Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server and HTTPS : Using My webMethods Server as an HTTPS Client : Certificates Used for Secure Connections
Certificates Used for Secure Connections
Replacing Keystores
Generating an Encrypted Password
My webMethods Server includes two default keystores you can use to set up and test your HTTPS listener:
*A keystore, which contains a key pair used to set up encrypted connections between client and server. The default keystore file is localhost.p12, which contains a demonstration certificate and a private key for the Jetty SSL server used by My webMethods Server.
*A truststore, which contains trusted digital certificates from a certification authority (CA). The default truststore file sagdemoca.jks contains a Software AG CA certificate that allows one instance of My webMethods Server to trust SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections from another instance, or from other webMethods products.
My webMethods Server stores these keystores at this location for each server instance:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\serverName\config\security\
For production environments, you can use certificates from a commercial authority such as Verisign or use an internal authority.
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