBOL

The Software AG IDL Extractor for COBOL enables you to extract the interface of a COBOL server and transforms it into a Software AG IDL and a Software AG server mapping file. Both files are required to provide access for any RPC client to the COBOL server. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for Natural

The Software AG IDL Extractor for Natural extracts a Software AG IDL definition from a Natural source in a Natural project in Eclipse, or from an object within a Natural RPC environment. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for PL/I

The Software AG IDL Extractor for PL/I extracts a Software AG IDL file from a PL/I source. The PL/I source can be located in the file system or accessed remotely within a PL/I RPC environment definition. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for Integration Server

The Software AG IDL Extractor for webMethods Integration Server is a wizard that reads a package from the Integration Server and generates a Software AG IDL file from all the existing services and nodes. Each service results in a program in the IDL file. All parameters of the services are mapped to an IDL alphanumeric data type, available as variable (AV) or fixed (An) length. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for XML Document

The Software AG IDL Extractor for XML Document generates an IDL File and a related XML mapping file (XMM) from a given XML document. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for XML Schema

The Software AG IDL Extractor for XML Schema generates an IDL File and a related XML mapping file (XMM) from given XML schema files. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

IDL Extractor for WSDL

The Software AG IDL Extractor for WSDL is a wizard that generates Web service client artifacts from a WSDL file. With these artifacts, EntireX RPC client applications can access external Web services. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Other Components

UDDI Registration

EntireX UDDI Registration is a tool with which you can register a Web service with any UDDI registry for which you have an account. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

CentraSite Integration

Web services created with EntireX can be published to CentraSite. CentraSite offers enhanced registry functionality, and also repository functionality that enables you to store Web services artifacts and register interdependencies for impact analysis. graphics/toc_closed.png More info

Default Broker View

The EntireX Default Broker View is part of the EntireX Workbench. It displays the status of the EntireX Default Broker and the active RPC Services registered to it. graphics/toc_closed.png More info