Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server and HTTPS : Using My webMethods Server as an HTTPS Client : Certificates Used for Secure Connections : Generating an Encrypted Password
Generating an Encrypted Password
When replacing keystores, you must provide an encrypted password. Use the following procedure to generate the password, and then copy and paste it into the appropriate location in the custom_wrapper.conf file.
This procedure requires the installation of a Java Development Kit (JDK), preferably Java 7 or later. If the installed Java package is not included in your PATH environment variable, you must run the command from the \bin directory of your Java installation.
To generate an encrypted password
1. Open a command prompt window in the Software AG_directory installation directory.
2. Run the following command:
*On Windows:
java -cp “Software AG directory\common\lib\wm-caf-common.jar;
Software AG directory\common\lib\ext\log4j.jar”
com.webmethods.caf.common.CipherUtil password_to_encrypt
java -cp “Software AG directory/common/lib/wm-caf-common.jar:
Software AG directory/common/lib/ext/log4j.jar”
com.webmethods.caf.common.CipherUtil password_to_encrypt
The command returns an encrypted version of the specified password.
3. Copy the encrypted password and paste it into the appropriate location in the custom_wrapper.conf file.
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