Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server Configuration : Modifying JMS Properties
Modifying JMS Properties
Custom JMS Properties for My webMethods Server
You can edit the custom_wrapper.conf file to modify the JMS properties and change the default behavior of My webMethods Server. For more information about the custom_wrapper.conf file, see The Java Service Wrapper.
To modify JMS properties for My webMethods Server:
1. Shut down My webMethods Server.
2. Open the custom_wrapper.conf file in a text editor.
You can find the file at the following location:
Software AG_directory \profiles\MWS_serverName\configuration
3. In the custom_wrapper.conf file, add or change the values of the required JMS properties.
For more information about available JMS properties, see Custom JMS Properties for My webMethods Server .
4. Save the file and restart My webMethods Server.
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