Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing Users and Groups : Managing Users : User Information
User Information
The following table lists the information that My webMethods Server maintains for a user. In the table, the Panel column identifies the panel on the Edit User page where the field is maintained.
The order of panels on the Edit User page differs between administrator and system administrator. Additionally, the Calendar, LDAP Attributes, and Database Attributes panels are only provided on the administrator Edit User page.
User Information
Attributes that you specify when you add a user to the internal system directory service. This panel is not editable for users in an external directory service.
This panel is part of the user’s profile, and users can update some of the fields; that is users can update the password and email address.
User ID
The user ID that a user supplies to log into My webMethods. The user ID is defined when the user is added and cannot be changed.
The password the user must supply to log into My webMethods. My webMethods Server masks this field when it is displayed in the user interface.
If you want to change the user’s password, update the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Confirm Password
The same as the Password field.
First Name
The first name of the user.
Do not use special characters such as <, >, ', ", and &.
Last Name
The last name of the user.
Do not use special characters such as <, >, ', ", and &.
E-mail Address
An optional email address for the user that My webMethods Server can use when it needs to send a notification to the user via an email message.
Do not use special characters such as <, >, ', ", and &.
Login Disabled
The user is not allowed to log in. This option applies only to users in the internal system directory.
Distinguished Name (DN)
The distinguished name for the user. You cannot update this field. My webMethods Server forms this field using information defined for the user.
User Profile
Attributes that My webMethods Server maintains regardless of the directory service the user is a member of.
Values in this panel that relate to a locale, and which display as Default, do not represent the user’s default locale. Rather, they represent a null value.
First Name
The first name of the user from the User Information panel. You cannot edit this field on the User Profile panel. To change the first name, edit the value on the User Information panel.
Last Name
The last name of the user from the User Information panel. You cannot edit this field on the User Profile panel. To change the last name, edit the value on the User Information panel.
Middle Name
The user’s middle name.
The user’s title, for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. If the title you want to use does not appear in the list, select Other. My webMethods Server prompts you for the title you want to use.
Name Suffix
The suffix that should appear after the user’s name, if any, for example, Jr., Sr., PhD, III. If the suffix you want to use does not appear in the list, select Other. My webMethods Server prompts you for the suffix you want to use.
Preferred Language/Locale
The user’s language and locale.
Address 1 Address 2
The street address for the user.
Custom Address
(Optional) Additional information that is needed when more than a postal code is required for the user’s address, for example, special instructions.
The city where the user is located.
The state or province where the user is located.
Postal Code
The postal code for the user, for example, a ZIP Code if the user is located in the United States.
Country/Region ID
The country where the user is located.
Phone 1 Area Code
The user’s area code.
Phone 1 Number
The user’s phone number.
Phone 1 Extension
The extension at which the user can be reached, if any.
Phone 1 Country Code
The country code associated with the user’s phone number.
Default Date Format
The date format that My webMethods uses when displaying dates. For more information about date formats, see the Javadoc for SimpleDateFormat.
Default Time Format
The time format that My webMethods uses when displaying times. For more information about time formats, see the Javadoc for SimpleDateFormat.
Default Time Zone
The time zone that My webMethods uses when displaying times.
Default Number Format
The format that My webMethods uses when displaying numbers. For more information about number formats, see the Javadoc for DecimalDateFormat.
Default Currency Format
The format that My webMethods uses when displaying currency. For more information about currency formats, see the Javadoc for DecimalDateFormat.
User Preferences
User preferences for the display of information in My webMethods.
This panel is part of the user’s profile, and as a result, users can update these fields from their profiles. For more information, see Working with My webMethods.
Start Page
Provides the ability to specify one of the following as a start page.
*Application Page. Specifies an application page to open as a start page.
*Workspace. Specifies a workspace to open as a start page.
*Clear. Restores default start page settings.
Items Per Page
The number of items to display on one page when My webMethods Server displays items in a table for this user. If the number of items to display exceeds the number you specify for Items Per Page, the user can navigate to subsequent pages to view the remaining items.
Close Open Tabs on Login
You can select the check box to cause all previously open tabs in the last user session to automatically be closed upon login.
Open Last Active Tab on Login
You can select the check box to open the last active tab after the user logs in.
Show Delete Workspace Confirmation
You can select the check box to display a confirmation dialog box when a user deletes a workspace.
Show Delete Window Confirmation
When you delete a window from a workspace, this preference indicates whether you want My webMethods to prompt you to confirm the action. When this check box is cleared and you delete a window from a workspace, My webMethods immediately deletes the window without asking for confirmation.
Show Close All Tabs Confirmation
You can select the check box to display a confirmation dialog box when a user closes all of the tabs.
Auto-Save when Navigating to a Different Workspace
You can select the check box to automatically save a workspace before you navigate to a different workspace.
Roles to which a user is assigned and the dynamic attributes associated with each role. For more information about:
*Defining dynamic attributes and setting their values, see Defining Dynamic Attributes Associated with a Role.
If a user is assigned to dynamic roles, the list of roles might not always be completely accurate. My webMethods Server determines the roles to which a user belongs when a user logs into the system. If a characteristic of a user changes that would make the user ineligible to be a member of the role, the system will continue to consider the user a member of the role until the next login when the system determines the user’s roles for the session.
Role Precedence
A list of roles to which the user is assigned. The roles are listed in precedence order.
To reorder the roles, move them up or down as needed.
Role Member Attributes
A list of dynamic attributes associated with the selected role. Dynamic attributes provide more information about a role. For example, if there is a “Customer Service” role, you might add a “Location” attribute to identify where the user assigned to the “Customer Service” role is located. For each attribute, the following information is listed:
*Attribute, which is the display name specified when the attribute is added to the role.
*Data Type, which is the data type of the attribute.
*Role Value, which is the default value for the attribute. All users are assigned this value unless specifically overridden by a user-specific value. For more information about setting the default value, see Defining Dynamic Attributes Associated with a Role.
*User Value which the user-specific value for the attribute. For more information about setting a user-specific value, see Setting User-Specific Values for Dynamic Attributes.
A calendar for business or personal use.
For information about creating and managing user and business calendars, see webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
User Business Calendar
Provides a calendar to be used as a business calendar.
User Personal Calendar
Provides a calendar to be used as a personal calendar.
LDAP Attributes
If the user is defined in an external directory service, this panel lists a set of attributes from the external directory service. The fields on this panel are based on the external directory service. LDAP attributes must be set by the system administrator. See Exposing LDAP Attributes from an External Directory Service.
Database Attributes
If the user is defined in an external database directory service, this panel lists a set of attributes from the external database directory service. The fields on this panel are based on the external database directory service. Database attributes must be set by the system administrator; see Exposing Database Attributes from an External Directory Service.
Groups to which the user belongs.
Identifies where My webMethods Server obtains the items it displays in the left panel of Group Membership field.
Group Membership
The left panel lists the items available to select.
Selected Items
The right panel, Selected Items, lists the groups to which the user is assigned, if any.
You can use the Search field to help you search for and quickly locate an item in the Group Membership left panel. This is useful when the left panel contains more items than will display on a single page.
Values in this panel that relate to a locale, and which display as Default, do not represent the user’s default locale. Rather, they represent a null value.
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