Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing the User Interface : Locale Administration
Locale Administration
My webMethods Server uses several decision points to determine the locale for a user, in this order:
1. The locale preference of the user, if specified in the User Profile. For more information, see User Information.
2. The Locale Rules. For more information, see Creating Locale Rules
3. The browser locale preference.
4. The system locale of the computer where the server is running, which is the default.
The Locale Administration page allows you to set the default locale rules for My webMethods Server when they are not determined by other rules, as described in Creating Locale Rules.
If you want to run My webMethods Server as a daemon service in a Linux environment, in the Software AG_directory /profiles/MWS_instanceName/bin/sagmws_version script file, set the locale in the LANG variable, for example: export LANG=es_ES.UTF-8.
To set the default My webMethods Server locale rule
1. As system administrator: Administration > User Interface > Locale Administration.
2. From the Locale list, choose the locale to be used as the default rule for My webMethods Server.
3. Click Apply.
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