Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Introduction : Tab-by-Tab Overview
Tab-by-Tab Overview
This document provides a high level overview of Enterprise Manager functionality on a tab by tab basis, for each of the following node types (as displayed in Enterprise Manager's left hand pane).
*Universal Messaging Enterprise
*Realm Nodes
*Container (Folder) Nodes
*Channel Nodes
*Queue Nodes
Universal Messaging Enterprise View
Highlighting the Universal Messaging Enterprise node in the tree provides an Enterprise Summary view of all realms to which Enterprise Manager is connected, and includes information such the total number of realms, clusters, channels, queues, events published and received, and more.
Realm Nodes
Highlighting a Realm Node in the navigation tree in the left hand panel will bring up a context-sensitive set of tabs in the right hand panel:
*Status Tab
Provides a snapshot and historical view of statistics such as the number of events published or consumed, numbers of connections, and memory usage.
*Monitoring Tab
A container for multiple panels that enable you to view live information on the selected realm:
Provides a rolling view of Universal Messaging Logs and Plugin Logs including Access and Error logs.
Provides a list of all current connections to the realm, along with details such as protocol, user, and host. Allows connections to be "bounced" (forcing them to reconnect).
Provides details such as the number of idle and active threads per thread pool, task queue size per thread pool and a total number of executed tasks for the respective thread pool. It also provides details of scheduled operations each task has within the system.
A "Unix top"-like view of realm memory usage, JVM GC stats, channel and connection usage.
Displays the contents of the remote audit file and receives real time updates as and when audit events are generated.
*ACL Tab
Displays the realm ACL and the list of subjects and their associated permissions for the realm. Permits editing of ACLs.
*Comms Tab
Provides access to management tools for TCP interfaces, IP Multicast and Shared Memory communication methods:
Management of TCP Interfaces (creation, deletion, starting/stopping) as well as configuration of advanced interface properties.
Management of IP Multicast Configurations (creation/deletion) and advanced configuration tuning.
*Shared Memory
*Realms Tab
Provides a summary of memory, event and interface information for each realm to which Enterprise Manager is connected.
*Config Tab
Manage the settings for many groups of advanced realm configuration parameters.
*Scheduler Tab
Permits the user to view, add, delete and edit scheduler scripts.
Enables the creation of references to JMS TopicConnectionFactory and QueueConnectionFactory, as well as references to Topics and Queues.
Container (Folder) Nodes
*Totals Tab
Provides status information for resources and services contained within the selected container branch of the namespace tree.
*Monitor Tab
A "Unix top"-like view of the usage of Channels or Queues found within the container node.
Channel Nodes
Highlighting a Channel Node in the navigation tree in the left hand panel will bring up a context-sensitive set of tabs in the right hand panel:
*Status Tab
Provides a snapshot and historical view of statistics such as the number of events published or consumed, rates, and event storage usage.
*Joins Tab
Permits the user to view, add, delete and edit joins between Channels.
*ACL Tab
Permits the user to add, remove or modify entries within the Channel ACL.
*Named Objects
Enables the viewing and deletion of named objects (which provide state information for durable consumers for the channel.
*Snoop Tab
Permits snooping of events on the Channel
Enables the creation of references to JMS TopicConnectionFactory and QueueConnectionFactory, as well as references to Topics and Queues.
Queue Nodes
Highlighting a Queue Node in the navigation tree in the left hand panel will bring up a context-sensitive set of tabs in the right hand panel:
*Status Tab
Provides a snapshot and historical view of statistics such as the number of events published or consumed, rates, and event storage usage.
*Joins Tab
Permits the user to view, add, delete and edit joins from any Channels to this Queue.
*ACL Tab
Permits the user to add, remove or modify entries within the Queue ACL.
*Snoop Tab
Permits snooping (a non-destructive read) of events on the Queue.
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