Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server Configuration : Modifying JMS Properties : Custom JMS Properties for My webMethods Server
Custom JMS Properties for My webMethods Server
You must use the following property syntax for the custom JMS properties for My webMethods Server included in the custom_wrapper.conf file:
where n is the subsequent number of the property in the custom_wrapper.conf file. For example:
The following table lists the JMS properties that you can customize:

The amount of time in milliseconds between updates to the JMS connection timestamp. The timestamp is used to determine if a connection is still alive and prevent the buildup of events for failed connections, for example, when the VM is not shut down gracefully. The default value is 60 000 (one minute).

The number of new events to read from the database with a single read operation. The default value is 10.
Increasing this number increases the risk of database deadlocks.

The amount of time in milliseconds at which the JMS server polls the database for new events. If you decrease the default value, JMS events across a cluster are picked up faster, for example for cache invalidations. A lower value also increases the load to the database because polling occurs more often. The default values are:
*2000 for My webMethods Server (two seconds).
*30000 for Common Directory Services (CDS) running under Integration Server (30 seconds). Integration Server uses My webMethods Server JMS events to ensure CDS caches are up to date.

The age in seconds at which JMS events are deleted from the JMS database, even if undelivered. Use this property to keep the T_JMS_EVENTS and T_JMS_QUEUE tables in the database at a manageable size. The default value is 3 600 (one hour).

The amount of time in seconds between deleting JMS events. Events are deleted when they reach the age set with the db.jms.purge.event.age property. The default value is 60 (one minute).

The amount of time in milliseconds for which the JMS event purge thread remains idle between deleting events. This property helps to ensure that the thread does not overwhelm the database server, or completely lock out the JMS tables where events are inserted concurrently. You can decrease this value if the purge thread does not keep up with events coming in. The default value is 20. time
The amount of time in milliseconds for which the system will wait before retrying if event delivery to the JMS fails. Use this property to overcome database connection drops due to network or RDBMS problems. The default value is 10000 (ten seconds). capacity
The maximum number of events in the in-memory buffers for JMS inbound and outbound queues. The outbound buffer stores events to be published to JMS. The inbound buffer stores events received by JMS and waiting to be processed by the registered listeners. Buffers mitigate spikes in JMS events, for example, when many objects are updated in a short period of time. The default value is 10,000.
Reaching the maximum capacity of a buffer results in a RejectedExecutionException error. If this happens, you can increase the default maximum value. Investigate the cause before changing the default, as it may indicate a deadlock in event listener code that prevents events from being properly drained from the queues.

Enables the batching of events for JMS topics. When batching is enabled, the server queues together the events published to a JMS topic, instead of immediately writing each event to the database. This reduces the number of database transactions, but slightly increases the time after which a single JMS topic event is delivered to a listener. Valid values are:
*true - batching is enabled.
*false - batching is disabled.
The default value is true.

The maximum number of JMS topic events that are written to the database with a single write operation. When reached, all events are committed to the database in a single transaction. The default value is 50.

db.jms.topic.queue.max.wait. time
The maximum amount of time in milliseconds for which the JMS waits for a batch of events to queue. If during this time no new events are added to the batch, all events are committed to the database in a single transaction. The default value is 200.

Enables or disables the use of compression when serializing JMS events into the database. Enable this property if you need the database server to store less data, for example when the database server is IO bound. Enabling the property results in additional CPU cost for the server to compress event bodies. Valid values are:
*true - compression is enabled.
*false - compression is disabled.
The default value is false.
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